Copy field contents to clipboard for all columns defined in the bookmark

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Copy field contents to clipboard for all columns defined in the bookmark

Post by tuska »

void wrote: Sat Jan 20, 2024 11:27 pm With copy_as_csv_header enabled, please try the Copy As CSV command.
To copy As TSV (tab separated values):
To copy the header when copying as TSV:
Command IDs
Thank you for your support!
That helps me a lot.

However, when I was working through the topic,
I noticed a few points which I will come back to later.
Last edited by tuska on Fri Jan 26, 2024 10:57 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Everything to Copy file names with modified date for multi files

Post by tuska »

I have taken another closer look at the topic.

My goal:
- Copy field contents to clipboard for all columns defined in the bookmark(!) OR displayed, with column headings - [via shortcut].
- Displayed formatting should be retained, i.e. field contents should be transferred 1:1 to the clipboard.

Variant 1

Code: Select all

Name/Ext			     Size	 Date Taken [German]   Date modified [German]
20220131_121100.jpg		     3 853 453   31.01.2022 12:20      07.02.2022 22:44
a.txt		  			    14                         19.04.2019 16:35
Variant 2

Code: Select all

Path/Filename		  Extension  Size	 Date Taken [German]   Date modified [German]
D:\z\20220131_121100.jpg  jpg	     3 853 453   31.01.2022 12:20      07.02.2022 22:44
D:\z\a.txt		  txt	            14                         19.04.2019 16:35
I have created the following BOOKMARKS for this topic:
My Settings
  1. Bookmark 0 "DEFAULT VIEW - (Alt+Y)": Filter "Everything" | Tools > Options... > Home > Search: Custom -> blank! | Filter: Everything >
    Columns: Filename;Extension;Size;Total Size;Date Modified;Date Created;Date Accessed;Subject;Tags;Comment;Authors;File List Filename
    Sort: Name (Ascending) > View: Details > Index: Local database | Match case: .. Match regex: Disabled
  2. Bookmark 1 - "Copy as CSV - (Alt+L)": Search: Custom ... /command 41067 <enter> | Filter: (No change) |
    Columns: Name;Path;Total Size;Date Modified;Date Created - Keyboard shortcut: ALT+L - Example:
    Filename,Extension,Size,Total Size,Date Modified,Date Created,Date Accessed,Title,Subject,Tags,Comment,Authors,File List Filename
    "D:\z\a.txt",jpg,3853453,3853453,2022-02-07 22:44:04,2022-01-31 12:11:00,2024-01-23 11:18:27,,,,,,
  3. Bookmark 2 - "Copy as TSV - (Alt+P)": Search: Custom ... /command 41096 <enter> | Filter: (No change) | Columns: (No change)
    Keyboard shortcut: ALT+P - Examples: ...
    1.    ALT+SHIFT+P: View: "Bookmark 8" (!) -> Columns: Name;Path;Extension;Size;Total Size;Date Taken;Date Created;Date Modified
    1.1. ALT+P Bookmark 2: "Copy as TSV" - File must be selected!
           Filename                                               |  Extension | Size       | Total Size | Date Taken               | Date Created          | Date Modified
           "D:\Pictures\2021\20220131_121100.jpg"     jpg          | 3853453   3853453      2022-01-31 12:20:00   2022-01-31 12:11:00   2022-02-07 22:44:04
    1.2. ALT+P Bookmark 2 (!) - Without a file being selected - cursor is in search box
           Filename | Extension | Size | Total Size | Date Taken | Date Created | Date Modified
           In this case, only the headings are copied to the clipboard!
  4. Bookmark 3 - "Copy as TSV (Alt+J)": Search: Custom ... /command 41096 <enter> | Filter: (No change) |
    Columns: Name;Path;Extension;Size;Total Size;Date Taken;Date Modified;Date Created (!!)
    Keyboard shortcut: ALT+J - Example: File must be selected!
           Filename                             |  Extension | Size | Total Size | Date Modified | Date Created | Date Accessed -> ... *)
           "D:\z\20220131_121100.jpg"        | jpg | 3853453 | 3853453 | 2022-02-07 22:44:04 | 2022-01-31 12:11:00 | 2024-01-23 11:18:27
           *) ... Comment | Authors |  Title | Subject | Tags | File List Filename | ...(Columns outside the viewing area)
  5. Bookmark 4 - (Alt+Shift+i) - "copy name - formatfiletime:$date-modified:"
    Search: Custom ... /copy $name: $size: <formatfiletime:$date-modified:> <enter> - Filter: (No change)
    Columns: Name;Path;Total Size;Date Modified;Date Created - Keyboard shortcut: ALT+SHIFT+I
    Example: 20220131_121100.jpg 3853453 07.02.2022 22:44
  6. Bookmark 5 - (Alt+Shift+M) - "copy full-path & size - formatfiletime:$date-modified:"
    Search: Custom ... /copy $full-path: | $size: | <formatfiletime:$date-modified:> <enter> - Filter: (No change)
    Columns: Name;Path;Total Size;Date Modified;Date Created - Keyboard shortcut: ALT+SHIFT+M
    Example: a.txt 14 19.04.2019 16:35
  7. Bookmark 6 - (Alt+Shift+K) - "copy name & size - formatfiletime:$date-taken:"
    Search: Custom ... /copy $name: $size: <formatfiletime:$date-taken:> <enter> - Filter: Picture
    Columns: Name;Path;Total Size;Date Taken;Date Modified;Date Created - Keyboard shortcut: ALT+SHIFT+K
    Example: 20220131_121100.jpg 3853453 31.01.2022 12:20
  8. Bookmark 7 - (ALT+D) - "copy full-path - formatfiletime:$date-taken:"
    Search: Custom ... /copy $full-path: | <formatfiletime:$date-taken:> <enter> - Filter: (No change)
    Columns: Name;Path;Total Size;Date Taken;Date Modified;Date Created - Keyboard shortcut: ALT+D
    Example: D:\z\20220131_121100.jpg | 31.01.2022 12:20
  9. Bookmark 8 - (Alt+Shift+P) - "Pictures/Columns": Search: (No change) | Filter: Picture | Sort: Name (Ascending)
    Columns: Name;Path;Extension;Size;Total Size;Date Taken;Date Created;Date Modified - Keyboard shortcut: ALT+SHIFT+P
    Example: Alt+Shift+P (Bookmark 8), Alt+P (Bookmark 2) ... No file selected(!)
    Result:    Filename      Extension      Size      Total Size      Date Taken      Date Created      Date Modified
  10. Bookmark 9 - (Alt+Shift+D) - "Date modified!": Search: (No change) | Filter: (No change) | Sort: Name (Ascending)
    Columns: Name;Path;Extension;Size;Total Size;Date Modified;Date Created;Date Accessed - Keyboard shortcut: ALT+SHIFT+D
    Example: Alt+Shift+D (Bookmark 9), Alt+P (Bookmark 2) ... No file selected(!)
    Result:    Filename      Extension      Size      Total Size      Date Modified      Date Created      Date Accessed
It is not possible to achieve my goal as described above with any of the above bookmarks (no. 1 - 7) alone.
(Bookmarks no. 8 and no. 9 only create a modified column view in preparation for the copy action).
The following is currently required to approximately achieve my goal.
(I am currently unaware of any other solution).
  1. Call up bookmark no. 8 (Alt+Shift+P) to display the desired columns for images.
    If there is NO bookmark, columns must be MANUALLY hidden from the Default view (Alt+Y - Bookmark 0)
    or the desired columns must be added. The same applies to bookmark no. 9.
  2. Bookmark no. 2 (Alt+P): For the column heading as I want it, I need
    Point 3.1.2. ALT+P Bookmark 2 (!) - Without a file being selected - cursor is in search box
    Result:    Filename      Extension      Size      Total Size      Date Modified      Date Created      Date Accessed
  3. Bookmark no. 8 (Alt+Shift+P): For the column contents I need marked file(s) and bookmark no. 6 (Alt+Shift+K)
    20220131_121100.jpg 3853453 31.01.2022 12:20    /copy $name: $size: <formatfiletime:$date-taken:>
    - OR -
    Bookmark no. 8 (Alt+Shift+P): For the column contents I need marked file(s) and bookmark no. 7 (Alt+D)
    D:\z\20220131_121100.jpg 31.01.2022 12:20         /copy $full-path: <formatfiletime:$date-taken:>
  1. "Copy as TSV (Alt+P) - /command 41096"
    1. The content of column "Path" was not output
    2. The field content, e.g. Size: 3 853 453 was displayed as 3853453 -> Formatting
      The field content should be output 1:1 (the formatting is set separately anyway).
    3. After execution, the search query was deleted without a previously selected file.
      The cursor was previously positioned in the search line: D:\z\| ... |=Cursor
    4. After execution, if a file was previously selected (e.g. in the first line), this file was scrolled down and
      positioned in the penultimate line of the search result.
    5. "Regional format" was not applied - Short date: 23.01.2024 | Short time: 16:19 | Long time: 16:19:45
      If the field content is transferred 1:1 to the clipboard, the topic "Regional format" is only "nice to know".
  2. BOOKMARKS IN GENERAL: The command "/command 41096" is executed BEFORE(!) applying the defined column view
    and only THEN is the column view set to the columns saved in the bookmark - example: Bookmark no. 3 - "Copy as TSV (Alt+J)"
    1. "DEFAULT VIEW - (Alt+Y)" is displayed: Columns...
      Name;Path;Extension;Size;Total Size;Date Modified;Date Created;Date Accessed;Title;Subject;Tags;Comment;Authors;File List Filename
    2. Bookmark 3 - "Copy as TSV (Alt+J)" - "/command 41096" is called: Columns...
      Name;Path;Extension;Size;Total Size;Date Taken;Date Created;Date Modified
    3. Expected result: Bookmark no. 3 - "Copy as TSV (Alt+J)"
      and only then executing the command "/command 41096".
      Filename      Extension      Size      Total Size      Date Taken      Date Created      Date Modified
      "D:\z\20220131_121100.jpg" jpg 3853453 3853453 2022-01-31 12:20:00 2022-01-31 12:11:00 2022-02-07 22:44:04
      Display of: Columns: Name;Path;Extension;Size;Total Size;Date Taken;Date Created;Date Modified
      NOT expected result: Bookmark 0 "DEFAULT VIEW - (Alt+Y)"
      Filename Extension Size Total Size Date Modified Date Created Date Accessed --> Title Subject Tags Comment Authors File List Filename
      "D:\z\20220131_121100.jpg" jpg 3853453 3853453 2022-02-07 22:44:04 2022-01-31 12:11:00 2024-01-23 11:18:27
      Name;Path;Extension;Size;Total Size;Date Modified;Date Created;Date Accessed;Title;Subject;Tags;Comment;Authors;File List Filename
      Explanations of the result:
      I.e. with the command "/command 41096" the column headings and contents of the shown "DEFAULT VIEW - (Alt+Y)" (!)
      were transferred to the clipboard instead of the columns of the bookmark view (!!).
      The defined columns from the bookmark were displayed afterwards.

      When I add columns to a bookmark and then switch to another view or run a command, then I expect a result according to this bookmark.
      This means that the command in the bookmark should only apply to the defined columns in that bookmark and not to the displayed columns.

      Only if NO columns have been defined in the bookmark should the command be applied to the displayed columns -
      this is the case, for example, with bookmark no. 2 (see above) - no columns defined.
  3. A restart (/restart) is required so that, for example, a column added to a bookmark becomes visible.
    After a restart, the default view is currently displayed and NOT the changed bookmark view.
    I am only mentioning this topic for the sake of completeness, as it has already been reported in the forum by a user.
  4. Create new(!) bookmark with column view / column widths
    1. Current view - Bookmark 6 (Alt+Shift+K) - Filter "Picture"
      Columns: Name;Path;Total Size;Date Taken;Date Modified;Date Created
    2. Set up column view: Addition of columns "Size" "Extension" and "Camera Model"
      Columns: Name;Path;Extension;Size;Total Size;Date Taken;Camera Model;Date Modified;Date Created
    3. Adjust the column widths by dragging the column separator lines
    4. Menu "Bookmarks" > Add to Bookmarks... > Create NEW bookmark with Filter "Picture" by adding three columns
      (Extension;Size;Camera Model) - previously called up bookmark no. 6 (Alt+Shift+K)
    5. Filter: Everything
      Note: The filter for bookmark no. 6 was set to "Picture" and this filter is not applied after "Add to Bookmarks..."
      Instead, the default filter "Everything" is suggested.
      Here you could perhaps consider whether the "Picture" filter should be applied automatically,
      because in the current view, both the "Picture" filter and the "Picture" tab are displayed.
    6. OK
    7. Menu "Bookmarks" > Organize Bookmarks... > Click in the bookmark list > Press the "End" button >
      Press the Alt+up arrow key multiple times to insert the new bookmark (position it in the desired place): e.g. Name\copy\NameOfBookmark
    8. OK
    9. /restart ... Restart Everything.
    10. After the restart, the Default view (Alt+Y) is displayed (and not the new bookmark). Please see also point 3.
    11. Call up the new bookmark - the column widths is retained! Please see also point 5.
  5. Undesirable change in column width
    1. View: Bookmark 8 > Widen the path column from 24,5 cm to 25.3 cm
    2. Switch to Default view via bookmark 0 (Alt+Y): Path column also to 25.3 cm and thus column shift.
      The Default view was previously only 24.5 cm.
    3. Switch to Default view via bookmark 0 (Alt+Y): Set path column to 24.5 cm
    4. Switch to view of bookmark 8 (Alt+Shift+P): Path column has 24.5 cm instead of 25.3 cm -> column shift.
    5. Switch to Default view via bookmark 0 (Alt+Y), then restart: /restart
    6. Restore view from bookmark 8 (Alt+Shift+P): Restart did not help -> columns moved
    7. "Save Position" could save the respective view.
Please check.
Posts: 16428
Joined: Fri Oct 16, 2009 11:31 pm

Re: Copy field contents to clipboard for all columns defined in the bookmark

Post by void »

Thanks for testing tuska,

Moved from Everything to Copy file names with modified date for multi files.

Switch to view of bookmark 8 (Alt+Shift+P): Path column has 24.5 cm instead of 25.3 cm -> column shift.
Bookmarks do not save column widths.
The last column width is always used.

I have on my TODO list to add a column organizer that will save column widths.
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Joined: Thu Jul 13, 2017 9:14 am

Re: Copy field contents to clipboard for all columns defined in the bookmark

Post by tuska »


By chance I found another error: Switch from bookmark view to filter view.
  1. Bookmark 0 "DEFAULT VIEW - (Alt+Y)": Filter "Everything"
    Name,Path,Extension,Size,Total Size,Date Modified,Date Created,Date Accessed,Title,Subject,Tags,Comment,Authors,File List Filename
  2. Switch to view of Bookmark 8 - (Alt+Shift+P) - "Pictures/Columns": Search: (No change) | Filter: Picture | Sort: Name (Ascending)
    Columns: Name,Path,Extension,Size,Total Size,Date Taken,Date Created,Date Modified
  3. Switch to Filter (Alt+"><|") (left below the letter A on the German keyboard)
    Filter - Name: "Dateiausschlüsse... !<C:|I:|J:|N:|Y:> MAKRO cijn: | ALT+Y = Sämtl. Lfw.! | "><|" = OEM 102 Taste"
    Columns defined: Name,Path,Extension,Size,Date Modified,Date Created,Date Accessed,Title,Subject,Tags,Comment,Authors,File List   Filename
    Columns shown  : Name,Path,Extension,Size,Total Size,Date Taken,Date Created,Date Accessed,Title,Subject,Tags,Comment,Authors,
                                File List Filename,Date Modified
The columns "Total Size" and "Date Taken" of Bookmark 8 (Alt+Shift+P) are displayed after calling up the filter
although they were not defined in the filter :!:

Furthermore, Bookmark 8 has overridden the filter, i.e. the arrangement of the columns has been changed in favour of Bookmark 8:
- The columns "Total Size" and "Date Taken" are located at the position where the "Date Modified" column of the filter should be.
- The column "Date Modified" from the filter was displayed as the last column.
- Even if you then set the filter manually (via dropdown and without a shortcut), the wrong column view remains available.
- Only if you display the "Default view" at this point can you then display the columns from the filter via shortcut or dropdown properly again.
Please take this into consideration.
Thank you!
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Joined: Fri Oct 16, 2009 11:31 pm

Re: Copy field contents to clipboard for all columns defined in the bookmark

Post by void »

I.e. with the command "/command 41096" the column headings and contents of the shown "DEFAULT VIEW - (Alt+Y)" (!)
were transferred to the clipboard instead of the columns of the bookmark view (!!)
Everything sets the columns AFTER performing the bookmark search.

I'm working on a solution here.
It will most likely involve running multiple search commands, for example:

/columns name;path;size;dm;date-taken;etc...
/command 41096

The columns "Total Size" and "Date Taken" of Bookmark 8 (Alt+Shift+P) are displayed after calling up the filter
although they were not defined in the filter :!:
Filters add columns.
Bookmarks set columns.

You can use the columns: search function to set columns from your filter.
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Re: Copy field contents to clipboard for all columns defined in the bookmark

Post by void »

Everything will now set the view and columns before applying the bookmark search.

Also added /columns search command so you can run the following bookmark search:

/addcolumns width;height
/command 41096

I've also added the following commands:

Code: Select all

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Re: Copy field contents to clipboard for all columns defined in the bookmark

Post by tuska »

Many thanks for your efforts!
void wrote: Thu Feb 08, 2024 5:38 am Everything will now set the view and columns before applying the bookmark search.
Under Notes - Point 2.c. I now get the expected result. :)

I also noticed the following:
  1. Window size cannot be saved in bookmarks?
    When editing bookmarks I have some where I have to drag the window size down to see the line "Keyboard shortcut:" completely.
    If I then click on "OK" and edit again, Everything has not remembered the window size.

    Height = 22.2 cm / 822 px (line "Keyboard shortcut:" only partially displayed) -> 22.6 cm / 837 px are to be saved
    Monitor 24", WIN+I > System > Display > Scale & layout -> Scale: 125%, Display resolution: 1920 x 1280 pixels (native screen resolution)
  2. Column content of a comment - line break (e.g. command 41183.txt)
    #define UI_ID_RESULT_LIST_COPY_TSV_NO_HEADER /command 41182
    #define UI_ID_RESULT_LIST_COPY_TSV_WITH_HEADER /command 41183
    /command 41096 TSV

    In the "Comment" column (text content: 259 characters), the first line break was performed after 35 characters
    and the following text was transferred to the "Filename" column.
    [Current solution: No line break in Word comments].

    As a result, the "Authors" column to the right of the "Comment" column was empty -
    the field content of "Authors" was transferred to the "Extension" column.
    1. #define UI_ID_RESULT_LIST_COPY_CSV_NO_HEADER /command 41184 <enter> works! *)
      #define UI_ID_RESULT_LIST_COPY_CSV_WITH_HEADER /command 41185 <enter> works!
      /command 41067 CSV works! (The letters MJ marked are displayed as a line break).

      *) The content of the "Size" field is always specified in bytes regardless of the setting
          was set in Everything Options - (x64) > General: View > Size format: e.g. Auto.
Please check.
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Joined: Fri Oct 16, 2009 11:31 pm

Re: Copy field contents to clipboard for all columns defined in the bookmark

Post by void »

Window size cannot be saved in bookmarks?
Not officially yet.
Saving and restoring the window size and view (column widths etc) is on my TODO list.

You can use the following search commands:
/window_wide 640
/window_high 400


When editing bookmarks I have some where I have to drag the window size down to see the line "Keyboard shortcut:" completely.
If I then click on "OK" and edit again, Everything has not remembered the window size.
This is caused by multi-line search text.

I will remove the maximum window limit for the next alpha update.

Column content of a comment - line break
The next alpha update will escape the new line.

Thank you for bringing this issue to my attention.
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Re: Copy field contents to clipboard for all columns defined in the bookmark

Post by void »

Everything will now escape new lines when copying or exporting as CSV/TSV.
Posts: 1046
Joined: Thu Jul 13, 2017 9:14 am

Re: Copy field contents to clipboard for all columns defined in the bookmark

Post by tuska »

tuska wrote: Fri Feb 09, 2024 4:06 pm I also noticed the following:

1. Window size cannot be saved in bookmarks?
When editing bookmarks I have some where I have to drag the window size down to see the line "Keyboard shortcut:" completely.
If I then click on "OK" and edit again, Everything has not remembered the window size.
This is fixed (tested with Everything (x64). :)
Thank you!

void wrote: Thu Feb 29, 2024 6:21 am Everything will now escape new lines when copying or exporting as CSV/TSV.
There was only a problem with a comment on TSV.
The problem still exists (tested with Everything (x64).
Thanks anyway for your efforts.
  1. D:\Daten\WINWORD\WINWORD_VORLAGEN\Privat\Briefumschlag_C6-B16-2_H11-4-Einschreiben.dotx
    2024-03-01_Comment on a Word document..png
    2024-03-01_Comment on a Word document..png (26.32 KiB) Viewed 4224 times

    Code: Select all

    Papierfach entleeren (A4-Blätter); Briefkuvert muß mit Umschlagklappe (oben) und
    Umschlagklappe rechts in den normalen Papier
    einzug eingelegt werden (nicht in Kuv.Fach !) -
    Extras-Briefe-Umschläge-Optionen-Benutzerdefiniert,zB Breite 16,2 cm Höhe 11,4 cm OK;
    von links: AUTO (enspricht idF 7,5 cm)
    von oben: 5,5 cm  --- OK; keine Leerzeilen lassen zwischen Empfänger und Adresse !
  2. command_41096_COPY_AS_TSV
    After 80 characters - this corresponds to the first line in the comment - the comment in the "Comment" field is truncated
    and the remaining comment is transferred to the "Filename" field.
    Same result as under point 1.
    Same result as under point 1.
  5. command_41184_RESULT_LIST_COPY_CSV_NO_HEADER     -> OK
  7. command_41067_COPY_AS_CSV -> OK
Please check again.
Thank you!
Posts: 16428
Joined: Fri Oct 16, 2009 11:31 pm

Re: Copy field contents to clipboard for all columns defined in the bookmark

Post by void »

Thank you for testing 1369a Tuska,

I am seeing the expected results.

Could you please copy this file as TSV with the comment column shown and paste it here inside a [code] [/code] tag.

Using command_41096_COPY_AS_TSV, it should look like:

Code: Select all

"C:\test\COMMENT\multiline.jpg"	378560	2024-03-02 13:49:56	"Papierfach entleeren (A4-Blätter); Briefkuvert muß mit Umschlagklappe (oben) und
Umschlagklappe rechts in den normalen Papier
einzug eingelegt werden (nicht in Kuv.Fach !) -
Extras-Briefe-Umschläge-Optionen-Benutzerdefiniert,zB Breite 16,2 cm Höhe 11,4 cm OK;
von links: AUTO (enspricht idF 7,5 cm)
von oben: 5,5 cm  --- OK; keine Leerzeilen lassen zwischen Empfänger und Adresse !"
Umschlagklappe wraps around to a new line, this is expected.
Please note: this new line is still inside a " quote
New lines are treated as literal while inside quotes.
If I paste this in Excel I see the expected multi-line value in a single cell.
Where are you pasting your TSV?

CSV had the same issue as TSV.
I'm seeing the correct CSV newline escaping in 1368+

6. Fields containing line breaks (CRLF), double quotes, and commas
should be enclosed in double-quotes. For example:

"aaa","b CRLF
bb","ccc" CRLF
RFC 4180
Posts: 1046
Joined: Thu Jul 13, 2017 9:14 am

Re: Copy field contents to clipboard for all columns defined in the bookmark

Post by tuska »

Thank you for your advice, especially on Excel.

The problem only occurs for me with TSV and with EmEditor.
I copy the content of the clipboard into the EmEditor.

The formatting of the "Comment" field is different between TSV (content in several lines) and CSV (content in 1 line).
Would it be possible to adapt the formatting of CSV (e.g. 41185) for TSV (41096) as well?

In Excel, I also only see 1 line in the "Comment" field. If I copy the content from Excel to EmEditor and use the
"Tab" button to split it by column, I get the content in several rows again.
2024-03-02_Comment on a JPG file.png
2024-03-02_Comment on a JPG file.png (59.12 KiB) Viewed 4195 times
2024-03-02_command_41096_COPY_AS_TSV_ALT-J_EmEditor.png (63.28 KiB) Viewed 4195 times

Code: Select all

Filename	Extension	Comment
"C:\Test\Comment\multiline.jpg"	jpg	"""Papierfach entleeren (A4-Blätter); Briefkuvert muß mit Umschlagklappe (oben) und
Umschlagklappe rechts in den normalen Papier
einzug eingelegt werden (nicht in Kuv.Fach !) -
Extras-Briefe-Umschläge-Optionen-Benutzerdefiniert,zB Breite 16,2 cm Höhe 11,4 cm OK;
von links: AUTO (enspricht idF 7,5 cm)
von oben: 5,5 cm  --- OK; keine Leerzeilen lassen zwischen Empfänger und Adresse !"""


Code: Select all

"C:\Test\Comment\multiline.jpg",jpg,"""Papierfach entleeren (A4-Blätter); Briefkuvert muß mit Umschlagklappe (oben) und
Umschlagklappe rechts in den normalen Papier
einzug eingelegt werden (nicht in Kuv.Fach !) -
Extras-Briefe-Umschläge-Optionen-Benutzerdefiniert,zB Breite 16,2 cm Höhe 11,4 cm OK;
von links: AUTO (enspricht idF 7,5 cm)
von oben: 5,5 cm  --- OK; keine Leerzeilen lassen zwischen Empfänger und Adresse !"""
2024-03-02_command_41185_RESULT_LIST_COPY_CSV_WITH_HEADER_EmEditor.png (34.6 KiB) Viewed 4194 times

2024-03-02_Total Commander 11.03_Plugin ShellDetails_TC-command cm_CopyHdrFileDetailsToClip.tsv

Code: Select all

Name/Erw.	shelldetails-Kommentare	shelldetails-Stichwörter (Tags)	Office-Keywords	xpdfsearch-Keywords	xpdfsearch-Tagged
Briefumschlag_C6-B16-2_H11-4-Einschreiben.dotx	Papierfach entleeren (A4-Blätter); Briefkuvert muß mit Umschlagklappe (oben) und  Umschlagklappe rechts in den normalen Papier  einzug eingelegt werden (nicht in Kuv.Fach !) -  Extras-Briefe-Umschläge-Optionen-Benutzerdefiniert,zB Breite 16,2 cm Höhe 11,4 cm 	Umschlag, Umschläge, Briefe
In Total Commander 11.03, using the "ShellDetails" plug-in and Total Commander command: cm_CopyHdrFileDetailsToClip,
it is possible to perform "RESULT_LIST_COPY_TSV_WITH_HEADER" and in EmEditor, after clicking on the "Tab" button,
a column separation while retaining the "Comment" column in one line (without wrapping).
2024-03-02_Total Commander 11.03_Plugin ShellDetails_TC-command cm_CopyHdrFileDetailsToClip.png
2024-03-02_Total Commander 11.03_Plugin ShellDetails_TC-command cm_CopyHdrFileDetailsToClip.png (47.99 KiB) Viewed 4185 times
Posts: 16428
Joined: Fri Oct 16, 2009 11:31 pm

Re: Copy field contents to clipboard for all columns defined in the bookmark

Post by void »

The formatting of the "Comment" field is different between TSV (content in several lines) and CSV (content in 1 line).
Would it be possible to adapt the formatting of CSV (e.g. 41185) for TSV (41096) as well?
Everything uses RFC 4180 for both TSV and CSV.

The only difference is:
TSV uses tab (\t 0x09) as the separator.
CSV uses comma (,) as the separator.

Could you please paste the TSV and CSV from Everything inside a [code] [/code] tag here.

Where are you seeing the (content in several lines) and (content in 1 line)?
If you're using EmEditor it might have something to do with how it handles CSV.
Looks like EmEditor is inserting literal double quotes in the comment?

Looks like Total Commander removes the new lines.
Perhaps an option is needed to remove the new lines..
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Joined: Thu Jul 13, 2017 9:14 am

Re: Copy field contents to clipboard for all columns defined in the bookmark

Post by tuska »

void wrote: Sun Mar 03, 2024 1:24 am Could you please paste the TSV and CSV from Everything inside a [code] [/code] tag here.
41096 COPY_TSV_WITH_HEADER (ALT+J) ... and pasted the content of the clipboard directly into the forum text.

Code: Select all

Filename	Extension	Total Size	Date Modified	Comment
"D:\Daten\WINWORD\WINWORD_VORLAGEN\Privat\Briefumschlag_C6-B16-2_H11-4-Einschreiben.dotx"	dotx	12394	2024-02-09 15:27:05	"Papierfach entleeren (A4-Blätter); Briefkuvert muß mit Umschlagklappe (oben) und
Umschlagklappe rechts in den normalen Papier
einzug eingelegt werden (nicht in Kuv.Fach !) -
Extras-Briefe-Umschläge-Optionen-Benutzerdefiniert,zB Breite 16,2 cm Höhe 11,4 cm OK;
von links: AUTO (enspricht idF 7,5 cm)
von oben: 5,5 cm  --- OK; keine Leerzeilen lassen zwischen Empfänger und Adresse !"
41185 COPY_CSV_WITH_HEADER (ALT+P) ... and pasted the content of the clipboard directly into the forum text:

Code: Select all

Filename,Extension,Total Size,Date Modified,Comment
"D:\Daten\WINWORD\WINWORD_VORLAGEN\Privat\Briefumschlag_C6-B16-2_H11-4-Einschreiben.dotx",dotx,12394,2024-02-09 15:27:05,"Papierfach entleeren (A4-Blätter); Briefkuvert muß mit Umschlagklappe (oben) und
Umschlagklappe rechts in den normalen Papier
einzug eingelegt werden (nicht in Kuv.Fach !) -
Extras-Briefe-Umschläge-Optionen-Benutzerdefiniert,zB Breite 16,2 cm Höhe 11,4 cm OK;
von links: AUTO (enspricht idF 7,5 cm)
von oben: 5,5 cm  --- OK; keine Leerzeilen lassen zwischen Empfänger und Adresse !"
void wrote: Sun Mar 03, 2024 1:24 am Where are you seeing the (content in several lines) and (content in 1 line)?

Code: Select all

- TSV - Several lines: Picture above ... 2024-03-02_command_41096_COPY_AS_TSV_ALT-J_EmEditor.png
                       Please look in the "Filename" column... The comment should be in the comment column!
- CSV - 1 line ......: Picture above ... 2024-03-02_command_41185_RESULT_LIST_COPY_CSV_WITH_HEADER_EmEditor.png
		       Please look in the "Comment" column... (CSV is OK for me!)
void wrote: Sun Mar 03, 2024 1:24 am If you're using EmEditor it might have something to do with how it handles CSV.
Looks like EmEditor is inserting literal double quotes in the comment?
I have done many tests with EmEditor - at some point there were several inverted commas - only in the comment.

A retest revealed the following: For 41096_COPY_AS_TSV_ALT-J  AND  41185_COPY_AS_CSV_ALT-P
these inverted commas (" ") were only present once in the file name and in the comment.
Tested with EmEditor, Notepad++, Notepad3, PSPad.
The inverted commas (" ") are due to the RFC 4180 format and are not a problem for me.
Thank you for drawing my attention to this documentation again.
void wrote: Sun Mar 03, 2024 1:24 am Looks like Total Commander removes the new lines.
Not only, because I have noticed that Total Commander of 406 characters comment
only outputs 259 characters after copying to the clipboard.
(406 characters as a comment in a Word document is a special case for me...).
void wrote: Sun Mar 03, 2024 1:24 am Perhaps an option is needed to remove the new lines..
I find such an option very interesting and would like to test it once it has been implemented.

Thank you for your endeavours.
Posts: 16428
Joined: Fri Oct 16, 2009 11:31 pm

Re: Copy field contents to clipboard for all columns defined in the bookmark

Post by void »

Thank you for the information tuska,

The copied TSV and CSV from Everything is as expected.

What happens when you copy a multi-line cell from Excel (or other spreadsheet software) to EmEditor, Notepad++, Notepad3, PSPad?

Is there a way to paste TSV into these editors?

Please consider the following bookmark search:

/copy $fullpath:&tab:$extension:&tab:$size:&tab:<FORMATFILETIME:$dm:>&tab:<REGEXREPLACE:$comment:,"\r\n"," ">
Posts: 1046
Joined: Thu Jul 13, 2017 9:14 am

Re: Copy field contents to clipboard for all columns defined in the bookmark

Post by tuska »

void wrote: Mon Mar 04, 2024 10:54 am What happens when you copy a multi-line cell from Excel (or other spreadsheet software) to EmEditor, Notepad++, Notepad3, PSPad?
I don't get the result that I want (please see the picture below).
void wrote: Mon Mar 04, 2024 10:54 am Is there a way to paste TSV into these editors?
I don't know if the other editors than EmEditor have such a function and I would not use it because my default editor is the EmEditor.
2024-03-04_‪Comment in Excel to TSV in EmEditor.png
2024-03-04_‪Comment in Excel to TSV in EmEditor.png (137.99 KiB) Viewed 4125 times
void wrote: Mon Mar 04, 2024 10:54 am Please consider the following bookmark search:

Code: Select all

/copy $fullpath:&tab:$extension:&tab:$size:&tab:<FORMATFILETIME:$dm:>&tab:<REGEXREPLACE:$comment:,"\r\n"," ">

Thank you!
This is exactly the result I was hoping for!
2024-03-04_Tab separated_TSV.png
2024-03-04_Tab separated_TSV.png (14.39 KiB) Viewed 4125 times
I would really like to ask you additionally for the column headings for this bookmark, then it would be PERFECT for me!

Unfortunately, many parameters of this bookmark have to be set by the user.

I am therefore afraid that I can only use this bookmark for this case (comments),
as I find it very difficult to set parameters and I constantly have different column views.

For other column views, the effort involved in setting up a similar bookmark currently seems far too great to me and
I think I will finally use the command: 41185_COPY_AS_CSV_ALT-P in these cases.
Posts: 16428
Joined: Fri Oct 16, 2009 11:31 pm

Re: Copy field contents to clipboard for all columns defined in the bookmark

Post by void »

I don't have a good solution here.
There's doesn't appear to be a simple solution to do this with Excel and Google sheets.

What are you doing with the pasted text? are you parsing over it with another program? or is it just for display purposes?

I would like to avoid any formatting in Everything when copying as TSV/CSV as these formats are well defined.

Maybe Everything needs a copy as TXT command, but then there's no real standard here when it comes to multiple lines.
Maybe a copy as JSON option...
This would give you:

Code: Select all

[{"Filename":"D:\Daten\WINWORD\WINWORD_VORLAGEN\Privat\Briefumschlag_C6-B16-2_H11-4-Einschreiben.dotx","Extension":"dotx","Total Size":12394,"Date Modified":"2024-02-09 15:27:05","Comment":"Papierfach entleeren (A4-Blätter); Briefkuvert muß mit Umschlagklappe (oben) und\nUmschlagklappe rechts in den normalen Papier\neinzug eingelegt werden (nicht in Kuv.Fach !) -\nExtras-Briefe-Umschläge-Optionen-Benutzerdefiniert,zB Breite 16,2 cm Höhe 11,4 cm OK;\nEmpfängeradresse: \nvon links: AUTO (enspricht idF 7,5 cm)\nvon oben: 5,5 cm  --- OK; keine Leerzeilen lassen zwischen Empfänger und Adresse !"}]
Would this be useful?
-newlines get escaped to \n
-Each item will be on one line.
-Each property value contains the "header" name.
-Parsing this data should be rather easy.

I would really like to ask you additionally for the column headings for this bookmark, then it would be PERFECT for me!
/copy doesn't support headers.

Something might be possible in the future with ES.
You could have ES dump a header then all the properties you want.

Unfortunately, many parameters of this bookmark have to be set by the user.
Yes, it's not ideal.

I think I will finally use the command: 41185_COPY_AS_CSV_ALT-P in these cases.
EmEditor appears to support CSV, so I would just stick with copy as CSV.
Posts: 1046
Joined: Thu Jul 13, 2017 9:14 am

Re: Copy field contents to clipboard for all columns defined in the bookmark

Post by tuska »

void wrote: Tue Mar 05, 2024 4:54 am What are you doing with the pasted text? ... or is it just for display purposes?
I would need a "COPY_AS_TXT_WITH_TAB_FUNCTION" for my documentation purposes, buttons in Total Commander, forum posts, etc.

The following would be desirable:
  1. A representation of column contents as it is possible with this bookmark:
    /copy $fullpath:&tab:$extension:&tab:$size:&tab:<FORMATFILETIME:$dm:>&tab:<REGEXREPLACE:$comment:,"\r\n"," "> ... <enter>
    - In this case, I get the field contents including formatting of date and time as I want them(!).
    - E.g. multiple line breaks in a comment are also optimally displayed for me (no special characters in EmEditor or elsewhere).
  2. Column headings should also be output
  3. A command, e.g. 99999_COPY_AS_TXT_TAB_SEPARATED, which allows - analogue to command 41185_COPY_AS_CSV -
    copy ANY column content to the clipboard with a shortcut in a bookmark.
  4. I don't need a "JSON option".
If a function "99999_AS_TXT_TAB_SEPARATED" is not possible, then it is also not a problem for me because
in this case I would either use 41185_COPY_AS_CSV_ALT-P or transfer the search result to Total Commander
and copy the column contents to the clipboard there.

Please give me your opinion.
Then we could close the topic.
Posts: 16428
Joined: Fri Oct 16, 2009 11:31 pm

Re: Copy field contents to clipboard for all columns defined in the bookmark

Post by void »

Everything improves copying properties and exporting properties.

added /copy-header <header-text>

header-text will be added as the header in the next call to /copy

Property values are now gathered when using /copy

Progress is shown in the status bar on the right.
Double click the progress bar or press ESC to cancel gathering property values.

/copy will now copy the file if no format is specified.

Property values can now be gathered when exporting.

To gather property values when exporting:
  • In Everything 1.5, from the Tools menu, click Options.
  • Click the Advanced tab on the left.
  • To the right of Show settings containing, search for:
  • Select: gather_properties_on_export
  • Set the value to: true
  • Click OK.
Note: It can take a very long time to gather property values.
Progress is shown in the status bar on the right.
Double click the progress bar or press ESC to cancel gathering property values.


Before exporting, select all your files and from the File menu, click Read extended information.

added a command to copy as JSON:
/command 41187

Please consider using the following bookmark search:

/copy-header Filename&tab:Extension&tab:Size&tab:Date Modified&tab:Comment
/copy $fullpath:&tab:$extension:&tab:$size:&tab:<FORMATFILETIME:$dm:>&tab:<REGEXREPLACE:$comment:,"\r\n"," ">
Posts: 1046
Joined: Thu Jul 13, 2017 9:14 am

Re: Copy field contents to clipboard for all columns defined in the bookmark

Post by tuska »

Thank you for Everything version! :)
void wrote: Thu Apr 18, 2024 7:21 am copy as JSON:

Code: Select all

/command 41187

Test file: "D:\Daten\WINWORD\WINWORD_VORLAGEN\Privat\Briefumschlag_C6-B16-2_H11-4-Einschreiben.dotx"

With command 41187 in a bookmark I get the following result via the clipboard:
- Date/time formatting: DD.MM.YYYY HH:MM would be desirable
- [], {} could be omitted from the output

Code: Select all

		"tags":"Umschlag, Umschläge, Briefe",
		"comment":"Papierfach entleeren (A4-Blätter); Briefkuvert muß mit Umschlagklappe (oben) und\r\nUmschlagklappe rechts in den normalen Papier\r\neinzug eingelegt werden (nicht in Kuv.Fach !) -\r\nExtras-Briefe-Umschläge-Optionen-Benutzerdefiniert,zB Breite 16,2 cm Höhe 11,4 cm OK;\r\nEmpfängeradresse: \r\nvon links: AUTO (enspricht idF 7,5 cm)\r\nvon oben: 5,5 cm  --- OK; keine Leerzeilen lassen zwischen Empfänger und Adresse !",
void wrote: Thu Apr 18, 2024 7:21 am Please consider using the following bookmark search:

Code: Select all

/copy-header Filename&tab:Extension&tab:Size&tab:Date Modified&tab:Comment
/copy $fullpath:&tab:$extension:&tab:$size:&tab:<FORMATFILETIME:$dm:>&tab:<REGEXREPLACE:$comment:,"\r\n"," ">

Test file: "D:\Daten\WINWORD\WINWORD_VORLAGEN\Privat\Briefumschlag_C6-B16-2_H11-4-Einschreiben.dotx"

With this bookmark I get the following result via the clipboard (please see below... Filename&tab: ...):
The output of the real column headings (without "control characters") - separated e.g. by a tab - would be desirable,
such as with /command 41183 | RESULT_LIST_COPY_TSV_WITH_HEADER:

Code: Select all

Filename	Extension	Size	Date Modified	Comment

Code: Select all

Filename&tab:Extension&tab:Size&tab:Date Modified&tab:Comment
D:\Daten\WINWORD\WINWORD_VORLAGEN\Privat\Briefumschlag_C6-B16-2_H11-4-Einschreiben.dotx	dotx	12394	09.02.2024 15:27	Papierfach entleeren (A4-Blätter); Briefkuvert muß mit Umschlagklappe (oben) und Umschlagklappe rechts in den normalen Papier einzug eingelegt werden (nicht in Kuv.Fach !) - Extras-Briefe-Umschläge-Optionen-Benutzerdefiniert,zB Breite 16,2 cm Höhe 11,4 cm OK; Empfängeradresse:  von links: AUTO (enspricht idF 7,5 cm) von oben: 5,5 cm  --- OK; keine Leerzeilen lassen zwischen Empfänger und Adresse !
This variant in particular already looks very good to me (except for real the headings)!

Thank you for your endeavours!
Posts: 16428
Joined: Fri Oct 16, 2009 11:31 pm

Re: Copy field contents to clipboard for all columns defined in the bookmark

Post by void »

Thanks for testing 1372a tuska,

Everything will now expand the header text.

&tab: will now be replaced with a literal tab.

Ignore copying as json.
This will not be useful for your specific use case, I was just making a note of its existence here.
Dates in json will always be the raw unformatted filetimes.
Posts: 1046
Joined: Thu Jul 13, 2017 9:14 am

Re: Copy field contents to clipboard for all columns defined in the bookmark

Post by tuska »

void wrote: Thu Apr 25, 2024 5:56 am Everything will now expand the header text.
&tab: will now be replaced with a literal tab.
Thank you very much for your efforts!

The headings are now as desired and I think I can use this variant in Everything
to cover the topic "Copying column headings and contents to the clipboard" very well.
Note: I only need the "Comment" column for special cases.

[In other cases, I can use this command in Total Commander: cm_CopyHdrFileDetailsToClip
to copy any column contents including column headers to the clipboard (including Custom Columns views)].

Bookmark (with "Comment" column) ... Name\Copy\/copy-header <header-text> ... see below: Bookmarks.csv (exerpt)

Code: Select all

/copy-header Filename&tab:Extension&tab:Size&tab:Date Modified&tab:Comment
/copy $fullpath:&tab:$extension:&tab:$size:&tab:<FORMATFILETIME:$dm:>&tab:<REGEXREPLACE:$comment:,"\r\n"," ">

Example (shortened representation):

Code: Select all

Filename						Extension	Size	Date Modified		Comment
Path..\Briefumschlag_C6-B16-2_H11-4-Einschreiben.dotx	dotx		12394	09.02.2024 15:27	Papierfach entleeren ...
Bookmark (without "Comment" column) ... Name\Copy\/copy-header <header-text> (ALT + A) ... see below: Bookmarks.csv (exerpt)

Code: Select all

/copy-header Filename&tab:Extension&tab:Size&tab:Date Modified
/copy $fullpath:&tab:$extension:&tab:$size:&tab:<FORMATFILETIME:$dm:>

Example (shortened representation):

Code: Select all

Filename						Extension	Size	Date Modified
Path..\Briefumschlag_C6-B16-2_H11-4-Einschreiben.dotx	dotx		12394	09.02.2024 15:27
I have CREATED the following BOOKMARKS for this topic:
Everything Options - (x64) --> Advanced:

Code: Select all

Name			Value
menu_folder_separator 	\ 
menu_folders  		true
Menu "Bookmarks" > Find Bookmark -OR- Organize Bookmarks... > Search: copy

Bookmarks.csv (exerpt - Comma separated)

Code: Select all

Name,Type,Folder,Case,Whole Word,Path,Diacritic,Prefix,Suffix,Ignore Punctuation,Ignore Whitespace,Regex,Search,Filter,Columns,Sort,Descending,View,Index,File List,Host,Link Type,Macro,Key,Icon
"Name\Copy\(ALT+C) Name ohne Ext. KOPIEREN - Copy Stem (/copy $stem:) | abc.dll 123.exe -> abc|123 | Keyboard shortcut to copy stem:<filenames> ?",0,"",,,,,,,,,,"/copy $stem:",,"","",0,,,,,0,,579,""
"Name\Copy\(ALT+UMSCH+I) Name, Dateigröße, Änderungsdatum | /copy $name: | $size: | <formatfiletime:$date-modified:> | Everything to Copy file names with modified date for multi files",0,"",,,,,,,,,,"/copy $name: $size: <formatfiletime:$date-modified:>
",,"Name;Path;Total Size;Date Modified;Date Created","",0,,,,,0,,1609,""
"Name\Copy\(ALT+UMSCH+M) Pfad, Name, Dateigröße, Änderungsdatum | /copy $full-path: | $size: | <formatfiletime:$date-modified:> | Everything to Copy file names with modified date for multi files",0,"",,,,,,,,,,"/copy $full-path: | $size: | <formatfiletime:$date-modified:>
",,"Name;Path;Total Size;Date Modified;Date Created","",0,,,,,0,,1613,""
"Name\Copy\Bilder! (ALT+UMSCH+K), Aufnahmedatum | /copy $name: | $size: | <formatfiletime:$date-taken:>  | | Preprocessor",0,"",,,,,,,,,,"/copy $name: $size: <formatfiletime:$date-taken:>
","PICTURE","Name;Path;Total Size;Date Taken;Date Modified;Date Created","",0,,,,,0,,1611,""
"Name\Copy\Bilder! (ALT+D) Date-taken - Full-path | /copy $full-path: | <formatfiletime:$date-taken:> | | Search preprocessor",0,"",,,,,,,,,,"/copy $full-path: <formatfiletime:$date-taken:>
",,"Name;Path;Total Size;Date Taken;Date Modified;Date Created","",0,,,,,0,,580,""
"Name\Copy\Bilder! Spalten: Name;Path;Extension;Size;Total Size;Date Taken;Date Created;Date Modified | Copy field contents to clipboard for all columns defined in the bookmark",0,"",0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,"PICTURE","Name;Path;Extension;Size;Total Size;Date Taken;Date Created;Date Modified","Name",0,,0,,,0,,1616,""
"Name\Copy\Date modified! Spalten: Name;Path;Extension;Size;Total Size;Date Modified;Date Created;Date Accessed | Copy field contents to clipboard for all columns defined in the bookmark",0,"",,,,,,,,,,,,"Name;Path;Extension;Size;Total Size;Date Modified;Date Created;Date Accessed","Name",0,,,,,0,,1604,""
"Name\Copy\Neues Lesezeichen erstellen und Spalte ""Camera Model"" ergänzen (zuvor Lesezeichen Nr. 9 aufrufen) - New Bookmark | Copy field contents to clipboard for all columns defined in the bookmark",0,"",0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,"","PICTURE","Name;Path;Extension;Size;Total Size;Date Taken;Camera Model;Date Created;Date Modified","Name",0,,0,,,0,,,""
"Name\Copy\Create NEW bookmark with Filter ""Picture"" by adding three columns (Extension;Size;Camera Model) - previously called up bookmark no. 6 |",0,"",0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,"","PICTURE","Name;Path;Extension;Size;Total Size;Date Taken;Camera Model;Date Modified;Date Created","Name",0,,0,,,0,,,""
"Name\Copy\/command 41067 <enter> | Copy as CSV - WITH HEADER (ALT+L) | Columns: (No change) | Everything to Copy file names with modified date for multi files",0,"",,,,,,,,,,"/command 41067 nop:Mark file(s)
"Name\Copy\/command 41096 <enter> | Copy as TSV - WITH HEADER (ALT+G) | Columns: (No change) | Everything to Copy file names with modified date for multi files",0,"",,,,,,,,,,"/command 41096 nop:Mark file(s)
"Name\Copy\Copy as TSV - NO HEADER (ALT+Umschalt+T) | /copy $fullpath:&tab:$extension:&tab:$size:&tab:<FORMATFILETIME:$dm:>&tab:<REGEXREPLACE:$comment:,""/r/n"","" ""> ... <enter> |",0,"",,,,,,,,,,"/copy $fullpath:&tab:$extension:&tab:$size:&tab:<FORMATFILETIME:$dm:>&tab:<REGEXREPLACE:$comment:,""\r\n"","" "">
"Name\Copy\/command 41183 <enter> | RESULT_LIST_COPY_TSV_WITH_HEADER | Columns: (No change) | Copy field contents to clipboard ...",0,"",,,,,,,,,,"/command 41183 nop:Mark file(s)
"Name\Copy\/command 41182 <enter> | RESULT_LIST_COPY_TSV_NO_HEADER | Columns: Name;Path;Extension;Size;Total Size;Date Taken;Date Modified;Date Created | Copy field contents to clipboard ...",0,"",0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,"/command 41182 nop:Mark file(s)
","EVERYTHING","Name;Path;Extension;Size;Total Size;Date Taken;Date Modified;Date Created;Comment","Name",0,,0,,,0,,,""
"Name\Copy\/command 41185 <enter> | RESULT_LIST_COPY_CSV_WITH_HEADER (ALT+P) | Columns: (No change) | Copy field contents to clipboard ...",0,"",,,,,,,,,,"/command 41185 nop:Mark file(s)
"Name\Copy\/command 41184 <enter> | RESULT_LIST_COPY_CSV_NO_HEADER   | Columns: Name;Path;Extension;Size;Total Size;Date Taken;Date Modified;Date Created | Copy field contents to clipboard ...",0,"",,,,,,,,,,"/command 41184 nop:Mark file(s)
"Name\Copy\/command 41187 <enter> | nop:copy as JSON <enter> (ALT+J) | Copy field contents to clipboard for all columns defined in the bookmark",0,"",,,,,,,,,,"/command 41187 nop:copy as JSON
"Name\Copy\/copy-header <header-text> | | Copy field contents to clipboard for all columns defined in the bookmark",0,"",,,,,,,,,,"/copy-header Filename&tab:Extension&tab:Size&tab:Date Modified&tab:Comment
/copy $fullpath:&tab:$extension:&tab:$size:&tab:<FORMATFILETIME:$dm:>&tab:<REGEXREPLACE:$comment:,""\r\n"","" "">
"Name\Copy\/copy-header <header-text> (ALT + A) | | Copy field contents to clipboard for all columns defined in the bookmark",0,"",,,,,,,,,,"/copy-header Filename&tab:Extension&tab:Size&tab:Date Modified
/copy $fullpath:&tab:$extension:&tab:$size:&tab:<FORMATFILETIME:$dm:>
"Name\Copy\/addcolumns Media Created;Länge <enter>, /select-all <enter>, /command 41096 <enter> *.mp3 | Länge (Dauer von .mp3 Musikdateien) | Media Created (Video erstellt) | Columns: Filename,Länge,Media Created,Extension,Size,Total Size,Date Modified",0,"",,,,,,,,,,"/addcolumns Media Created;Länge		
/command 41096
",,"Name;Path;property-system:System.Media.Duration;Media Created;Extension;Size;Total Size;Date Modified;Date Created;Date Accessed","",0,,,,,0,,,""
"Name\Copy\/addcolumns Media Created;Länge <enter>, /select-all <enter>, /command 41096 <enter> *.mp4 | Länge (Dauer von .mp4 Videodateien) | Media Created (Video erstellt) | Columns: Filename,Length,Media Created,Extension,Size,Total Size,Date Modified",0,"",,,,,,,,,,"/addcolumns Media Created;Length
/command 41096
",,"Name;Path;Length;Media Created;Extension;Size;Total Size;Date Modified;Date Created;Date Accessed","",0,,,,,0,,,""
void wrote: Thu Apr 25, 2024 5:56 am Ignore copying as json.
This will not be useful for your specific use case, I was just making a note of its existence here.
Dates in json will always be the raw unformatted filetimes.
Thanks for the info.
I think I may need this format from time to time and will adapt the output to my needs.
Post Reply