Everything service not starting after manual termination

Discussion related to "Everything" 1.5 Alpha.
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Everything service not starting after manual termination

Post by cbear92 »

Sorry for the poor title, wasn't sure how best to word the bug.

When I stop the service in order to change something in the ini file (alpha_instance = 0), then I cannot run everything again. The service starts, and the gui appears briefly (maybe 0.5 seconds) before closing, and the tray icon does the same. It is running in task manager, but consuming 0% memory.

I have tried restarting the PC, changing back the value in the ini file, and hunting through the ini files to see what's up. The only thing that has fixed this is to uninstall and reinstall the instance. Which is not ideal as it then re-indexing all my local files.

Using the latest alpha
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Re: Everything service not starting after manual termination

Post by void »

There are two Everything.exe processes.

1) The Everything Search Client
2) The Everything Service

The Everything Service will only use about 1MB of ram and no CPU.
The Everything Service simply allows the Everything Search Client to index and monitor your NTFS volumes.

Only the The Everything Search Client process needs to be stopped before changing your Everything.ini
This can be done from Everything -> File -> Exit

The Everything Service does not need to be stopped to change your Everything.ini

The Everything.db might be in a bad state.
Please try deleting your Everything.db in %LOCALAPPDATA%\Everything before starting Everything.

Please let me know if the issue persists.
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Re: Everything service not starting after manual termination

Post by cbear92 »

Yeah that did the trick. I wonder why closing the service down is corrupting the DB?
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Re: Everything service not starting after manual termination

Post by void »

Thank you for your reply cbear92,

I'm looking into the issue.
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Re: Everything service not starting after manual termination

Post by cbear92 »

Hi, I noticed that this problem happens whenever the PC is restarted as well (which makes sense obviously as that restarts the service).

I have been deleting my db file and reindexing every time. However if I delete it, then start up everything, then simply add the same db file back in again and it is still fine. So it doesn't appear to be corrupting the file in any case. Unfortunately as the steps to reproduce require the closing of the service, the debugging log doesn't help.
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Re: Everything service not starting after manual termination

Post by cbear92 »

You can ignore my last reply. Putting the file back did not in fact fix it. I think it just reindexed everything again and overwrote the db file. I might try rolling back to a previous version of the alpha.
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Re: Everything service not starting after manual termination

Post by void »

Everything will overwrite the Everything.db

Could you please send your %APPDATA%\Everything\Everything.ini to support@voidtools.com for further testing on my end.
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Re: Everything service not starting after manual termination

Post by void »

Thank you for the Everything.ini cbear92,

Everything fixes an issue with indexing the following properties:
  • First 256 bytes
  • First 512 bytes
  • Last 256 bytes
  • Last 512 bytes
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