Create filter 'folder has been changed in the last 120 seconds'

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Create filter 'folder has been changed in the last 120 seconds'

Post by Tonnie123 »


I have the following situation:

- Other computers (xp) connected, smb1-protocol,
- Have .job-folders,
- Whithin .bhl-subfolders,
- In this subfolder are text-files. These are text-files for storage data. When a test is running, each 30 seconds an extra rule of text will be added to one of the files (and file gets more bits).

I notice voidtools shows the accurate modified-time of these text-files (real-time, that's great anyway!)

Enabled: index folder-size.

These filters are running:
- show only .job-folders
- folders: size:>=1 (sometimes we have empty folders)

Now I would like to develop a filter which sais: show only folders when content in this folder has been changed in the last 120 seconds (so when test is running).

Could it be possible to create a filter like this?
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Re: Create filter 'folder has been changed in the last 120 seconds'

Post by void »

Please try searching for folders with a date modified time in the last 120 seconds:
folder: dm:last120seconds

Note: Using last120seconds as a datetime will specify a range from the time of the query minus 120 seconds until the end of time.
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Re: Create filter 'folder has been changed in the last 120 seconds'

Post by Tonnie123 »


I tried this with text-files, there it is succesfull:


But with foldres it is not working, because it shows a different modified time compared with the time modified of text-file.

For example:
now the time is: 10:14
modified time text-file: 10:14
modified time folder: 8:52 (this is the time a new text-file has been made, but not the time the text-file has been modified)
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Re: Create filter 'folder has been changed in the last 120 seconds'

Post by Tonnie123 »

extra info, what I noticed:

the .bhl-subfolders (in which the text-files are standing) do show the good modified time,
but the .job-folders not (with those folders I need the right modified time)
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Re: Create filter 'folder has been changed in the last 120 seconds'

Post by void »

Everything gets the file/folder modified date from the MFT. It is most likely Windows not updating this for you. Windows only likes to update this every hour or so.

I'll consider adding a search function dmchild: similar to child: that will search for folders with a child file matching the date modified.
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Re: Create filter 'folder has been changed in the last 120 seconds'

Post by Tonnie123 »

Would be great, thx for think about this issue.

Maybe the old XP is the bottleneck (why it is not changing the modified time)

In meantime I found out I can use this: use that filter applied to the sub-folder. So in this way I am helped with this issue.

Now I see we have another problem: not all computers have the same time, so they are not creating the same modified time.

Is there a search-function with journal or something, which monitors change in size (or modified time)? For example 'only show those files or folders which size or modified time have not been changed for the last 30 minutes'..?
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Re: Create filter 'folder has been changed in the last 120 seconds'

Post by void »

Everything does have a Recent Change (RC) system which keeps a list of changes to the Everything database.
You can search for recent changes with the rc: search function, for example:

However, this is probably not what you want as any change to a file will add it to the recent change list, such as renaming a file.

I've added dmchild: for the next version of Everything.
For now, I would recommend searching with dm: and working out the folders manually from the file's path.
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Re: Create filter 'folder has been changed in the last 120 seconds'

Post by Tonnie123 »

Thanks for the suggestion of rc..

I'm looking for the next update.

Thanks again!
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Re: Create filter 'folder has been changed in the last 120 seconds'

Post by Tonnie123 »

Hi, actually the rc-function is very interesting for us!


We have computer (windows 7) on which voidsearch is running, and it has the right sommer- and wintertime. The computers they will have been searched (XP) do have only one time (only wintertime). That time can not be switched, because of otherwise disturbing the tests.

So that's why we can not use search-commands like dm:last30minutes (when there is a difference in time for one hour, when summertime actual).

That is the reason we would like to use rc-command.

I noticed (if I noticed right) rc does not look at folder-change of modified time or at folder-change of size (in case a text-file in this folder is increasing size)..

Is it possible / can you make it also possible the rc-function looks also for folder-modified time and for folder-change of size?

And is it possible / can you make it also possible to add child-funtion (recent change of time of child-folder) to the rc-function?
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Re: Create filter 'folder has been changed in the last 120 seconds'

Post by void »

I noticed (if I noticed right) rc does not look at folder-change of modified time or at folder-change of size (in case a text-file in this folder is increasing size)..
rc: datetimes come from the USN Journal time stamp for NTFS volumes.
For Folder indexes, rc: uses the current system time on the local PC.
Is it possible / can you make it also possible the rc-function looks also for folder-modified time and for folder-change of size?
This is just a simple switch (currently hard coded to off), I'll consider an option to enable it.
Since folder and file results are mixed I have this disabled to prevent folders from overpopulating the results.
And is it possible / can you make it also possible to add child-funtion (recent change of time of child-folder) to the rc-function?
Added to my TODO list, I also have on my TODO list: child-dc: for date created, child-file-dm: for child files only (not child folders), child-folder-dm: for child folders only.

Thanks for the suggestion.
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Re: Create filter 'folder has been changed in the last 120 seconds'

Post by Tonnie123 »

Hello Void,

I installed in the meantime version 928 of search, I was looking for changes in the program, I did not found them (maybe I did not look good..)

Earlier I asked:
"Is it possible / can you make it also possible the rc-function looks also for folder-modified time and for folder-change of size?

Your answer:
"This is just a simple switch (currently hard coded to off), I'll consider an option to enable it."

Is it possible you give me a tool to enable that function (actually only for the rc-function which looks at folder-change of size)?

Also you said:
"Added to my TODO list, I also have on my TODO list: child-dc: for date created, child-file-dm: for child files only (not child folders), child-folder-dm: for child folders only."

Can you indicate when this would be available - in case if you would like to add these functions?

I would appreciate very much if you can help me with this!
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Re: Create filter 'folder has been changed in the last 120 seconds'

Post by void »

For a list of changes for the stable release:

For a complete list of all changes, please see:
Is it possible you give me a tool to enable that function (actually only for the rc-function which looks at folder-change of size)?
I've added an always_update_folder_recent_change ini setting to Everything

When enabled, any change made to the Everything folder database entry will cause the recent change date to update.
This includes folder size changes.

To change this setting:
In Everything, type in the following search and press ENTER:

1 = on
0 = off
This setting is off by default.

child-dc: / child-file-dc: / child-folder-dc: / child-dm: / child-file-dm: / child-folder-dm: / child-size: / child-file-size: / child-folder-size: have been added for the next major release.

I don't have a release date yet, sorry.
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Re: Create filter 'folder has been changed in the last 120 seconds'

Post by Tonnie123 »


For the changes because of child-function.. I noticed it is not nessesary anymore, because of the key (/always_update_folder_recent_change=1) and .exe you gave me :-)

This works perfect for us, much appreciated!!

Thanks a lot, Void!
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