How to seach with a searchstring from MS Office documents

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How to seach with a searchstring from MS Office documents

Post by merlinuwe2 »

Hi and thanks for this great piece of software.

I'd like to search from the inside of a Word or Powerpoint document. Clicking on a link or something else should give me the result. (The perfect solution would be, if I get a clickable list of the search results in the Office document.)

Is this possible with voidtools everything?

Thanks for any advice.
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Re: How to seach with a searchstring from MS Office documents

Post by therube »

There is
so you could do something basic like,
*.doc dm:today content:merlin
(You can probably do much more, but that's about what I know of it.)
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Re: How to seach with a searchstring from MS Office documents

Post by merlinuwe2 »

Thanks for your reply, but the problem is not the search string, but how to call a predefined search string out of the word or powerpoint document.
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Re: How to seach with a searchstring from MS Office documents

Post by therube »

Not quite sure what you're after, but maybe, Start everything with keyword.
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Re: How to seach with a searchstring from MS Office documents

Post by merlinuwe2 »

This is an image of a part of my "word" document. At the top you see some found documents which are links to other documents. these links should be made with everything. When I click on a link, I want to open the document.
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Re: How to seach with a searchstring from MS Office documents

Post by void »

Please try the ES URL Protocol.


Search for ABC AND 123:

Search for foo#bar:

Enable regex and search for ^123456789:

Enable regex, set the sort to date modified descending and search for ^123456789:

Clear the search and select C:\Windows\Notepad.exe

Search for *.jpg and show thumbnails:
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