Everything quit working after I passworded user accounts

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Everything quit working after I passworded user accounts

Post by JNygren »

I recently created a 'limited' user account on my Windows XP system, and passworded the admin accounts. Everything was working from this new account. (I think I had to do something about 'permissions' in the Program Files folder so the database could be created. I don't remember.)

Then I set a password for the default Administrator account, and selected 'Make My Documents Private'. This broke Everything. I have tried to undo the private folders settings, but I can't get back to a working Everything. Under the 'Tools - Options - Volumes' tab, when I try to add C: I get the "Unable to open volume \\.\C:" error (Title: Open USN Journal)

What do I need to do to get back to Everything working on a Limited user account?
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Re: Everything quit working after I passworded user accounts

Post by therube »

If you right-click the Everything icon, & 'Run as...", selecting an Administrator account ... ?
(Everything needs to run under an Administrator account.)
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Re: Everything quit working after I passworded user accounts

Post by JNygren »

Thank you for replying.

Wouldn't this require that the user know the Administrator account password? That kinda defeats the purpose of passwording the account in the first place.

I would accept the advice that I have seen here and elsewhere in the FAQs/Forums (Everything needs to run under an Administrator account), except that it was working correctly from my 'limited' account up until Wednesday. To get it working, I had to use CACLS to give 'User' accounts 'C' (change) permission for the 'C:\Program Files\Everything' folder. But now something else is preventing Everything from running; something that I apparently changed when I set 'Make My Documents Private' for the Administrator account, and that I can't figure out how to undo.

Sorry to be a pain, but Everything was working, and I just want to understand how to get back to that point. :cry:
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