Should you be able to Paste into an empty directory?

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Should you be able to Paste into an empty directory?

Post by therube »

should you be able to PASTE into an existing directory
where the search of that directory returns no results ?

as it is, the Search Results "window" is only "active"
to a Paste (or for that matter, any other context-menu action)
only when at least 1 result is returned for that search
(*&* when you have actually focused on that 1 [or more] result,
as the rest of the "window" is "blank" to context-menu actions)

Filter: Everything

create c:/tmp/NEW/
search: c:/tmp/NEW
- /NEW/ (the directory, c:/tmp/NEW/) shows up

CUT a file

focus in the Search Results "window", but NOT on the /NEW/ directory entry

attempt to paste
- cannot

focus in the Search Results "window", on the /NEW/ directory entry

attempt to paste

(delete the pasted file)

change Filter to Audio
- at that point, search is still c:/tmp/NEW/, & no Search Results turn up because there are no audio files in the directory

CUT a file

attempt to paste
- cannot

should you be able to PASTE in a situation like that?
(otherwise, you're relegated to pre-create a least 1 file/dir that might happen to match the search)

... though ...

you've created something that you know exists, you search it, & the search returns no results
& you want to do as above, but can't, but if you could, job done :-)

... now ...

you've search for something, that does not exist, that again the search returns no results
& you want to do as above, PASTE, but, at that point, it is not logical,

because you're wanting to PASTE into "nul", & that can't be good
(unless you subscribe to the Chaos theory ;-))

so... the above does not hold water, even though in a particular circumstances is might seem, logical

(note that if you displayed Folders, & were "viewing" the wanted directory in the Folder tree,
you can Paste on the Folder in the tree, but still not in the Search Results window of that Folder
[if there are no pre-existent Search Results displaying])
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Joined: Fri Oct 16, 2009 11:31 pm

Re: Should you be able to Paste into an empty directory?

Post by void »

I like the idea of treating the first search term as the "address"

There are some limitations here as you can search for:
c:\windows | "C:\program files\"

-Where does the paste go this example...?
-Just keep it simple and use the first term?

I want to add other commands like up-dir.
For example, if the search is:
C:\Program Files\Everything
and I click up-dir, then the search is changed to:
C:\program files

Thanks for the paste suggestion.
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