es.exe Error with EV 1.5

Discussion related to "Everything" 1.5 Alpha.
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es.exe Error with EV 1.5

Post by xxy »

I had previously used es.exe, with EV 1.4. Now that I have switched to EV 1.5, my old es.exe (as I more or less expected) didn't work anymore, and I got the error "Error 8: Everything IPC window not found. Please make sure Everything is running.".

So I downloaded the current es.exe (i.e. the .zip, then extract and install), overwriting the old es.exe: c:\es.exe. But I now get the same error 8 though when I run the new es.exe. What do I wrong please? (EV 1.5 is running, obviously.)


It just occurs to me that while my es.exe has always been in c:\, my previous everything.exe had been installed in c:\Program Files\Everything, whilst my new Everything 1.5 is called Everything64.exe again, but (automatically) installed in c:\Program Files\Everything 1.5a.

I had de-installed Everything (i.e. the 1.4 version), at least I wanted to de-install it, but now I see the following:
- in c:\Program Files\Everything 1.5a\, I ONLY see Everything-1.5.ini and Everything64.exe, but
- there is c:\Program Files\Everything\ (again? or left over?), with - an OLD! - es.exe, cli.c, and with subfolders dll, ES (which comprises another - OLD - es.exe), example, inclide, ipc, lib, src, vs, and with

I had thought I had deleted that folder, but I'm not sure anymore now, and it seems to me that my c:\es.exe doesn't find the Everything64.exe in the Everything 1.5a\ folder?

It seems I have quite a chaos here?
- Should I delete the c:\Program Files\Everything\ folder?
- Will EV 1.5 then be "complete" with just Everything-1.5.ini and Everything64.exe?
- Will I need to move the (new) es.exe, from c:\ into the "Everything 1.5" folder?

And, with such moves / re-installs, HOW to preserve my current index (which comprises multiple non-connected, external drives)?
The index currently is in c:\Users\myname\AppData\Local\Everything\ and is called Everything-1.5a.db (and there is the 1.5a.backup.db, too).

So if

1) I close EV, then save the Everything-1.5a.db to another location, then delete all EV (i.e. all three folders mentioned above), then re-installed EV 1.5, leaving the es.exe in c:, or moving it to the EV 1.5 folder (and adjusting my path indication when running es.exe accordingly, obviously), then

2) run the new EV 1.5, close it, then replace / overwrite its db and backup.db with the previously saved, current db:

Would that work for EV 1.5? Obviously, I would "force index" in order to update the db for the connected (i.e. internal) drives...

and would es.exe work then?

EDIT 2/3:

I have copied c:\es.exe to the EV-1.5 folder, i.e. into c:\Program Files\Everything 1.5\, have then run that es.exe (with its full path) (so that this es.exe would "find" the EV-1.5.exe, both being within the same folder), and I get the same Error 8.

Thus, I suppose es.exe needs to find (a running) Everything.exe, NOT (a running) Everything-1.5a.exe - is this correct? In this case, in order to use es.exe, I would need to revert to EV 1.4? (If this is so: Can EV 1.4 process the (accordingly renamed, obviously) 1.5 index/db, or will it be lost?)

Or, in order to use es.exe, with 1.5, would it be possible to rename the 1.5 folder to a regular Everything folder, and the 1.5.exe to a regular Everything.exe, and just leaving the index-folder named according to 1.5? That way, es.exe would find everything.exe, and everything.exe (which in fact would be everything-1.5a.exe) would find the (not-renamed) index-folder / index-file. (If workable, that might be the best solution in case?)
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Re: es.exe Error with EV 1.5

Post by void »

Please try either of the following:

1). Call es with -instance 1.5a

es.exe -instance 1.5a


2). Disable the alpha instance in Everything 1.5:
  • Uninstall Everything 1.4
  • In Everything 1.5, from the Tools menu, click Options.
  • Click the Advanced tab on the left.
  • To the right of Show settings containing, search for:
  • Select: alpha_instance
  • Set the value to: false
  • Click OK.
  • Restart Everything (File -> Exit)
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Re: es.exe Error with EV 1.5

Post by 2530 »

Sorry for multiplying accounts, I am unfortunately quite disorganized currently, so hadn't found my data for weeks / months; I hope I'll function better now in this respect.

Sorry also for needlessly complicating things above; obviously, my ("very complete", see content list above) "c:\Program Files\Everything\" folder was a residue of my previous EV-1.4 installation which I had thought to have completely de-installed; after success with your help above, I renamed the folder to \EverythingNotNeededAnymore\, then shut down my pc, then powered it on again, then ran es.exe with success again, so it's obvious I can safely delete the previous EV folder.


Without also trying your help point 2), I can happily confirm that your advice 1) to call (or whatever the respective path is)
"c:\es.exe" -instance 1.5a then the search string as before

was immediately successful, and with perfect results! Thank you so much again!
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