Feature request: Let user save advanced search as a bookmark

Discussion related to "Everything" 1.5 Alpha.
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Feature request: Let user save advanced search as a bookmark

Post by Raindrops »

The Advanced search is a powerful tool that includes a lot of parameters.
However, once we laboriously compose the search conditions, we cannot save it, either as a named Advanced search or as a bookmark.

(Everything has a separate window to define a bookmark, which does not have so many parameters as the Advanced Search.)

This raises a fundamental question: Are bookmarks structurally compatible with Advanced Searches?
Can an Advanced search be saved as a bookmark without loss of definition?

Depending on the answer, the Advanced Search window should allow the user to save an advanced search.
It may be saved as a search, or as a bookmark; depending on the structural compatibility between the two.
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Re: Feature request: Let user save advanced search as a bookmark

Post by void »

The Advanced Search just modifies your main search.

When you open the advanced search, all the parameters are set from your main search.

You can save your current search as a bookmark from Bookmarks -> Add to Bookmarks....

This raises a fundamental question: Are bookmarks structurally compatible with Advanced Searches?

There are some complex searches the advanced search doesn't understand, these get appended to the Additional search options at the bottom.
All advanced search options can be converted to a search for the main window.

Can an Advanced search be saved as a bookmark without loss of definition?
Convert your Advanced Search to a normal search by clicking OK in the advanced search dialog.
The save your normal search in the main window as a bookmark.

I'll consider an option to save searches in the Advanced Search dialog.
Thank you for the suggestions.

Hint: Press F2 in the search box to open the Advanced Search dialog.
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