Everything, sort order indicator may go out of wack

Discussion related to "Everything" 1.5 Alpha.
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Everything, sort order indicator may go out of wack

Post by therube »

Everything, (column) sort order indicator may go out of wack

no big deal, but (& i think) ...

sometimes, certain actions can change a sort
yet the column with the sort indicator is not the sorted column

like... maybe...

Restore Session, Distinct, sorted by Length,
& if you then remove Distinct,
sort my then become by Name,
yet the sort inicator still shows a Length sort (where it is not)

now... the above steps (or at least with the Restore Session)
did not duplicate what i just said,
but maybe something, some sort of steps in that type of vein,
may leave actual sort & sort indicator out of sync


mistakenly closed a window
restored from History
both Size & Length showed sort arrow (descending as it was)
- only Length was actually sorted

(this follows along with an above thread...)
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Re: Everything, sort order indicator may go out of wack

Post by void »

Thanks for the issue report therube,

The issue is caused by a new column being added that is also the current sort.

It will be fixed in the next alpha update.
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