[Solved] Findbar highlight one search result

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[Solved] Findbar highlight one search result

Post by w64bit »

Do a search.
Click on empty space in name column.
First file/folder in list is "marked" with dot line around.
Search for something using findbar.
The "marked" file/folder is becoming gray highlight.

Can I disable this gray highlight?

Sometimes using findbar this "mark" it's not keeping it's place on first item in the search result.
Last edited by w64bit on Fri Dec 01, 2023 3:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Findbar highlight one search result

Post by void »

I am seeing the expected results, so I am likely missing something..
Do a search.
This will clear the current selection and focus.
Click on empty space in name column.
First file/folder in list is "marked" with dot line around.
This will focus the first item at the top of the list.
(I assume you have full-row-select disabled)

The focused item is not selected at this stage.
Search for something using findbar.
The "marked" file/folder is becoming gray highlight.
Everything will look for your findbar search from the current focus.
The first match is focused and selected.

The findbar has keyboard focus so Everything will use gray highlighting as the result list is inactive. (does not have keyboard focus)

Can I disable this gray highlight?
No, you can customize the inactive color from Tools -> Options -> Fonts and colors -> Item = Result List -> Inactive selected.
Some users like to set the inactive color to the same as the (active) selection color.

Please try quick find instead of find:
When the result list has keyboard focus, press: /
The findbar is shown and the result list keeps keyboard focus.
-If you find quickfind useful, consider binding Ctrl + F to quickfind.

Sometimes using findbar this "mark" it's not keeping it's place on first item in the search result.
Where is the scrollbar position before you open the findbar?
-If it's at the bottom, opening the findbar can push the focused result list item offscreen.
Is the mark not on the first item before performing your findbar search or after?
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