Keyboard shortcuts in the Everything context menu do not work

Discussion related to "Everything" 1.5 Alpha.
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Keyboard shortcuts in the Everything context menu do not work

Post by SuperDude »

@void: First of all, I am elated that you are back! :P

When I right-click on a file in the Everything result list, then try to activate a context menu keyboard shortcut, nothing happens.

For example: If I right-click on the “Everything64.exe” file and try to launch HashMyFiles using the &HashMyFiles context menu entry (Pressing the “H” key), nothing happens. Is there a way to make Everything recognize context menu shortcuts so they can be selected using the keyboard, rather than having to click on them?

Thanks for your great work!
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Re: Keyboard shortcuts in the Everything context menu do not work

Post by void »

Good to be back, thanks.
(Pressing the “H” key), nothing happens
This will occur if there is another item with a &H shortcut.

Could you please send a screenshot of the context menu?
Is there another item with &H? (Maybe "Share with" or "Open with"?)
Posts: 223
Joined: Thu Sep 25, 2014 7:57 pm

Re: Keyboard shortcuts in the Everything context menu do not work

Post by SuperDude »

I will take a look shortly, thank you.
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