Keep offline volumes in index but don't show results if drive is disconnected

Discussion related to "Everything" 1.5 Alpha.
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Keep offline volumes in index but don't show results if drive is disconnected

Post by JTCGiants56 »

Hello, I have several drives that I don't always keep plugged in. I have the "remove offline volumes" option checked, because I don't want to see this data when doing a search and the drive is unplugged.

But when I plug them back in, it has to do a full re-index of the drive every time. I have some property indexing set up so this could take a bit of time.

Is there a middle ground where I don't have to re-index a drive every time it comes back online?
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Re: Keep offline volumes in index but don't show results if drive is disconnected

Post by void »

Some ideas:

1). Hide offline files:

Uncheck Remove offline volume from Tools -> Options -> NTFS.
Create an Online filter (Search -> Add to filters)
Change the Name to: Online
Change the Search to: !offline:
(!offline: is preferred here as it will also match volumes where Everything doesn't know if the volume is online)
Click OK.


2). Manually index new volumes:

Uncheck Automatically index new fixes volumes from Tools -> Options -> NTFS.
Uncheck Automatically index new removable volumes from Tools -> Options -> NTFS.
Manually include these volumes when required.
Posts: 192
Joined: Fri Nov 28, 2014 3:58 pm

Re: Keep offline volumes in index but don't show results if drive is disconnected

Post by JTCGiants56 »

Thank you
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