system hangs when launching everything if host-vm-shared-dir

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system hangs when launching everything if host-vm-shared-dir

Post by zhazha »

Everything V1.3.4.686 (x86) on win xp sp3,
vmware workstation 9.0.4, runing a virtual machine win xp sp3 with vmware tools installed, and there is a shared directory between host and virtual machine

"Everything" worked really fine on my winxp for a few years no matter if there was a virtual machine runing or not.

But something goes wrong now, I guess that's because I'm using the shared directory between vm and host.
Start a vm(winxp) with a shared directory between the vm(winxp) and the host(winxp), then if I launch the "everything", the system will hang for a long time, and I have to try to kill it.
"hang" means I could switch between different app ( all the apps could redraw correctly, except the everything ), but usually they don't accept any input. And sometimes I could type in some command such as "pskill everything", then it could returns nothing at all, or kill it finally after 20, 30 seconds, or even return a "Process everything killed" but in fact the everything process is still runing.

And just now I pressed the power button because I have waited for more than one minute...

Best regards,

ps. I didn't find any error log or something like that in everything dir.

ps again. a little bit correction: System didn't hang always on this host-vm-shared-dir machine. Sometimes it took "everything" around 10 or 20 seconds to reindex and then "everything" began to work fine.
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