Idea: Toggleable "MRU list" on top of all searches (most recently used)

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Idea: Toggleable "MRU list" on top of all searches (most recently used)

Post by mawi »

Hi there!

(Older grouchy guy here, and a longtime (10+ years, not sure when, since forever) user of everything, but have never actually participated in the forum, just lurked a few times. I want to say huge thanks for this indispensable tool that has been on top of the list of things to install on any new machine I use for... yeah that long)

I'll skip an in depth usecase discussion and just come right to the suggestion - but suffice it to say I am after the times when you use everything to jump to often used files. And similarly more often used files...

TLDR: MRU list/section on top. "Jumplist" one might perhaps call it, not sure.
Short: I would love to be able to get a few lines (0..n, configurable) on top of any search result (regardless of sort for the search) displaying any Most Recently Used (MRU) items - i e that match some threshold criteria based on the runcount data (ideally also configureable, with some sensible defaults, atleast after some use it would become sensible ;-)

Little more details: Again - so, if given that I have toggled a proposed
MRU/recently used flag
on, then: As I search; any items which have runcount data and which match a
MRU criteria expression
, would appear on top (likely sorted descending according to a
MRU sort expression
). The number of MRU lines / matches would be capped to the aforementioned
MRU list maxcount
, which I am guessing would be rather low by default. After the MRU lines/section, the rest of the search would appear as usual, sorted according to how the sort is set up in the UI using as normal (clicked column header, etc). (A common scenario would be for example that the MRU list would be populated at some point, but then as the search expression is added to as it is being written, there are no longer any candidates that match the MRU criteria expression.)


I have searched alot on the forum to see what other ideas, runcount based possibilities, and discussions that there have been regarding MRU - but I have not found this idea, so I figured I would add it. Jumping is one of many, many use cases for everything - and the use cases differ alot. But I think it is a common use case for many users.

If I have missed that this use case is already supported, I would love to learn how. I have read of using runcount in various ways which I interpret as addressing this need, but not in this way. Also, sorry if this idea is already there and I missed it.

Happy to try and clarify anything that is unclear about this idea, of course.

BR! /marcus
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Re: Idea: Toggleable "MRU list" on top of all searches (most recently used)

Post by void »

Thank you for your feedback marcus,

I will consider a MRU list / jumplist at the top of the result list.

Sorting by run count kind-of does this already. (View -> Sort by -> Run count)
You can set the run count by right clicking a file and clicking on Set run count.
Opening a file from Everything will increment the run count by one.

Pressing ENTER from the search box will select the most run result (no matter the sort order)

Showing an MRU list/jump list above the results when sorting by date or size would be too confusing.
Maybe this could be done with a search function like mru: (sort-of like your MRU criteria expression description)

There's already runcount: to show previously run items.
runcount:>100 to show items that have been run often.
daterun:thisyear to show items opened this year.

I have on my TODO list to add a ranking sort which might come into play with run count.

Thank you for the suggestions.
Thy Grand Voidinesss
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Re: Idea: Toggleable "MRU list" on top of all searches (most recently used)

Post by Thy Grand Voidinesss »

void wrote: Thu Apr 25, 2024 10:57 am [...]
I will consider a MRU list / jumplist at the top of the result list.
I have on my TODO list to add a ranking sort which might come into play with run count.
But please make them optional

I myself prefer to have [also in all other programs] at the top / beginning of such list the last searched for expression / item, while the oldest at the very end
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Re: Idea: Toggleable "MRU list" on top of all searches (most recently used)

Post by ChrisGreaves »

mawi wrote: Wed Apr 17, 2024 1:47 pmOlder grouchy guy here,
Hi there mawi. Even older AND grouchier guy here, worse than you can imagine after two weeks getting over "this bug that's going around".

The term "MRU List" caught my attention because I developed such a beast sometime between 1997 (Word97/VBA) and my days in Word2003.

Since most of my time was spent in MSWord, it made sense for MSWord (97/2000/2003) to sponsor an application ( that would provide super-fast access to ANY file that I had used in the past few days. MRUse is still in use today but has been superseded by Everything.

I have this morning recompiled a set of pages of development notes.
I attach three screenshots of the beast in use.
I have attached a PRIMO PDF version of the User Guide

Post here, or PM, or EMail me with any questions.

I haven't looked at this in a long time, but it is still working every day.
Cheers, Chris
(16.39 MiB) Downloaded 406 times
MRUse_01.png (52.31 KiB) Viewed 4237 times
MRUse_02.png (35.77 KiB) Viewed 4237 times
MRUse_03.png (48.78 KiB) Viewed 4237 times
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Re: Idea: Toggleable "MRU list" on top of all searches (most recently used)

Post by NotNull »

Maybe the following can help (a little) in re-creating something similar in Everything.

I wrote it for fun, just to see how far I could stretch Everything before it would break.
Turns out *I* was the limiting factor ...

Every result gets weighted through a more or less random formula -- it was more about the techniques than about accurate values -- based on Run Count and Date Last Run:

For all results ran in the last 800 hours and a RunCount >= 3 :
Weight = 5 * "number of hours last run since 800 hours ago" + 4 * RunCount

Had no intention to post it, but the techniques used might just help someone after all.

To test:
Create a Filter
Name = MRU
Keyboard Shortcut = 'ALT + M'
Search =

Code: Select all

nop:MRU   [define:MaxHoursAgo=800]  [define:MinRunCount=3]  [define:MRU-Weight=5]  [define:RunCountWeight=3]   online:   date-run:>=[eval:now:-([MaxHoursAgo:]*60*60*10000000)]   runcount:>=[MinRunCount:]  F:=[MRU-Weight:]*([MaxHoursAgo:]-format-duration(NOW()-$date-run:,h))+[RunCountWeight:]*$runcount:  sort:ColumnF-descending

To use:
Back in Everything, press 'ALT + M' to see the MRU results
Press 'ALT + M' again to return to "regular" Everything.
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