Scripts to extend Everything functionality

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Scripts to extend Everything functionality

Post by NotNull »

I wrote a couple of Everything related scripts, but had trouble finding them when needed.
So this will be some sort of address book/index of those scripts.
All scripts are based on Everything 1.4. Newest first.

And to find this post even easier: Keyword zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz :)

Run Without Elevation
Start programs as a regular user when currently elevated.
It's a context menu entry, so it can be used in other programs too.

Run 2 ETP Servers on 1 system
Runs both as a service using named instances.

Quickly go to any folder in CMD using ES.exe ("CD on steroids")

Previous (much simpler) version: viewtopic.php?f=2&t=6168#p18321

Combine multiple EFU files in one (Everything) overview

Colour themes for Everything
Double-click one of the (currently 20) colour themes for Everything to activate it.
Also an option to export your current colour settings (that can be imported too, of course)

Start/stop Everything service as a restricted user
Just start the CMD (as an administrator) and press I (install) to be able to start/stop the Everything service as a restricted user. Choosing R (remove) will bring things back to the original state.

Index This : Index any folder or drive.
Choose IndexThis from the context-menu of a folder or drive to have it indexed in a separate, temporary database. Comes in handy with external USB-disks, network folders, etc.
How it works: When you choose IndexThis from the context-menu, a new instance of Everything will be started with specific settings for this folder/drive. It will index it - using NTFS indexing on local NTFS filesystem; folder-indexing on other filesystems (no ReFS support) - and load the results in memory.

See also:
Truly portable, cache Everything.db in ram?
Portable Search Index?
Different Folder Indexes

Load history
Loads entries from SearchHistory.csv (or similar) each in their own Everything window

INJECT.cmd : Import settings in an existing Everything.ini

Jump to Folder : Use the power of Everything in Explorer and File dialogs (beta)
Extend the Save/Open dialog boxes with Everything-powers.
Also works in Explorer to jump to a different folder.
Activate JumpToFolder, choose your folder in Everything and Explorer/file dialog will change to that folder.

QMENU - a filter to start programs and/or recent documents
This filter searches for your programs and your recently used documents, not unsimilar to Windows 10's pressing the Win-key and start typing what you are looking for.
QMENU searches in: Common- and User-Start menu, Pinned applications, ...

Convert runhistory/efu timestamp to 'normal' time

Create an EFU file including contents of compressed files (beta)

CompareINI : Find your non-default INI settings
A little script to find which settings differ from the default.

Split exported filters to separate filters

Alt-Enter replacement to get a total foldersize in Explorer; also shows the biggest files/folders in it.
You can zoom in.

A very portable multi-system Everything on a USB stick
Everything on a USB stick (or similar) to index any system. Per system it will create a unique database and INI file on the USB stick, so you can browse the files later. 2 scripts - STARTEVERYTHING.CMD and STOPEVERYTHING.CMD - take care of "everything"
Last edited by NotNull on Sun May 24, 2020 7:42 am, edited 5 times in total.
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Re: Scripts to extend Everything functionality

Post by NotNull »

- reserved for future use -
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Re: Scripts to extend Everything functionality

Post by void »

Thanks for the scripts.

I've stickied this post.
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Re: Scripts to extend Everything functionality

Post by bawldiggle »

Thank you :)
Very helpful find
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Re: Scripts to extend Everything functionality

Post by kms »

Just wanted to say thank you, so, Thank You!
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Re: Scripts to extend Everything functionality

Post by harryray2 »

Just came across this thread...Do you, by any chance, have something that will run a file in a cmd line shell as elevated? At the moment I have to open an elevated cmd box then type in or copy and pate the full path into the box.

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Re: Scripts to extend Everything functionality

Post by NotNull »

harryray2 wrote: Thu Sep 02, 2021 7:51 pm Just came across this thread...Do you, by any chance, have something that will run a file in a cmd line shell as elevated? At the moment I have to open an elevated cmd box then type in or copy and pate the full path into the box.
Actually, I do (even in several variations), but I fail to see the link with Everything here. Could you describe what you want to accomplish?
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Re: Scripts to extend Everything functionality

Post by harryray2 »

Nothing specific, I'm wondering how to do it.
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Re: Scripts to extend Everything functionality

Post by NotNull »

This is one of the things I wrote for that (and use on a daily base):

When on the CMD command-line, run SUDO command to run command elevated.
Command can be an internal command (sudo dir), an external command (sudo notepad file.txt) or even a file, if there is a program associated with it under the admin account (sudo file.txt).
When sudo is used without any patrameters, it will start an elevated CMD prompt.


Code: Select all

@echo off

:: Create dummy script
	set RANDOM=>"%temp%\%~n0.ELEVATE"

:: File association: Run .ELEVATE always elevated
	reg add HKCU\Software\Classes\.elevate /ve /D MaartenElevate /F >nul
	reg add HKCU\Software\Classes\MaartenElevate\Shell\runas\command /ve /D "cmd.exe /c pushd \"%%w\" & start \"%~n0\" %%*" /F >nul

:: Execute dummy .ELEVATE script
	"%temp%\%~n0.ELEVATE" %*

:: Clean up
rem	reg delete HKCU\Software\Classes\.elevate /F >nul
rem	reg delete HKCU\Software\Classes\MaartenElevate /F >nul
rem	del /Q "%temp%\%~n0.ELEVATE"

One of the Everything related solutions: viewtopic.php?f=2&t=6973

(Please post your questions in a more relevant thread or create a new one)
Posts: 1085
Joined: Sat Oct 15, 2016 9:56 am

Re: Scripts to extend Everything functionality

Post by harryray2 »

Thanks, but not quite what I wanted..

I want to send a file (any file) to an elevated command prompt so that the path and file name are all there without me having to type it in.
Unfortunately drag and drop doesn't appear to work with an elevated cmd window.

I have a file on my desktop called example.exe, if I want to start this in a cmd window I right click and choose send to>command prompt and a box appears with the full path and name in the box.
This works with an un-elevated cmd window.
box.jpg (28.89 KiB) Viewed 38927 times
I'm trying to do the same thing but open it in an elevated cmd window.

A send to would be fine but ideally I'm looking for a way to right click on a file (any file) and use the context menu to open the elevated cmd window.
Possibly an entry like 'open in elevated cmd.
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