Possible to generate filelists outside Everything?

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Possible to generate filelists outside Everything?

Post by EricB »


I own a Synology NAS which is indexed (as a set of folders) by Everything. Problem is that the indexing is painstakingly slow and after starting Everything it takes 15+ minutes or more before the indexing is ready. I figured that using a filelist would solve this, since it is plainly included without actually accessing the resource itself. If Everything is used to generate those filelists, the same problem arises: it takes ages before the filelist is generated (WIFI connection, Samba speed etc), and if I want to see the newest files on the NAS the generation process should be done regularly.
Since the NAS is on most of the time, the nicest solution would be if the NAS itself would generate those filelists using a script, preferably scheduled. I've seen the specs for filelists, but I've got no clue on how to implement filetime or attribute in such a list.

I'd like to know if my proposed strategy is feasible at all and if so, if someone knows how to actually do this ;-) I'm not much of a scripter/programmer myself.

Regards, EricB
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Re: Possible to generate filelists outside Everything?

Post by void »

There is a command line option -create-filelist to build a file list with your Everything.exe.

Run Everything.exe with the -create-filelist <out.efu> <path>
For example, create a file list called c:\servershare.efu of \\server\share
Everything.exe -create-filelist c:\servershare.efu "\\server\share"

You could create a scheduled task to run this command at any time.

The Everything 1.4 beta has an option to monitor changes to filelists and reload them if they are modified.
Posts: 53
Joined: Wed Jun 26, 2013 8:56 am

Re: Possible to generate filelists outside Everything?

Post by EricB »

Hi David,

Yes, I know about the -create-filelist option. The problem is that it is so slow over the network. Moreover, the NAS is also not state-of-the art and access is sometimes sluggish. If the NAS itself could generate filelists, that would exclude any network traffic (which seems to be be the main bottleneck). Therefore my initial question.

Regards, EricB
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