Window splitter

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Window splitter

Post by meteorquake »

I'm supposing I'm not alone in regularly tiling a few Everything windows so that there are "helper" windows.
It would be quite handy to be able to split the active window by a certain % horizontally or vertically.
So if you chose horizontal 75%, the current window width would be shrunk to 75% and a new window placed on its right side of 25% width. Similar for vertical. I would suppose new windows would not have side bars open due to size contraints, and in practice they're probably not going to be using the folder tree.
I don't know if this might be best done as a manual entry e.g. W75 or H75 (W=width, H=height) or as a submenu with a couple of preselections (25, 50 & 75% for width and same for height) or just a slider with a width/height (or horizontal/vertical?) radio button, or more than one way, the manual entry being "Custom...". I do like the idea of a manual entry.
The advantage of a manual entry would be you could have multiple entries, e.g. W50,W25,W*(H60,H*) would reduce the current window width to 50%, place a 25% width one at its side, and another 25% width area at its side (total 100%) which latter 25% is occupied by two windows of height 60% and 40%. The asterisk there mean the value left that makes up to 100% but it could have been specified (especially if 100% is not the goal).
The other plus of a manual entry option is that it could also be used as a command-line option to launch an array of Everything windows juxtaposed in the right way, the first taking the actual search and sidebar settings, all from a single command, or made available in a bookmark.
(It was the foobar2000 layout editor that made me think of this concept.)
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Re: Window splitter

Post by void »

I will consider an option to "auto tile" multiple Everything windows.

Thank you for the suggestion.
Thy Grand Voidinesss
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Re: Window splitter

Post by Thy Grand Voidinesss »

I up vote this suggestion
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