Dragging files path to Everything is slow

Discussion related to "Everything" 1.5 Alpha.
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Dragging files path to Everything is slow

Post by Skodd »

I have a bunch txt files with a bunch of valid file paths (videos).

I sometimes need to watch theses videos in a video player and like to have all of them play after each other. So I copy the files paths (one per line) from my txt file and paste them in Everything text area for searching ( Everything is smart enough and it shows me the result of the files like this : <filepath1|filepath2|filepath3> ) .

I then drag n drop all the vids in a video player.

I know that simply making playlist would permit me to not have to do that but I have to do this operations quite a lot of time because thats how I receive the list of videos (in a txt file)

When doing that, Everything becomes slow, reach 90-100 % CPU usage and it takes quite a lot of times (for 500ish files, +2 minutes) for something that seem pretty simple?
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Re: Dragging files path to Everything is slow

Post by void »

Building ItemIdLists (pidls) for drag drop operations is slow.
Everything has to go to disk to gather extended file information.
A progress bar should be shown in the status bar on the right.

Please try enabling simple pidls for drag drop:
  • In Everything 1.5, from the Tools menu, click Options.
  • Click the Advanced tab on the left.
  • To the right of Show settings containing, search for:
  • Select: drag_drop_simple_pidl
  • Set the value to: true
  • Click OK.
A simple pidl is just the filename.
Everything doesn't have to gather anything from disk.
This can cause issues with some programs as pidls usually contain more file information, like size, date modified and location.
Dragging items using simple pidls from virtual folders (like the recycle bin) will not work.
Dropping simple pidls on a media player should be fine.

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Re: Dragging files path to Everything is slow

Post by therube »

Slow & high CPU - at what point?

Slow & high - when pasting your list into the Everything (searchbar),
or slow & high - when (selecting all &) dragging the list from Everything into your video player?

If the former, you might look into using file-list: (in Everything 1.5 Alpha).
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Re: Dragging files path to Everything is slow

Post by Skodd »

Thanks for the response, but it still happens. drag_drop_simple_pidl was actually already set to true, I must have changed it at one point. @therube, it happens just after I paste the list into everything.

I kinda found a workaround, I can simply use my filter in the filter bar to filter out some files. It seem like this is dependant on how many files are indexed (and filtered):

I'm dragging 520 video files:
with my filter bar set to Everything (18.1 TB with a little more than 6 million objects)
drag_drop_simple_pidl = false -> at least 3 min (haven't waited for everything to show the files
drag_drop_simple_pidl = true -> 2min 30

with my filter bar set to a filter that only shows video in a specific drive (6.84 TB - ~53 500 files)
drag_drop_simple_pidl = false -> ~ 2 seconds
drag_drop_simple_pidl = true -> ~ 2 seconds


There is also a behavior that I dont know is intended. Dragging files path will use grouping (< | >) like this:
but if you drag files paths with the last one containing a space, you will get:
<C:\folder1\folder2\vid1.mp4|C:\folder1\folder2\vid2.mp4|C:\folder1\folder2\vid with space.mp4> >

notice the extra ">"? This only happens when the last file/path has a space.


Also if I drag all of my files path (remember I'm pasting a text containing a file path of a video in each line)
the status bar will show the first files grouped (<|>), if I type something it will seemingly filter the list but will only show one specific files, if that file/filepath contain whatever you typed, it will be shown. It's coincidentally the first files in my file list that has a space.

The above is with all of the files paths (520), if i try to replicate this with a lower number of files but also containing the file with spaces, it won't happen, I'll be able to filter on all the files path I've dragged.


and finally something I noticed, after dragging the file list, immediately typing something will , I believe will add whatever you typed after the big grouping (although I can't confirm 100% because with a lot of files (520 in my case), the text area doesn't change and doesn't show anything anyway)

BUT if I click on the text area (even if it's already focused), it will add the string/whatever you typer in front of the grouping, I know because the title bar updates and you can see whatever you typed in front (in contrast to when you immediately type something after dragging the files and everthing shows them)
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Re: Dragging files path to Everything is slow

Post by void »

What version of Everything are you using?
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Re: Dragging files path to Everything is slow

Post by Skodd » x64
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Re: Dragging files path to Everything is slow

Post by void »

Thank you for the version information.

The trailing double >> is expected.
There should also be an extra < at the start of the filename with a space.

<C:\folder1\folder2\vid1.mp4|C:\folder1\folder2\vid2.mp4|<C:\folder1\folder2\vid with space.mp4>>

Is this < in Red missing for you?

Please try changing your paste_multiline_type to Filelist:
  • In Everything 1.5, from the Tools menu, click Options.
  • Click the Advanced tab on the left.
  • To the right of Show settings containing, search for:
  • Select: paste_multiline_type
  • Set the value to: Filelist
  • Click OK.
This will build a filelist: search that will be much much faster than a long OR list.
When using filelist: each line of text will match the exact name or exact full path and name. (no partial search matching)
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Re: Dragging files path to Everything is slow

Post by Skodd »

I will try this ASAP and report. Wasn't expecting to find out that there is already an option to handle my case, very cool and impressive
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Re: Dragging files path to Everything is slow

Post by Skodd »

worked, perfect for me. thanks
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