Command-line Options

Discussion related to "Everything" 1.5 Alpha.
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Joined: Fri Oct 16, 2009 11:31 pm

Command-line Options

Post by void »

All command-line options available in Everything 1.5.

File Lists


Everything.exe [filename] [-options]
Everything64.exe [filename] [-options]

Middle dashes (-) in command-line options can be omitted.
For example:
-nonewwindow is the same as -no-new-window

Use double quotes to escape spaces and switches.
For example, set the search to: foo bar
Everything64.exe -s "foo bar"

Use ^ to escape \ & | > < ^
For example, set the search to: foo|bar
Everything64.exe -s foo^|bar

Use """ to escape a literal "
For example, set the search to: "foo bar"
Everything64.exe -s """"foo bar""""
(Remember to also escape spaces with double quotes)

Use -- to disable switch parsing
For example, to set the search to -a-filename-starting-with-a-dash.txt
Everything64.exe -- -a-filename-starting-with-a-dash.txt

Use a trailing * after a command line option to treat the rest of the command line as literal.
For example:
Everything64.exe -folders* [{"path":"c:\\first path","subfolders":1},{"path":"c:\\second path","subfolders":1}]


Search for the specified file or folder by filename.
This is the same action as dropping a file on an Everything search window.

For control over how the filename is formatted, please see:


command-line options for installing Everything.
These command-line options will return immediately and will not show an Everything search window.
Administrative privileges are requested if required.

-add-plugin <plugin.dll>
-add-plugin-exe <plugin-setup.exe>
-add-plugin-resource-id <id>
Add the specified plugin.
No UI is shown.
Use -add-plugin to specify the destination dll name.
Use -add-plugin-exe to specify the source exe name.
Use -add-plugin-resource-id to specify the resource id of the bzip2 dll inside the specified exe.
Automatically requests administrative privileges if required.

Everything.exe -add-plugin "http_server64.dll" -add-plugin-exe "c:\downloads\http_server64-setup.exe" -add-plugin-resource-id 107

Store data in %APPDATA%\Everything or in the same location as your Everything.exe.

Do not automatically index volumes.
Disables automatically index fixed FAT volumes.
Disables automatically index removable FAT volumes.
Disables automatically remove offline FAT volumes.
Disables automatically index fixed NTFS volumes.
Disables automatically index removable NTFS volumes.
Disables automatically remove offline NTFS volumes.
Disables automatically index fixed ReFS volumes.
Disables automatically index removable ReFS volumes.
Disables automatically remove offline ReFS volumes.
Disables automatically index mapped network drives.
Disables automatically remove offline network drives.

See also -no-auto-include to show a new search window without exiting immediately.
This might be useful for manually specifying which volumes to index when starting a new instance.

-create-usn-journal <volume> <max-size-bytes> <allocation-delta-bytes>
Create the USN journal on the specified volume.
Specify the maximum size and delta size in bytes.
Automatically requests administrative privileges if required.

Recommended values:
Everything.exe -create-usn-journal C: 32768 4096

-delete-usn-journal <volume>
Delete a USN Journal on the specified volume.
Automatically requests administrative privileges if required.

Everything.exe -delete-usn-journal c:

-delete-plugin <plugin.dll>
Delete the specified plugin.
Automatically requests administrative privileges if required.

Everything.exe -delete-plugin "http_server64.dll"

Enable or disable run as administrator.

Enable or disable index as administrator.

Enable or disable update notification on startup.

-install <path>
Install "Everything" to the specified path.
Copies Everything files to the specified destination and executes any -install-options

See also -install-options

Add or remove Start menu shortcuts for all users.

Add or remove the Desktop shortcut for all users.

Start "Everything" on system start for all users.

Install or uninstall the "Everything" client as a service.
If installed, the service is automatically started.

Start or stop the Everything client service.

-install-config <filename>
Loads additional settings from the specified ini file.
The specified ini file will override any existing settings and a new Everything.ini is saved to disk.

Add or remove Start menu shortcuts for the current user.

Add or remove the Desktop shortcut for the current user.

Start "Everything" on system start for the current user.

Install or uninstall EFU file association.

Install or uninstall folder context menus for all users.

-install-options <install options>
Pass <install options> to a newly installed "Everything".
Combine with -install.

Install or uninstall the Quick Launch shortcut for the current user.

Install or uninstall the "Everything" service.
The "Everything" service is automatically started when installed.

See also -install-service-pipe-name
See also -install-service-security-descriptor

-install-service-pipe-name <pipe-name>
Use the specified name for the "Everything" service pipe name.
Combine with -install-service

Everything64.exe -install-service -install-service-pipe-name "\\.\PIPE\Everything Service"

-install-service-security-descriptor <security-descriptor>
Specify the pipe security descriptor.
Combine with -install-service

Everything64.exe -install-service -install-service-security-descriptor "D:(A;OICI;GRGW;;;AU)"

Kept for backwards compatibility.

Install or uninstall URL Protocol.

-install-language <language-id>
Set the language to the specified language ID.

For example, install the language as English (US):
Everything64.exe -install-language 1033

-save-install-options <flags>
Save the specified user install options to registry.

flags can be zero or more of the following values:
0x00000001 = Install update notification.
0x00000002 = Install Quick Launch shortcut.
0x00000004 = Choose volumes.

-setup-plugin <plugin.dll>
-setup-plugin-exe <plugin-setup.exe>
-setup-plugin-resource-id <id>
-setup-plugin-name <name>
-setup-plugin-description <description>
-setup-plugin-author <author>
-setup-plugin-version <version>
-setup-plugin-link <link>
Setup the specified plugin.
Use -setup-plugin to specify the destination dll name.
Use -setup-plugin-exe to specify the source exe name.
Use -setup-plugin-resource-id to specify the resource id of the bzip2 dll inside the specified exe.
Use -setup-plugin-name to specify the plug-in name.
Use -setup-plugin-description to specify the plug-in description.
Use -setup-plugin-author to specify the plug-in author.
Use -setup-plugin-version to specify the plug-in version.
Use -setup-plugin-link to specify the plug-in link.
Use {{localization-id}} to substitute localized strings.

Everything.exe -setup-plugin "http_server64.dll" -setup-plugin-exe "c:\downloads\http_server64-setup.exe" -setup-plugin-resource-id 107

Set Everything to connect to the Everything Service with the specified pipe name.

Everything64.exe -service-pipe-name "\\.\PIPE\Everything Service"
(might be useful when using multiple instances and installing only one service)


Run the Everything installer.

See also -setup-location
See also -silent

Specify the default installation path.
Combine with -setup

Run the Everything installer in silent mode.
Combine with -setup

Start or stop the "Everything" service.

-uninstall [path]
Uninstall "Everything" from the specified path.
The path of Everything64.exe is used if the path is not specified.

Remove "Everything" user files.

Run the Everything uninstaller.

See also -unsetup-location
See also -silent

-unsetup-location <path>
Specify the default uninstallation path.
Combine with -unsetup


command-line options to manipulate the search.

-basename <path>
-name-part <path>
Search for the basename (including extension) of the specified path.

See also -stem

-bookmark <name>
Open a bookmark by the specified name.
If there are bookmarks with the same name, the first bookmark found is opened.

Enable or disable case matching.

Enable or disable diacritics matching.

-explore <path>
-explore-path <path>
Set the folder sidebar selection to the specified path.
The path can point to a file or folder.
The selection will be set to the parent folder if the path specifies a file.
Use -explore-path to search the parent folder of the specified path.
The item specified with -explore-path is selected in the result list.

Combine with: -explore or -explore-path
Expand the explored item in the folder sidebar

Combine with: -explore or -explore-path
Enable or disable searching subfolders in the folder sidebar.

-extension <filename>
Search for files with the same extension from the specified filename.

Search for the absolute filename from the specified filename.
The filename will be treated as relative to the current working directory if an absolute path is not specified.

-filter <name>
Select the filter from the specified name.

-toggle-filter <name>
Same as -filter.
Select the filter from the specified name.
If the specified filter is already active the filter is set to the Everything filter.

Open the home search.

Match or ignore punctuation in filenames.

Match or ignore white spaces in filenames.

Load the local database.

Enable or disable full path matching.

Enable or disable result omissions.

-p <path>
-path <path>
Search for the specified path.

Everything64.exe -path "C:\Program Files"

-path-part <filename>
Search for the path part of the specified filename.

-parent <path>
Search for files and folders in the specified path.

Search for the parent part of a path.

Match the start of words.

Enable Regular expressions.

-s <search>
-search <search>
Set the search box to the specified search text.
The search text is expanded with the Search Preprocessor.

Everything64.exe -s "foo bar" (Sets the search to foo bar)
Everything64.exe -s """"foo bar"""" (Sets the search to "foo bar")
Everything64.exe -s foo^|bar (Sets the search to foo|bar)
Everything64.exe -s nopath:[basename:"c:\windows\notepad.exe"] (Sets the search to nopath:"Notepad.exe")
Everything64.exe -s #clipboard: (Sets the search to the text on the clipboard)

-s* ...
-search* ...
Set the search box to the specified command-line text.
The remaining command-line is treated as literal search text.

The search text is expanded with the Search Preprocessor.

Everything64.exe -s* foo bar (Sets the search to foo bar)
Everything64.exe -s* "foo bar" (Sets the search to "foo bar")

-search-command <search-command>
Execute the specified search command.
Use multiple times to specify more than one command.

Everything64.exe -search-command "/new-tab" -search-command "/expand .exe" -search-command "/select c:\windows\notepad.exe" [/color]

-search-file-list <filename>
Search for a list of filenames from the specified text/plain file.

-stem <filename>
Search for the stem of the specified filename.

Match the end of words.

Enable or disable temporary result omissions.

Enable or disable match whole word.

-uri <[es:]search>
-url <[es:]search>
Set the search from an ES: URL.
es: URL Protocol


command-line options for manipulating the result list.

-columns <property-list>
-add-column <property-list>
-add-columns <property-list>
-remove-columns <property-list>
Set, add or remove the specified semicolon (;) delimited list of columns by property canonical name.
Set columns to the specified JSON array of column objects.

Everything64.exe -columns name;path;size;date-modified;length
Everything64.exe -columns [{"name":"Name","width":320},{"name":"Path","width":640}]

Show results in detail view.

See also -thumbnails

Show or hide the filters sidebar.

Focus the bottom, last-run, most-run or top result.

Focus the result list.

-select <filename>
Focus and select the specified result.

-sort <name>
Set the sort to the specified property name.

Everything64.exe -sort Size
Everything64.exe -sort Size -sort-ascending
Everything64.exe -sort "Date Modified"

See also -sort-ascending
See also -sort-descending

Sort in ascending order.

See also -sort

Sort in descending order.

See also -sort

Sort files and folders together or separate files and folders.

Show results in thumbnail view.

See also -thumbnails-size
See also -details

-thumbnail-size <size>
Set the thumbnail size to the specified number of pixels.

See also -thumbnails


command-line options for manipulating the database.

-db <filename>
Load and save the database to the specified filename.

See also -read-only

-load-delay <milliseconds>
The delay in milliseconds before loading the database.

Pause or resume updating the indexes.
While paused, Everything will continue to watch for changes to volumes.
Indexes are updated when you exit Everything.

Start or stop watching for changes to indexes.
Changes to some indexes will be missed when stopped.

Do not automatically include volumes.
Note: Press Ctrl + Break to abort the current index. (might be useful for manually setting which volumes to index)

Do not save to or load from the "Everything" database file.

Loads the database in read-only mode.

See also -db

Force a database rebuild.

-rescan <path-list>
Rescan the FAT, network drive or folder index from the specified semicolon (;) delimited list of paths.
The specified path does not have to be the root path, for example, if you are indexing a
network share \\server\share and only wish to rescan \\server\share\subfolder use -rescan \\server\share\subfolder

Rescan all FAT, network drive or folder indexes.

Request Everything save settings and the database to disk.
The request will occur when Everything is ready.
Use -save-db-now to save the database immediately and return after the database has been saved to disk.

-add-volume <volume-list>
-add-volumes <volume-list>
-add-fat-volume <volume-list>
-add-fat-volumes <volume-list>
-add-ntfs-volume <volume-list>
-add-ntfs-volumes <volume-list>
-add-refs-volume <volume-list>
-add-refs-volumes <volume-list>
-add-remote-volume <volume-list>
-add-remote-volumes <volume-list>
-volumes <volume-list>
-fat-volumes <volume-list>
-ntfs-volumes <volume-list>
-refs-volumes <volume-list>
-remote-volumes <volume-list>
Add or set the indexed volumes.
Adding or setting the indexed volumes will disable automatic inclusion and removal of volumes.
<volume-list> syntax is a semicolon delimited list of volumes:
or, use [{...}] to specify each volume property with JSON-like syntax:

Code: Select all


-add-folder <list>
-add-folders <list>
-folders <list>
Add to or set the folders indexes.
<list> syntax is a semicolon delimited list of folders.
or, use [{...}] to specify each folder property with JSON-like syntax:

Code: Select all


-add-filelist <list>
-add-filelists <list>
-filelists <list>
Add to or set the filelists.
<list> syntax is a semicolon delimited list of filelists.
or, use [{...}] to specify each filelist property with JSON-like syntax:

Code: Select all

[{"filename":"c:\file lists\1.efu";"monitor":0};{"filename":"d:\lists\2.efu";"monitor":1;"multithreaded":1}]

-add-network-index <list>
-add-network-indexes <list>
-network-indexes <list>
Add to or set the network indexes.
<list> syntax is a semicolon delimited list of network indexes hosts.
or, use [{...}] to specify each network index property with JSON-like syntax:

Code: Select all


-add-property <list>
-add-properties <list>
-properties <list>
Add to or set the properties.
<list> syntax is a semicolon delimited list of property names.
or, use [{...}] to specify each network index property with JSON-like syntax:

Code: Select all


-add-exclude-folder <list>
-add-exclude-folders <list>
-exclude-folders <list>
Add to or set the exclude folders.
<list> syntax is a semicolon delimited list of exclude-folder paths or filters.


command-line options for manipulating the search window.

Close the current search window.

Close all search windows.

Show the search window fullscreen or as a normal window.

Invert reading order.

Maximize or restore the search window.

Minimize or restore the search window.

Minimize or unminimize all search windows.

Create a new search window or reuse an existing window.
Overrides -new-tab

Create a new tab or reuse an existing window.

See also -new-tab-position to specify the insert position.

-new-tab-position <position>
Specify the 0-based index to insert the new tab.
0 = insert at the start.
Combine with -new-tab.

Enable or disable always ontop.

Hides the current foreground search window or shows the search window.

-x <x>
-y <y>
-width <width>
-height <height>
Set the window position and size in screen coordinates.

-focus-id <control-id>
Focus the specified control.

-search-edit-sel-start <start>
-search-edit-sel-end <end>
Select the specified search edit text range in wide characters.
Use -1 to match to the end of the text.

Show or hide the filter bar.

Show the filter bar on the left or right of the search edit.

-filter-bar-wide <wide>
The filter bar width in logical pixels.

Show or hide the specified sidebar.

-bookmarks-sidebar-high <height>
-filters-sidebar-high <height>
-folders-sidebar-high <height>
-preview-high <height>
The sidebar height in logical pixels.

-bookmarks-sidebar-order <order>
-filters-sidebar-order <order>
-folders-sidebar-order <order>
-preview-order <order>
The sidebar vertical order.
0 being the top most pane.

-bookmarks-sidebar-side <side>
-filters-sidebar-side <side>
-folders-sidebar-side <side>
-preview-side <side>
The sidebar side.
0 = left.
1 = right.

-left-sidebar-wide <width>
-right-sidebar-wide <width>
The sidebar width in logical pixels.

-filters-sidebar-vpos <vpos>
-folders-sidebar-hpos <hpos>
-folders-sidebar-vpos <vpos>
-listview-hpos <hpos>
-listview-vpos <vpos>
The pane scroll position.

Search for subfolders.

Highlight all find bar matches or highlight only the find bar focus.

Show or hide the menu in windowed mode or fullscreen mode.

-restore-session <session.json>
Restore a session from the specified JSON session file.
Combine with -no-new-window to prevent a new window from showing.

Restore the previous session.

-theme <theme>
Set the theme.
Can be one of the following values:
0 = Use the system default.
1 = Standard theme.
2 = Dark theme.

Show or hide the status bar.

-status-bar-view-thumbnail-size <size-in-logical-pixels>
The thumbnail size in logical pixels to use when clicking the thumbnails view button in the status bar.

-zoom <percent>
Set the window scaling to the specified percentage.
100 = normal / no scaling.

File Lists

command-line options for manipulating filelists.

-create-file-list <filename> <path>
Create a file list from the specified path on disk.

-create-file-list-exclude-files <list>
Exclude the semicolon delimited wildcard filter for files.
Combine with -create-file-list.

-create-file-list-exclude-folders <list>
Exclude the semicolon delimited wildcard filter for folders.
Combine with -create-file-list.

-create-file-list-include-only-files <list>
Include only the semicolon delimited wildcard filter for files.
Combine with -create-file-list.

-create-file-list-include-only-folders <list>
Include only the semicolon delimited wildcard filter for folders.
Combine with -create-file-list.

Do not traverse subfolders.
Combine with -create-file-list.

Do not include folders.
Combine with -create-file-list.

Do not include files.
Combine with -create-file-list.

-edit <filename>
Open a file list with the file list editor.

-filelist <filename>
-f <filename>
Open a file list from the specified filename.

Show the file list editor.


command-line options for connecting to an ETP server.

Use \\Server\C$ links for ETP connections.

-connect <[username[:password]@]host[:port]>
Connect to an ETP server with the specified username and password (optional), host and port (optional).

Everything64.exe -connect abc:123@server:2121

Use C: links for ETP connections.

Use ftp://host/C: links for ETP connections.

Use \\Server\C: links for ETP connections.

-link-type <type>
Specify the link type when using an ETP connection.

The type can be one of the following values:
0 = C:
1 = \\server\c
2 = \\server\c$
3 = ftp://server/c


General command-line options for Everything.

Show this help.

-add-config <filename>
Load a configuration file from the specified filename.
Restarting "Everything" may be required to apply some settings.

Run "Everything" as an administrator.

Run an additional "Everything" process as admin to index NTFS volumes.
The main Everything UI process keeps running as a standard user.

Prevent relaunching with the runas verb when administrative privileges are required.

"Everything" client service entry.

-command <id>
Run the specified command by UI ID.
Command IDs are also shown in the debug console. (Tools -> Debug -> Console)
Multiple commands can be specified by using a semicolon (;) delimited list of IDs.
Multiple -command <id> options can also be specified.

-config <filename>
The filename of the ini file.

-config-value <key=value>
Overwrite an ini setting value.
For example: -config-value snap=1

-define <name=value>
Define a preprocessor variable.

-rename <filename1> <filename2> <filename3> <...>
-copy-to <filename1> <filename2> <filename3> <...>
-move-to <filename1> <filename2> <filename3> <...>
Show the multi-file renamer with the specified filenames.
The remaining command-line is treated as a list of filenames.
Wildcards (* and ?) are supported.

If there is already a running multi-file renamer, filenames are sent to the existing instance.
Otherwise, a new multi-file renamer instance is created.

See also -instance
See also -rename-list

-rename-list <filename>
-copy-to-list <filename>
-move-to-list <filename>
Show the multi-file renamer with a list of files from a text/plain file with the specified filenames. (one per line)

See also -instance
See also -rename

Show the debugging console.

Log debugging information to disk.

Display all debug messages or basic debug messages only.

Exit "Everything".

See also -wait

Wait for the existing Everything process to exit before returning.
Combine with -exit.

Watch the Everything.ini for external changes.
If an external change is made, prompt the user to reload the Everything.ini.
The config watch is cancelled when closing an Everything search window.

Only run if this is the first instance of "Everything".

If Everything is already running this call will be ignored.

Only run Everything if Everything is already running.

If Everything is not running this call will be ignored.

-instance <name>
The name of the "Everything" instance.

See also Multiple Instances

Use the Everything.exe location as the instance name.

Run "Everything" in a unique instance for each version.

Restart Everything.
Returns immediately.

Start "Everything" with plugins disabled and
icon shell extensions disabled.

Ignores any group policies.
Can only be used when running as administrator.

Do not show any Everything search windows.
Run Everything in the background.

"Everything" Service entry.

See also -svc-pipe-name
See also -svc-security-descriptor

-svc-pipe-name <pipe-name>
Create the "Everything" service pipe with the specified name.
Combine with -svc

-svc-security-descriptor <security-descriptor>
Create the "Everything" service pipe with the specified security descriptor.
Combine with -svc


Show the language selection page.

-language <language-id>
Set the language to the specified language ID.
Does not return immediately like -install-language.
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Joined: Fri Oct 16, 2009 11:31 pm

Re: Command-line Options

Post by void »

Posts: 16428
Joined: Fri Oct 16, 2009 11:31 pm

Re: Command-line Options

Post by void »

Posts: 16428
Joined: Fri Oct 16, 2009 11:31 pm

Re: Command-line Options

Post by void »

Everything adds support for the following syntax:


For example:

-s*=foo bar
-add-folders="Control Panel\\All Control Panel Items"

Everything adds the following command line options:

Posts: 16428
Joined: Fri Oct 16, 2009 11:31 pm

Re: Command-line Options

Post by void »

Everything adds support for the following syntax:


For example:

/s*:foo bar
/add-folders:"Control Panel\\All Control Panel Items"
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Joined: Fri Oct 16, 2009 11:31 pm

Re: Command-line Options

Post by void »

Posts: 16428
Joined: Fri Oct 16, 2009 11:31 pm

Re: Command-line Options

Post by void »

Everything adds the following command line options:

Posts: 16428
Joined: Fri Oct 16, 2009 11:31 pm

Re: Command-line Options

Post by void »

Everything adds the following command line options:

Posts: 16428
Joined: Fri Oct 16, 2009 11:31 pm

Re: Command-line Options

Post by void »

Everything adds the following command line options:

-columns <property-list>
-add-columns <property-list>
-remove-columns <property-list>

-folders-sidebar will now correctly show the folders sidebar in an existing instance.
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Joined: Fri Oct 16, 2009 11:31 pm

Re: Command-line Options

Post by void »

Everything adds the following command line options:

Posts: 16428
Joined: Fri Oct 16, 2009 11:31 pm

Re: Command-line Options

Post by void »

Everything adds the following command line options:

-command <id>
Posts: 16428
Joined: Fri Oct 16, 2009 11:31 pm

Re: Command-line Options

Post by void »

Everything improves the -command <id> command line option by allowing more than 1 ID to be specified.
Posts: 16428
Joined: Fri Oct 16, 2009 11:31 pm

Re: Command-line Options

Post by void »

Everything adds the following command line options:

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Joined: Fri Oct 16, 2009 11:31 pm

Re: Command-line Options

Post by void »

Posts: 16428
Joined: Fri Oct 16, 2009 11:31 pm

Re: Command-line Options

Post by void »

Everything adds the following command line options:

-new-tab-position <position>