Why is the Everything Database in AppData\Roaming

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Why is the Everything Database in AppData\Roaming

Post by jeroenp »

In a corporate environment where Roaming profiles actually roam, it is very inconvenient that Everything stores all the data in %APPDATA% (...\AppData\Roaming):

1. it (potantially) takes up a lot of a lot of space in the roaming profile
2. the database needs to be refreshed on each workstation you roam to

It makes much more sense to keep machine specific settings in %LOCALAPPDATA% (...\AppData\Local)

So please do not use %APPDATA% but in %LOCALAPPDATA%:


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Re: Why is the Everything Database in AppData\Roaming

Post by void »

Thanks for bringing this to my attention.

I will look into using %LOCALAPPDATA% by default for the database location.

For now, please set your database location to:

Code: Select all

in Tools -> Options -> Indexes -> Database location.
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