Natural number sorting on "Name" field

Discussion related to "Everything" 1.5 Alpha.
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Posts: 276
Joined: Fri Oct 16, 2009 9:50 am

Natural number sorting on "Name" field

Post by burgundy »

When I sort results by file name I get the following sequence. This is true for v1.4 and v1.5.

AB_9991 (1).jpg
AB_9991 (100).jpg
AB_9991 (11).jpg
AB_9991 (12).jpg
AB_9991 (13).jpg
AB_9991 (2).jpg

Is there a way to get the following sequence for name sorts?

AB_9991 (1).jpg
AB_9991 (2).jpg
AB_9991 (11).jpg
AB_9991 (12).jpg
AB_9991 (13).jpg
AB_9991 (100).jpg

Thank you for any help and advice.
Posts: 17301
Joined: Fri Oct 16, 2009 11:31 pm

Re: Natural number sorting on "Name" field

Post by void »

Thank you for the issue report burgundy,

I get the following order in Everything 1.5 when sorting by Name ascending:

AB_9991 (1).jpg
AB_9991 (2).jpg
AB_9991 (11).jpg
AB_9991 (12).jpg
AB_9991 (13).jpg
AB_9991 (100).jpg

Could you please send a screenshot to
Could you please export your results to an EFU file and send the EFU file to

Maybe these numbers are non ASCII?
Everything only supports natural sorting on ASCII 0-9

Everything 1.4 only supports Unicode code point sorting.
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