Font suggestions

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Posts: 539
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Font suggestions

Post by meteorquake »

I was trying to find a better font.
Of special interest to me are how lowercase L compares to uppercase I (i) and number 1, and number 0 compares with letter O.
* Can I suggest including these characters in the "Sample" box displaying the Font? I think that's an easy suggestion of the three here.
* I'm not sure if there's also a simple way to elect to restrict the font list to Serif or Non-Serif - I'm a non-serif person, and it may be others are similar.
The particular issue I had was that my usual Font, MS Trebuchet, had too much vertical white space between lines that seem unoccupied. I found Bahnschrift was an improvement, although strangely in Notepad2 quite the opposite is found and Bahnschrift takes up more height. My impression is that the delivery of fonts in Everything is somehow different from other apps. I can screenshot if wished!
* I wonder if there's any way to specify a reduction in line vertical white space in the font settings?
* Currently pressing a letter takes you to the Font that starts with that 1 letter. I wonder if pressing 2 or 3 letters rapidly could take you to the Font starting with those 2 or 3 letters? I found I was jumping back and forward quite a bit for comparison.
Cheers, David
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Re: Font suggestions

Post by void »

Can I suggest including these characters in the "Sample" box displaying the Font? I think that's an easy suggestion of the three here.
I will consider changing the sample text.

For now, please try the following:
  • On the Desktop, create a new text document.
  • Rename the new text document to: IoO(0xB81l);
  • Position your Everything Search window by your options window and search for:

    Code: Select all

  • Instead of hitting OK in the options, use Apply.
  • Everything will update the font without closing the options window.
  • In Everything 1.5, from the File menu, click Exit.
  • From the Start menu, search for: notepad
  • Right click Notepad and click Run as administrator.
  • In Notepad, from the File menu, click Open.
  • Select your Everything.ini in the same location as your Everything.exe and click Open.
  • Change the following line:
    localization_strings=AaBbCcXxYyZz="ij = I::oO(0xB81l);"
  • Save changes and exit Notepad.
  • Restart Everything.
  • Everything will now show I::oO(0xB81l); in the sample window.

Consider using a third party tool to browse your fonts.

The particular issue I had was that my usual Font, MS Trebuchet, had too much vertical white space between lines that seem unoccupied.
Please try adjusting your item height, text padding and icon padding.

Currently pressing a letter takes you to the Font that starts with that 1 letter. I wonder if pressing 2 or 3 letters rapidly could take you to the Font starting with those 2 or 3 letters?
I'll consider using the system font picker dialog.
This dialog may make it easier to search and select the desired font.

Thank you for the suggestions.
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Re: Font suggestions

Post by NotNull »

What a coincidence: just minutes ago I read about a (new?) font that focuses on readability of these characters.
Don't know if it what you are looking for, but had to report ..

Posts: 539
Joined: Thu Dec 15, 2016 9:44 pm

Re: Font suggestions

Post by meteorquake »

Thanks void - I'll definitely give the line spacing a try!
I ended up using a font loop in Word to generate a set of characters through all the fonts -

t = Selection.Text
For i = 1 To Application.FontNames.Count
n = Application.FontNames(i)
Selection.Font.Name = n
Selection.TypeText t

NotNull I'll try out the new font. I think Fonts are a bit like music, we all end up with personal favourites; Trebuchet MS really wins for me of the ones I've seen so far! Distinguishing the mentioned characters, which it does well, is useful not just for coding, but is particularly useful for proof-reading the text of OCR'd scanned documents, which can easily mix those characters up.
It's just a bit odd that the spacing characteristics of Trebuchet MS v Bahnschrift are not consistent with other programs.
Posts: 539
Joined: Thu Dec 15, 2016 9:44 pm

Re: Font suggestions

Post by meteorquake »

So... listview_item_high worked wonders - for the search results. I now have far more fitting in the screen.
I couldn't spot similar settings for the other items (Menus, Folders and Filters sidebars, and Filters droplist - although both Filters not simultaneously needed) which would be handy to have: the main issue is that laptops often have short wide screens, so you also want to fit in as many Filters & Folders as you comfortably can. I have plenty of filters!
It may be such things if added could be usefully placed under the Fonts & Colors dialog since that is already existing, and my impression is that the line height is far more critical for people to be aware of and access than other padding-type values (which might readily stay in the ini settings).
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