When we are looking for a file, and could have several files with similar name in several folders, I always look for a specif folder first, how can I prioritize some folder in the result list?
Like this example
I Wanna the firsts results as the founded files in the folder 01, then the founded in the 02.. in the 03.. in the 04...
I wanna prioritize/favorite some folders, and those folders it will be presented first in the result list. Its possible?
For each favorite folder, select all its files and set their RunCount (File -> Set Run Count...), for example:
favorite folder #1: 400
favorite folder #2: 300
favorite folder #3: 200
favorite folder #4: 100
Then, sort by RunCount (in v1.5 you can also use View -> Sort By -> Advanced Sort...)
It won't be good for new files coming (Downloads folder). Perhaps there is a better solution that the experts here will write.
Maybe you're actually asking for a new column (and sort by): Favortie or ParentFolderFavorite (will work like Set Run Count..., but value won't change). Better will be a Favorites sidebar where you can drag folders/files in order to organize the order.
Another suggestion is, to use separate columns for each: RunCount and Favorites.
But use the same database "Run History-1.5a.csv" with 4 columns:
Filename,Run Count,Favorites,Last Run Date
I will try to use RunCount as a Workaround, but works fine to static folders and files, if you have dinamically, like download folder or projects folders, doesn't work.
But is a great workaround!!
Thanks for consideer @void and thanks for the help @Stanimail