SearchEverything and W7

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SearchEverything and W7

Post by aussieboykie »

I have been participating in discussion on a long thread about SearchEverything on the Directory Opus resource centre. I have SearchEverything working perfectly in a 32-bit XP virtual machine but can't get it going on a variety of 64-bit real and virtual W7 systems. A recent post by @onedot3 confirms that he has succeeded where I have failed. Is there any way for me to debug this - e.g. some sort of error logging/tracking that I can enable.

Regards, AB
Posts: 35
Joined: Sun Mar 08, 2015 11:05 pm

Re: SearchEverything and W7

Post by aussieboykie »

It seems I need to enable Run as administrator for SearchEverything to work in W7. I had not switched this option on on the assumption that it was not needed when using the Everything Service option, and it is apparently not needed on XP as SearchEverything works without it.
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Regards, AB
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