1296: Crash & Ramble & .dmp

Discussion related to "Everything" 1.5 Alpha.
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1296: Crash & Ramble & .dmp

Post by therube »

1296: Crash & Ramble

all i've got time for atm.



Filter -> UNIQ {video: sort:name: distinct:}
dupe:size !dupe:name !/$recycle
selected 2 files
-> xxhash.bat (immaterial, it seems)
DEL (Delete Multiple Items)
(to send to $recycle.bin)

1st. time, it happened, i saw some sort of (partial)
"STOP" dialog (or was it "SHUTDOWN") ?

even if you open a new window,
& select 2 file, DEL will still cause a hang
(i guess that's kind of expected)


dupe:size !dupe:dm !/$recycle

found some oddities with that
- not oddities with Everything, but oddities in what was found - which i was not expecting
as in, exact duplicates, with diff time (dm)

said files had junk like "(1stars)" appended to the filename
& i gather when that happened, it touched the file date!

so some program must have a "rating" (hotkey)
(that i would knowingly never use, or even know what it does)
& that hotkey, when i (inadvertently) "rated" a movie
(my thought would have been it "sends" my rating, somewhere to the "cloud")
it appends this "(#stars)" to the filename & touches its' date
(stupid function & stupid touch)

mpv.net manual:

### Extensions > Rating > 0stars
A plugin the writes the rating to the filename.

seems that /older/ versions of mpv.net contained this RatingExtension

thankfully, i only "rated" a few movies
& now that i know what i'm looking for, i can use Everything to very easily find them ;-)


so i also found out that Salamander's Change Attributes -> Date & time, for (i'm guessing)
files with a time > 12:noon & while DST is in effect ?, /displays/ the file with the wanted
date, but Windows, & Everything, show the file time to be 1 hour off
- oh, that is weird... how could i have not come across this ages ago? nor do i even
remember any mention of anything like that... :scratches head:...
^-i've got to think about this some more...

& i'll bet'ya that is also why SETTIME is off by 1 hour after 12:noon, ah
- SETTIME must be correct, only *Salamander* is displaying time off by 1 hour - i bet...


Edit | Advanced -> Set File Time

> 2018-07-30-20T??03:30:29

gives me 07/30/2018 12:00 AM
(i don't know where those two question marks came from. can't imagine i had them in the dialog box. in any case, there or not, same results.)

- might have to do with LFN ? [MOST PROBABLY, 1285 likewise affected - don't you hate LFN ;-)]
- path:82
- name:250

Time change [ONLY] [if you touch the time part, only, leaving date alone], via Salamander,
- time part change is not seen by (updated by) Everything
- is seen by "Windows Explorer" (File Properties)
(i /think/ that is different between 1285 & 1286)

Date change, via Salamander,
- is not seen by (updated by) Everything -> on W: drive (external WDC HDD USB)
W: Indexes | NTFS - easystore (W:); Include, Enable USN, Monitor changes

Code: Select all

DISKPART> detail volume

  Disk ###  Status         Size     Free     Dyn  Gpt
  --------  -------------  -------  -------  ---  ---
* Disk 5    Online           12 TB      0 B        *

Read-only              : No
Hidden                 : No
No Default Drive Letter: No
Shadow Copy            : No
Offline                : No
BitLocker Encrypted    : No
Installable            : Yes

Volume Capacity        :   12 TB
Volume Free Space      :  344 GB
thinking most of these are 1296 specific bugs...

Can you:

> T04:21:11

to effect a time change - only?
- that doesn't work in 1285 or 1286.

No, seems you need the full ISO 8601 date.


path= 15

Parent -> Paste
-> stated existing file with same name - which there wasn't
-- but, in comparing SFN, yes there was
so i first deleted the destination file
then the Parent -> Paste completed successfully
- that is fine
-- but, the pasted name ended up being SFN

seems to me, ? i thought ?, in other instances the LFN did end up in destination?
(maybe it didn't & i just hadn't run into this before, not sure?)



Code: Select all


ECHO  SETTIME  sets a file's date to the "same" file, named "abc"
ECHO  a sort of more current variation of my old ancient DOS settime program
ECHO  therube 02/20/2015
ECHO  File to change the date of:
ECHO     %1

FOR   %%i in (%1) do  SET   BASENAME=%%~dpiabc
ECHO  reference file (aka "abc"):
ls -l %1
ls -l "%BASENAME%"


touch %1 --reference="%BASENAME%"
:: ls -l %1
c:\bin\dd.exe -1 %1

if Everything's Set File Time... could do something like that, that would be helpful (to me at least)
so, similar to Parent Folders -> Paste
if you could Ctrl+C a file, then Set File Time... -> from clipboard file date/time...
IOW, in my batch file, (a file named) "abc" is the "clipboard file",
with Everything it would be the file date/time properties of the "clip'd" file...

(dd is not the Unix dd, but rather a (colorful) directory lister, NDIR.
simply lists the file, & colorful, so very easily points out the changed date/time, just for confirmation.)


i've not looked at 1297.
reverted to 1295 for the time being. will look at 1297.



while i was exploring the question marks in:
> 2018-07-30-20T??03:30:29
seems Everything "locked" the file, or something
i "deleted" the file (& it may in fact be "gone", but not sure)
(i suspect once i quit Everything, it will in fact be gone) [YES]
Everything 1296 Set File Time locked testfile.png
Everything 1296 Set File Time locked testfile.png (5.77 KiB) Viewed 16939 times

(or was it "SHUTDOWN")
"Shut Down"

I saw it this time (& with 1297, on it's initial run), & I wanted to take a screenshot, so I hit PrtScr (as I didn't have my screenshot program open & I didn't want to minimize, figuring I'd loose the dialog), but seems PrtScr didn't 'print screen', so I ended up with nothing.

And now, haven't been able to duplicate this - with 1297. (1296, easily to dup.)

DUPLICATED 1297. (Took some time before it reared it's head, & I was doing nothing in particular, but, hung.)
Not using CPU, 0.02%, nor memory, 81 MB, nor I/O.
Last edited by void on Sat Jan 22, 2022 11:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: removed logs
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Re: 1296: Crash & Ramble & .dmp

Post by void »

Thank you very much for the bug reports therube,

Everything fixes an issue with pressing a key in common dialogs.
Everything will no longer send WM_APP to common dialogs when a key is pressed.
(This bug was introduced in 1296a)

Everything fixes an issue when setting a file time.
Everything was leaving a file handle open when setting the file time.

dupe:size !dupe:dm !/$recycle
found some oddities with that.
This is expected as separate dupe commands will look for duplicates separately.
That is, Everything will find files with the same size and then look for files that have a different date (regardless of size being duped)

Use dupe:size;!dm with Everything or later.
Everything will search all the specified properties at the same time.
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Re: 1296: Crash & Ramble & .dmp

Post by hamid56 »

Dear David
what is difference between dupe:size;!dm and dupe:size;dm?
the first show about 127000 result and later only show 82000 result.
Last edited by hamid56 on Sat Jan 22, 2022 10:34 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: 1296: Crash & Ramble & .dmp

Post by void »

Prefixing a property name with ! means NOT.

dupe:size;dm means list files with the same size and date modified.

dupe:size;!dm means list files with the same size and a different date modified.

More here and here

There's also two days here (30 and 20).
> T04:21:11
to effect a time change - only?
Currently, No.
I will look into support for this.

if Everything's Set File Time... could do something like that, that would be helpful (to me at least)
so, similar to Parent Folders -> Paste
if you could Ctrl+C a file, then Set File Time... -> from clipboard file date/time...
I will look into allowing Ctrl + V (paste files) in the custom time edit (to set the ISO 8601 time from the file).
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Re: 1296: Crash & Ramble & .dmp

Post by therube »

Everything fixes an issue with pressing a key in common dialogs.
Looks better :-).
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Re: 1296: Crash & Ramble & .dmp

Post by raccoon »

I haven't read every word in this thread, but I thought I'd add that I'm getting crash hangs in 1297 with any bulk delete (move to recycle bin). Very repeatable. Just select files, press DEL key, attempt to click Yes or press Enter. Indef hang. End process.

Same routine deletes I've performed every week or two, for months and months.

Killing the service process in addition to killing the main process, seems to help restore stability. As opposed to leaving the old service process running when restarting Everything.

I guess I missed 1298's release.
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Re: 1296: Crash & Ramble & .dmp

Post by EricB »

In addition to Raccoon's remark:

I've seen that a bulk delete of (empty) folders also takes a lot of time, seemingly making Everything hanging. The Recycle Bin progress dialog is shown during the delete, and it remains hanging quite some time at 99%. Seems that this is holding up Everything, maybe hand over the delete process to a separate thread? I've felt that I needed to kill ET a few times to recover from this, but sometimes it just "recovers" after the Recycle Bin process has finally finished (after 10+ minutes).
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Re: 1296: Crash & Ramble & .dmp

Post by therube »

What version?
If 1296 or 1297, try 1298.

If already 1298, about how many "bulk" directories are we talking?
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Re: 1296: Crash & Ramble & .dmp

Post by EricB »

It was if I recall correctly 1296 or even before. Could easily have been 100-200 folders. I'll retry with 1298 and see if this reproducible.
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Re: 1296: Crash & Ramble & .dmp

Post by raccoon »

And yes, they were empty folders for me too.

And yes, I screwed up because I wasn't using the current alpha version when wrote my reply. Everything is fine so far, but I haven't repeated the same operation as yet either.
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Re: 1296: Crash & Ramble & .dmp

Post by therube »


i (hard) deleted 6335 empty top level directories
(a total of 44335 directories including subdirectories)

- without issue
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Re: 1296: Crash & Ramble & .dmp

Post by EricB »

I retried with 1298 and a set of 1000+ empty folders, not all on the same level, and got no hang-ups this time. Also I noticed that the Delete dialog did not remain pending at 99%, but immediately went to finish, after which Everything was immediately available again.
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Re: 1296: Crash & Ramble & .dmp

Post by void »

Unrelated, but Everything adds preprocessor support to the custom field in the Set File Time dialog.

For example:
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Re: 1296: Crash & Ramble & .dmp

Post by void »

Everything makes some changes to #clipboard:

#clipboard: will no longer double quote files on the clipboard.

Please use #quote:#clipboard: if you would like to keep files double quoted.

With this change you could now use the following custom date/time in the Set File Time dialog:


Copy a file to the clipboard before clicking OK.
The date/time will be set to the date modified of the file in the clipboard.
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Re: 1296: Crash & Ramble & .dmp

Post by therube »

With this change you could now use the following custom date/time in the Set File Time dialog:


Copy a file to the clipboard before clicking OK.
The date/time will be set to the date modified of the file in the clipboard.
Nice. Thanks :-).

(Hate to tell you what I'd been doing, prior.
I'd been copying the source, renaming to "abc" [which is what my batch file looks for], setting time based on that, then deleting "abc".
[I long while back, I probably should have come up with a more efficient method ;-), but it worked, so I just "dealt with it".])
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Re: 1296: Crash & Ramble & .dmp

Post by void »

Everything now supports drag-dropping onto the 'set file time' dialog custom fields.

If you drop a file onto the Date Modified custom field, the field will be set to the Date Modified on the dropped file.
If you drop a file onto the Date Create custom field, the field will be set to the Date Created on the dropped file.

Ctrl + V will also paste the date modified / date created / date accessed information (depending on the focused field) from the file on the clipboard.
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