Advanced Rename

Discussion related to "Everything" 1.5 Alpha.
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Advanced Rename

Post by void »

Everything Advanced Renamer

With the Everything Advanced Renamer you can:


Old Filenames
Shows the original filenames.

Old Format
The format to match the original filenames.
The old format is generated automatically and can be customized.
%1 matches any character and number of times and stores the matched text in the variable %1.
%2 - %9 can also be used to capture other groups of text.
The whole filename is matched when using a variable.

New Format
The format of the new filenames.
%1 - %9 can be used to recall the match in the old format.

New Filenames
The new filenames.
%1 - %9 can be used to recall the match in the old format.
New filenames can be edited directly.
Making a change to the new or old format will generate fresh new filenames.

Rename multiple filenames

To show the Everything Advanced Renamer:
  • In Everything, select two or more files/folders in the result list and press F2.
  • In Everything, select zero or more files/folders in the result list and press Shift+F2.
  • In Everything, select multiple files/folders in the result list and from the Edit menu, under the Advanced submenu, click Advanced Rename.

The Everything Advanced Renamer will generate the old format and new format automatically.
Modify new format to generate new filenames.
%1, %2, %3, %4, %5, %6, %7, %8 and %9 can be used as capture groups.

To change common text, please see changing common text.

To edit multiple filenames in one text box, please see editing multiple filenames in one edit box.

To modify the old format to capture groups, please see %1 - %9 capture groups.

Change common text

To change common text:
  • Select multiple files containing common text in the filenames.
  • Press F2.
  • Change the new format as desired.
    For example, change ABC to FOO and change 123 to BAR:

    Only the common matched text is changed, uncommon text is left unchanged.
  • Click OK.

Add a prefix to multiple filenames

To add a prefix to multiple filenames:
  • Select multiple files.
  • Press F2.
  • Insert your prefix at the start of new format.
    For example, insert ABC - :

    ABC - is inserted at the start of each new filename.
  • Click OK.

Remove a prefix from multiple filenames

To remove a common prefix from multiple filenames:
  • Select multiple files containing a common prefix.
  • Press F2.
  • Remove the prefix from the start of new format.
  • For example, remove ABC - :

    ABC - is removed from the start of each new filename.
  • Click OK.

Add a suffix to multiple filenames

To add a suffix to multiple filenames:
  • Select multiple files.
  • Press F2.
  • Insert your suffix after the . in new format.
  • For example, insert - ABC:

    - ABC is inserted at the end of each new filename.
  • Click OK.

Remove a suffix from multiple filenames

To remove a common suffix from multiple filenames:
  • Select multiple files containing a common suffix.
  • Press F2.
  • Remove the suffix from the end of new format after the dot (.).
  • For example, remove - ABC:

    - ABC is removed from the end of each new filename.
  • Click OK.

Find and replace in multiple filenames

To find and replace text in multiple filenames:
  • Select multiple files.
  • Press F2.
  • In the Advanced Renamer, set the old format to the text to find.
  • For example: ABC
  • Set the new format to the replacement text.
  • For example: 123

    All occurrences of ABC are replaced with 123.
  • Click OK.

Change the extension in multiple filenames

To change the extension in multiple filenames:
  • Select multiple files.
  • Press F2.
  • Change the extension in new format.
  • For example, change wav to backup:

    The extension is changed to backup for all new filenames.
  • Click OK.

Edit multiple filenames in one edit box

Sometimes Everything will be unable to generate an old format with multiple capture groups.

Editing the filenames directly in the new filename edit box might be quicker than manually renaming each individual file.

To edit multiple filenames in one edit box:
  • Select multiple files.
  • Press F2.
  • Use the new filename edit box to change multiple filenames.
  • For example, remove the _ placed in random locations:
  • Click OK.

Rename multiple filenames with %1 - %9 capture groups

%1 - %9 can be used in the old format to match any character any number of times.
The matched text is store in the variable %1 - %9.
Use %1 - %9 in the new format to recall the matched text.
%1 - %9 is similar to the * wildcard with the matched text being stored in the variable %1 - %9.

Everything will do its best to generate an old format with capture groups by using
as delimiters.
Insert your own capture groups in old format with custom delimiters if needed.

To change multiple filenames with capture groups:
  • Select multiple files.
  • Press F2.
  • Change the order of capture groups, remove captured groups and modify common text in the new format.
  • For example, swap last name with first name:

    The last name is swapped with the first name in multiple filenames.
  • Click OK.

Rename multiple filenames with regular expression \1 - \9 capture groups

Check the Regular expressions checkbox to enable regular expressions.

Regular expressions also support capture groups.

Instead of using %1 - %9 in the old format, use:
(.*?) to capture any character any number of times (lazy - same as %1 with non-regular-expressions)
(.*) to capture any character any number of times (greedy)

Instead of using %1 - %9 in the new format, use:
\1 - \9

Use \ to escape special regex characters.
Use \\ to escape a single literal \

Insert file properties

To insert file properties / meta data into multiple filenames:
  • Select multiple files.
  • Press F2.
  • Click the ▶ button to the right of new format and click Add Property....
  • Select a property and click OK.
  • For example, add image width x height to the end of the filename:

    _$width:x$height: is added to the end of multiple filenames.
    where $width: and $height: are replaced with the image dimensions.
  • Click OK.
Some properties will require formatting.
For example, dates often use characters that are invalid in filenames (:).
Use <format-filetime:$date-modified:,"yyyyMMdd\THHmmss"> to format dates.

Change the case in multiple filenames

To change the case in multiple filenames:
  • Select multiple files.
  • Press F2.
  • Select the text (and %1 - %9 variables) in new format where you would like to change the case.
  • Click the ▶ button to the right of new format and click <uppercase:>, <lowercase:> or <titlecase:>
  • For example, to change all text (excluding the file extension) to titlecase:

    All filenames are converted from lowercase to titlecase and extensions remain lowercase.
  • Click OK.

Rename multiple files without using Everything

To launch the Everything Advanced Renamer without starting Everything:

Run Everything with the -rename command line option:

Code: Select all

Everything.exe -rename [filename1] [filename2] [filename3] [...]
Don't specify any filenames to open a blank Everything advanced renamer.
You can drag drop files onto the Everything advanced renamer.

Multiple instances are supported.
If the instance is not specified the unnamed instance is used.
Use -instance to specify the instance name.

Calling Everything.exe again when an instance is already running will add any filenames to the existing instance.

For example:

Code: Select all

Everything.exe -rename abc.txt
Everything.exe -rename 123.txt
Will show a single advanced rename dialog with two files: abc.txt and 123.txt

To show the Everything Advanced Renamer without showing Everything with a list of filenames from a text file:

Run Everything with the -rename-list command line option:

Code: Select all

Everything.exe -rename-list filenames.txt

Add a keyboard shortcut to show the Everything Advanced Renamer

To add a keyboard shortcut to show the Everything Advanced Renamer:
  • In Everything, from the Tools menu, click Options.
  • Click the Keyboard tab on the left.
  • To the right of Show commands containing, search for: advanced
  • Select Edit | Advanced | Advanced Rename....
  • Click Add....
  • Change Use shortcut in to: Global
  • Press a new Shortcut key (eg: Ctrl + F2) and click OK.
  • Click OK.

Make uppercase

To make filenames uppercase:
  • Select the text in the new format to change.
  • Press Ctrl + Shift + U

Make lowercase

To make filenames lowercase:
  • Select the text in the new format to change.
  • Press Ctrl + U

Make titlecase

To make filenames titlecase:
  • Select the text in the new format to change.
  • Press Shift + F3 to cycle between lowercase, titlecase and uppercase.


To create a new preset:
  • Click the Presets button at the bottom left of the window.
  • Click Add to Presets....
  • Choose a custom preset name.
  • Set the old format, new format and rename options.
  • Click OK.
Presets can be managed and opened from the Presets button at the bottom left of the window.

To open the advanced rename with a specific preset from a custom keyboard shortcut:
  • First, Create your Preset and remember you unique preset name.
  • In the main search window, from the Bookmarks menu, click Add to bookmarks....
  • Set a custom bookmark name. (it can match your preset name)
  • Set the Search to:
    /advanced-rename-preset "My preset name"

    where "My preset name" is your unique preset name.
  • Assign a keyboard shortcut.
  • Click OK.

To open and initialize the advanced rename with a bookmark (advanced):
  • In the main search window, from the Bookmarks menu, click Add to bookmarks....
  • Set a custom bookmark name.
  • Set the Search to:
    /advanced-rename <old-format> <new-format> <case> <diacritics> <regex> <ignore-extension>

    For example:
    /advanced-rename _ . 0 0 0 1
  • Click OK.
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Re: Advanced Rename

Post by therube »

To add a prefix or suffix to multiple filenames:
So this will be something more then simply adding "YouCanDoThatAlready - " in front of the opening "%1" in the New Format box?

Or are you just saying it will be something "more accessible" then dealing with %1 or \1 kind of thing?
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Re: Advanced Rename

Post by void »

This post is just to cover the basics with examples.
I never had any real help before and it does come up often...

Very basic old help here:
Support wiki advanced renamer

Nothing major has changed from Everything 1.4.

Everything 1.5 adds support for:
Ignore diacritics
Inserting properties
Find and replace
Improves group capture generation for old/new format.
Old format and new format history.

Nothing to do with the Everything Advanced Renamer, but related to renaming multiple files:

To allow down arrow and up arrow to go to the next/previous file when using the single file rename in the result list:
  • Copy and paste the following into your Everything search box:
    Press ENTER in your Everything search box.
    If successful, rename_nav=1 is shown in the status bar for a few seconds.
Pressing Up arrow key or Down arrow key will complete the rename and go to the next/previous file and keep renaming.
You can also use TAB and Shift + TAB.

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Re: Advanced Rename

Post by meteorquake »

Looks good; a lot of people really benefit from examples, especially "big" or non-simple actions which can make people hesitant to explore.

* I think having triangle arrow-heads next to the Old and New Format boxes make you feel they are going to action something, perhaps if they were a + or ? symbol they would be clearer, and having a hover popup.

* There's also that big area of space there beside the 3 tick options for something. Perhaps an "Examples (online)" click?

* Also I press F2 for the renamer. Just now when I pressed F2 it kept coming up with the advanced searcher, when I changed my selection it became the renamer again. I've not seen that before and can't at the moment reproduce it but maybe you can think of something in the code that could cause that.

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Re: Advanced Rename

Post by void »

Thank you for the feedback meteorquake,
I think having triangle arrow-heads next to the Old and New Format boxes make you feel they are going to action something, perhaps if they were a + or ? symbol they would be clearer,
I will consider a + symbol.

and having a hover popup.
I will add tooltips for the next alpha update.

There's also that big area of space there beside the 3 tick options for something. Perhaps an "Examples (online)" click?
I will consider showing a help link here.
or, maybe show all 3 options on a single line.

Thank you for the suggestions.

Also I press F2 for the renamer. Just now when I pressed F2 it kept coming up with the advanced searcher, when I changed my selection it became the renamer again. I've not seen that before and can't at the moment reproduce it but maybe you can think of something in the code that could cause that.
F2 in the search box = Advanced Search
F2 in the results list = Rename
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Re: Advanced Rename

Post by nod5 »

Feature requests.

1. Add a padded number syntax similar to the existing $number: but prefix pad with zeros. The syntax might be $padnumber<N>: where N is number of digits to output. For example rename files x.txt and y.txt with pattern %1$padnumber4:.%2 to get x0001.txt and y0002.txt

2. add a shortcut and/or button to temporarily toggle viewing fullpath in the top and bottom windows. Because when renaming files from different folders with similar names it could help to peek at the folder paths.

3. let users drag and drop to reorder files in the top view to change which file gets which $number: in the output. (But, on second thought, it is also useful to be able to drag files into the top view several times and have them auto sorted. Maybe default to auto sorting but let users click something to temporarily unlock a click drag drop reorder mode?)

(fixed typos)
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Re: Advanced Rename

Post by raccoon »

nod5 wrote: Wed Nov 23, 2022 1:08 pm 1. Add a padded number syntax similar to the existing $number: but prefix pad with zeros. The syntax might be $padnumber<N>: where N is number of digits to output. For example rename files x.txt and y.txt with pattern %1$padnumber4:.%2 to get x0001.txt and y0002.txt
This feature has already been added. $number0: $number00: $number000: $number0000: $number00000:... etc.
nod5 wrote: Wed Nov 23, 2022 1:08 pm2. add a shortcut and/or button to temporarily toggle viewing fullpath in the top and bottom windows. Because when renaming files from different folders with similar names it could help to peek at the folder paths.[/b]
Use the Advanced Move dialog instead if you wish to interact with folder paths. If you don't make changes to the folder paths, the files will simply be renamed instead of moved.

However, I am a proponent of merging the Advanced Rename and Advanced Move dialogs into one, with a checkbox for "Preserve Paths" and "Preserve Extensions" checkbox options, which, would do as you request above by stripping both lists of the object paths or extensions. Advanced Rename would simply checkmark the Preserve Paths box, while Advanced Move does not tick this box.
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Re: Advanced Rename

Post by nod5 »

raccoon wrote: Wed Nov 23, 2022 5:26 pm This feature has already been added. $number0: $number00: $number000: $number0000: $number00000:... etc.
Oh nice thank you for already requesting it and thanks void for implementing! I would mildy prefer $numberN: where N is a number instead of those multiple zeros. For example $number20: is nicer than $number0000000000000000000: But padding that much is rare I guess so this is fine.
nod5 wrote: Wed Nov 23, 2022 1:08 pm Use the Advanced Move dialog instead if you wish to interact with folder paths. If you don't make changes to the folder paths, the files will simply be renamed instead of moved.
Sorry, my suggestion is not for changing folder paths - only the filenames should be renamed. I only want a way to quickly peek at the fullpath to make sure it is the right files and, in cases with same filenames from different folders, to know which is which before reordering (if request 3 goes through) before applying $number:
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Re: Advanced Rename

Post by raccoon »

I would dig the ability to toggle between two textboxes (current view) and a Detailed View with side-by-side columns for From, To, Path, Size, <property>, etc.
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Re: Advanced Rename

Post by void »

There's also:






I would dig the ability to toggle between two textboxes (current view) and a Detailed View with side-by-side columns for From, To, Path, Size, <property>, etc.
I will consider a side-by-side detailed view with columns.

Thank you for the suggestion.
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Re: Advanced Rename

Post by void »

Everything adds an ignore extension option to the multi-file renamer.
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Re: Advanced Rename

Post by void »

Everything will trial a new syntax for the advanced renamer.

Old format will now use * instead of %1 - %9
New format will now use $1: - $9: instead of %1 - %9

Regex syntax remains the same.

This change will bring the non-regex syntax (I like to call it the wildcard syntax) closer to the regex syntax.
The new $1: - $9: syntax matches the existing syntax for other properties. (for example: $count:, $size: $dm: )
This new syntax no longer conflicts with any filenames.

Everything reverts these changes.
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Re: Advanced Rename

Post by djones »

The progress of the rename functionality in Everything has been remarkable. In using its advanced functionality more and more, I'm finding myself wishing that a way to save "presets" of my New Format parameters would be useful, perhaps in the parameter flyout.

Currently the simple parameters of "%1, %2, %3" etc take up a lot of real-estate on the flyout. I'd love to be able to customize these slots for some of the complex file manipulation parameters that I use, which currently I have to save in a separate text file and then copy-paste from into Everything. Since these slots aren't exposed in the .INI file, being able to edit them would probably require some type of editor functionality, OR a button that allows saving the current New Format field contents into a preset slot. Would appreciate this functionality to be considered, unless it already exists somewhere and I'm missing it. Thanks.

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Re: Advanced Rename

Post by void »

Thank you for your feedback djones,

Bookmarks/presets are on my TODO list.

Thank you for the suggestions.

For now, please try the new format history (click the drop down arrow on the right)
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Re: Advanced Rename

Post by wkearney99 »

Is there a way to rename a file in a folder with the name of the folder itself?

As in:


Renamed to:

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Re: Advanced Rename

Post by therube »

You can use Properties, so something like:
Everything - rename file based on parent folder name.png
Everything - rename file based on parent folder name.png (20.18 KiB) Viewed 24538 times
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Re: Advanced Rename

Post by wkearney99 »

Because OF COURSE there's already an Everything way to do this!

Works perfectly, Thanks!
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Re: Advanced Rename

Post by eswul62 »

A suggestion only - I don't know if it is workable.
In the Advanced Rename, add a new option (checkbox?) to save specific renames as a named preset.
I often rename files the same way.

SnagIt-12122023 071654.png
SnagIt-12122023 071654.png (14.8 KiB) Viewed 23396 times

Maybe also add something like "Last Rename" or have the last rename 'sticky' i.e. it shows up first (in the old/new boxes) in the Advanced Rename.
SnagIt-12122023 072316.png
SnagIt-12122023 072316.png (10.14 KiB) Viewed 23396 times
Again, just a rough idea.
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Re: Advanced Rename

Post by void »

A preset feature for the advanced renamer is on my TODO list.

Thank you for the suggestion.

For now, please access your previous old/new formats from the drop down button on the right.
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Re: Advanced Rename

Post by eswul62 »


Many thanks.
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Re: Advanced Rename

Post by djones »

eswul62 wrote: Tue Dec 12, 2023 6:59 am Again, just a rough idea.
Heh, you could've saved the trouble of that mockup if you scrolled up a few posts - same request I made earlier this year. Great minds think alike? ;)

A "Remember last rename" or adding a rename_new_format_persistent= (True/False) key in Everything.ini to make the contents of the New Format field persistent between renames would be a huge time saver, for those repeat operations.

As for presets, I'm sure that building out a GUI component to edit them is a longer job, but meantime how about at least being able edit these in the Everything.ini file, let's say with a rename_new_format_presets= key, a single line with the presets separated by semicolon similar to the rename_new_format_history key?

Clipboard01.png (3.44 KiB) Viewed 23355 times
Last edited by djones on Wed Dec 13, 2023 8:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Advanced Rename

Post by eswul62 »

Yes, you are right... :oops:
I am sorry, did not want to 'steal' your contribution, but for one reason or the other, I didn't read it.
Shame on me.

The positive thing is that this request may.. shift up a position on the (probably verrry long) 'TODO'-list

Right now, I use Everything context menu 'Explorer folder' and launch Directory Opus and do the rename there, using...
a rename preset.

Let's keep our fingers crossed...
Crossing Fingers for a new feature in Everything.png
Crossing Fingers for a new feature in Everything.png (3.92 KiB) Viewed 23313 times
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Re: Advanced Rename

Post by djones »

eswul62 wrote: Wed Dec 13, 2023 5:58 am Yes, you are right... :oops:
I am sorry, did not want to 'steal' your contribution, but for one reason or the other, I didn't read it.
Shame on me.

The positive thing is that this request may.. shift up a position on the (probably verrry long) 'TODO'-list

Right now, I use Everything context menu 'Explorer folder' and launch Directory Opus and do the rename there, using...
a rename preset.
Haha, all good, we're all friends here. Rename with Directory Opus seems like a decent workaround. I previously used BulkRenameUtility for more complex renames, but Everything is good enough for 99% of my regex filename manipulations.

For me, Everything has replaced windows explorer, BulkRenameUtility, and a handful of other file managers and indexers I've tried. It's so insanely fast at managing my files that it's the ONE piece of software that's prevented me from moving to linux fulltime. It's utterly brilliant.
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Re: Advanced Rename

Post by void »

eswul62 and djones, could you please give a little more information on what you would like saved in your presets.

For now, I'm thinking a quick and dirty presets button on the bottom left.

This button is a drop down (v) button and shows a menu when clicked.
From the menu, you can save or load a preset.

Are you looking to save the old format and new format? or just the new format?
Should this save the regex, match case, ignore ext states?
I'm concerned the presets will only work for a certain subset of filenames.
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Re: Advanced Rename

Post by Xadro »

Love the advanced rename feature especially the capture groups which i use a lot but what i'm really missing is a way to pick WHICH parent to pick from $parent-name:

Say i don't want the direct parent name but the one above that


For example i want to rename the file not to Parent5 but Parent4

If that's already possible than i apologize, i looked on the forums but couldn't find anything.
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Re: Advanced Rename

Post by void »

Please try including the following in your new format:


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Re: Advanced Rename

Post by Xadro »

Thanks this works great in my use case, although i don't quite understand why it would pick Parent4 over Parent5 or if i am able to pick Parent3 as well with is haha, but it works with how im using it quite often so i'm happy, thanks.

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Re: Advanced Rename

Post by void »



<basename:<pathpart:$path:>> => <basename:<pathpart:C:\Parent1\Parent2\Parent3\Parent4\Parent5>>
<basename:<pathpart:C:\Parent1\Parent2\Parent3\Parent4\Parent5>> => <basename:C:\Parent1\Parent2\Parent3\Parent4>
<basename:C:\Parent1\Parent2\Parent3\Parent4> => Parent4

For Parent3 (or parent - 2), please include the following in your new format:


For Parent2 (or parent - 3), please include the following in your new format:


For Parent1 (or parent - 4), please include the following in your new format:

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Re: Advanced Rename

Post by Xadro »

Thank you very much!
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Re: Advanced Rename

Post by NotNull »

void wrote: Wed Dec 13, 2023 11:58 pm eswul62 and djones, could you please give a little more information on what you would like saved in your presets.
Are you looking to save the old format and new format? or just the new format?
Should this save the regex, match case, ignore ext states?
I'm concerned the presets will only work for a certain subset of filenames.
Adding my 2 cents:
I would like the combination of old + new format to be saved, including the state of the checkboxes.
Very useful for recurring rename patterns like adding current date to filename, changing to uppercase, etc.
Or files send to me (or downloaded) in naming format A that need to be convertd to naming format B.
For these cases an old/new combination is needed.

My previous suggestion here, but I also like the way Directory Opus handles this:
2023-12-19 21_46_37-Rename [Time-Stamp Names].png
2023-12-19 21_46_37-Rename [Time-Stamp Names].png (63.93 KiB) Viewed 19319 times
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Re: Advanced Rename

Post by void »

Thanks for your suggestions NotNull,

I like the simple drop down list with save/delete buttons.
I also like the list on the side idea.

I'll look into adding something simple for Everything 1.5.
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Re: Advanced Rename

Post by djones »

void wrote: Wed Dec 13, 2023 11:58 pm eswul62 and djones, could you please give a little more information on what you would like saved in your presets.

For now, I'm thinking a quick and dirty presets button on the bottom left.

This button is a drop down (v) button and shows a menu when clicked.
From the menu, you can save or load a preset.

Are you looking to save the old format and new format? or just the new format?
Should this save the regex, match case, ignore ext states?
I'm concerned the presets will only work for a certain subset of filenames.
Saving the state of the checkboxes (Regex, Match Case, Ignore Ext) would probably be ideal. As to also saving Old Format field, how about at time of Save Preset being clicked, compare the value of the field against what Everything would suggest for the field by default, and save only if different?

I'd think the goal at least for a first draft is not a perfect universal system that works for every filename situation (likely impossible anyway), but just a fast recall for sometimes complex renames in 1 or 2 clicks (and/or a definable hotkey for the presets) for the same rename operations performed frequently.

Bonus idea: Multi-step renames. Adding a "+" button underneath the New Format field, to add one or more additional New Format fields for multi-step renames in serial, and the New Filenames field reflecting the final output of the chain. Example, rearranging parts of a filename with regex in step 1 (changing the order of words or dates) to standardize to a particular convention, and then in step 2 using a preset which expects the filenames in that standardized format. Another realworld example, removing the arbitrary dates from media filenames in step 1, and inserting <formatfiletime:$media-created:,"yy.MM.dd"> into the filename in step 2.

Thanks for your time considering this.
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Re: Advanced Rename

Post by void »

The first iteration will save all settings and formats.
I'll consider only saving the old format if it is not the "suggested" old format.

I will consider multi-step renames.

Thank you for the reply and suggestions.
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Re: Advanced Rename

Post by void »

Everything adds presets to the Advanced Rename.

Rename Presets:

(click the Presets button at the bottom left of the window)

Organize Rename Presets:

Edit Rename Presets:

Please feel free to post any useful presets here.
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Re: Advanced Rename

Post by therube »

Looks like that will be useful :-).

On my "static" version of Rename, I've long had these (pairs) set up.

rename_old_format_history=%1 - %2;%1-%2;%1
rename_new_format_history=%2 - %1;%2-%1;%1 dupme

I'll throw them into my live (Everything) & I'm sure I can come up with more that will be useful.
(Thinking most likely to append a fixed string to a set of names, as a start.)

(My clipboard program, CLCL, has similar. It tracks x-number of clipboard items, but also allows you to define "static" items [which it calls "Templates"].)
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Re: Advanced Rename

Post by void »

Everything adds the following keyboard shortcuts:

Ctrl + U = Make lowercase
Ctrl + Shift + U = Make uppercase
Shift + F3 = Cycle through lowercase, titlecase and uppercase.

The same keyboard shortcuts will work from the inline rename. (F2)
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Re: Advanced Rename

Post by NotNull »

void wrote: Thu Feb 08, 2024 5:42 am The same keyboard shortcuts will work from the inline rename. (F2)
Wow! One of those features that you didn't know you need. Thanks!!
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Re: Advanced Rename

Post by mvdeckard »

void wrote: Thu Feb 08, 2024 5:42 am Everything adds the following keyboard shortcuts:

Ctrl + U = Make lowercase
Ctrl + Shift + U = Make uppercase
Shift + F3 = Cycle through lowercase, titlecase and uppercase.

The same keyboard shortcuts will work from the inline rename. (F2)
This is powerful. Would it be possible to expand these hotkeys to apply to multiple selected files? Then one could fix cases on the fly without having to invoke the rename dialog.
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Re: Advanced Rename

Post by void »

I will consider adding a UI command to change the filename case.

Thank you for the suggestion.

I'm also looking into ways to bind keyboard shortcuts to advanced rename presets.
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Re: Advanced Rename

Post by mvdeckard »

void wrote: Thu Feb 15, 2024 12:52 am I'm also looking into ways to bind keyboard shortcuts to advanced rename presets.
Awesome. However I assume you're talking about a hotkey for recalling the preset while in the advanced rename dialog, rather than a hotkey that applies the advanced renamed preset to the selected file(s) while in the regular Everything UI -- the latter would be incredible.

I realize there could be a concern that applying a rename preset to selected files in the regular UI could be considered "dangerous/destructive" however Everything does have Undo, so perhaps the first time a rename preset is invoked in the UI, a warning dialog "This is destructive are you sure" along with a "Don't remind me again" checkbox could be invoked. Just an idea. But I appreciate Everything's renaming getting even more powerful.
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Re: Advanced Rename

Post by void »

The keyboard shortcut would work from the main search window on the current selection.

No need to open the inline rename or advanced rename.

Perhaps the rename preset shortcut key should show the advanced rename (with the specified preset selected) so the user has to confirm with OK.
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Re: Advanced Rename

Post by albino »

The new options, especially presets, are so great. Thanks for adding this!
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Re: Advanced Rename

Post by meteorquake »

Super - thanks so much! I'm sure I intended to suggest recasing at some point and didn't so great to see it.
This feature is very useful when you have e.g. a PDF downloaded and it has some id for a name and you copy the title in its opening page to use as the name but it's for example in all caps, so you can paste it in and easily lower or title case it. Many other usage scenarios.
* Can I suggest that title case could have a setting that indicates to have a little intelligence to it, for example 'and', 'the', 'de' etc would then remain lower case and so not change to 'And', 'The' etc unless the first word, and 'UK', 'USA' etc would be upper case not 'Uk', 'Usa'. There's probably not too long a list of such common words, and there's likely a ready-made list of them on the web we could hunt down if there was an idea to make such intelligence available; as invariably I like titles to look natural - for example 'Day of the Triffids' rather than 'Day Of The Triffids'.
Cheers! David
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Re: Advanced Rename

Post by mvdeckard »

void wrote: Thu Feb 15, 2024 4:57 am The keyboard shortcut would work from the main search window on the current selection.

No need to open the inline rename or advanced rename.

Perhaps the rename preset shortcut key should show the advanced rename (with the specified preset selected) so the user has to confirm with OK.
Fantastic! And the confirmation dialog sounds like a good idea, but would also like a checkbox option to suppress it thereafter i.e. "Don't show this again". Thanks for this.
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Re: Advanced Rename

Post by crimzind »

I'm wondering if it would be possible to add an "Apply" button on the Advanced Rename panel, so it doesn't close?
I use it a lot, and I often need to make a bunch of similar changes, and so having to hit "Ok", having the panel close, having to reopen it, having to re-modify the Old/New Format fields... isn't ideal.
I'd like to be able to just hit Apply, have the panel stay open, have the selected/sources files in the top list refresh with the new names, and for the New/Old Format fields to remain as I had them.
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Re: Advanced Rename

Post by void »

I will consider an Apply button.

Thank you for the suggestion.
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Re: Advanced Rename

Post by crimzind »

void wrote: Tue Mar 05, 2024 10:36 am I will consider an Apply button.

Thank you for the suggestion.
Appreciate the consideration, thank you.
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Re: Advanced Rename

Post by crimzind »

Another thing I've thought of while using the Advanced Rename…
I wish it would sync the top and bottom list views, and also highlight whichever line you're currently on. If you're doing RegEx, having it highlight the matching replacements in the top list would also be awesome. It would make it much easier to reference/compare where you're making changes.

I'm also curious if there's a reason you're able to insert line drops?
Like, if you're have multiple files selected, and you're making manual adjustments in the bottom section*, and you hit enter, it adds a line break. If that were applied, it'd break a bunch of files/names, so I'm just curious if there's a use-case for it I can't think of. Otherwise, preventing breaking lines in that way would be nice, I think. (I often hit Enter while editing to submit the changes, but because I'm the editing section, it just drops the line.)

(Question moot, just realized it won't let you submit changes if the number of lines don't match)

*Which I love being able to do. It is so freaking awesome being able to make a batch change with the find/replace, and than do some manual adjustments. Or being able to copy the list into a text editor for some easier editing, and then paste back. Seriously, I love it.
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Re: Advanced Rename

Post by jimspoon »

Thank you for this help for the Advanced Rename command. As far as I can tell, all the help provided here would also apply to the Advanced Copy to Folder and Advanced Move to Folder commands, am I right about that? The only difference I see between the Advanced Rename and Advanced Copy/Move to Folder dialogs is in the Old Format and New Format boxes. In the case of Advanced Rename, these boxes show filename only; in the case of Advanced Copy/Move, they show the whole path.
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Re: Advanced Rename

Post by void »


Advanced Rename: Name only
Advanced Copy/Move: Full path and name
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