Tools > Options > General > Everything Service
selected, my Task Manager reports not 1 but 2
files running - of which one is for Service of Windows named Everything while the other is for that described as Everything (1.5a)
The issue I have with this dichotomy is this: a BAT file like this
Code: Select all
@echo off
taskkill /IM Everything.exe
timeout /t 1 >nul
taskkill /IM Everything.exe /T /F
And that is, I reckon, because Everything (1.5a) runs itself with privileges - as a simple trick of executing this BAT As Administrator makes it close that Everything (1.5a) elevated Service, even if the whole script is dumbed down to justTerminates the specified process and any child processes which were started by it
Code: Select all
taskkill /IM Everything.exe /F
So my questions would be:
A] Why does Everything Service start itself with privileges despite
Tools > Options > General > Run as administrator
being deselected; along with other methods for making the EXE being run As Administrator not utilized [i.e. why does this sub-process ignore elevation level of the parent EXE]?
B] Why not put / enclose the Everything Service in its own EXE file?
C] Is it possible to rewrite this BAT to make it close the Everything]Service - without making some workaround, most likely of running this BAT As Administrator? [I already do know how to do it but I just do no like to have external measures applied to running anything as future changes / adjustment will have to possibly affect also those additions]
I am using Everything x64 Portable on Windows 10 Enterprise 20H2