Hey man! Welcome Back. If there was the best award for an application so small and yet very powerful , that should belong to you. Desperately trying to reach and found a pleasant surprise when I casually checked this site. Sure, you left many people desperate.
Am running 645b. While clicking on size or Date modified for a sort. There is a hang, and finally comes the comment cancel? . So it is not working. Can we also have the sort based on attributes?
Ok. The earlier version .452a used to give out a warning of "Long Sort" whereas 645b does it more silently with only a hint in the bottom. Can some sort of progress bar alongwith a cancel button be given so that the user is more aware.
Since the word "Sorting"is confined to a corner , the user may tend to overlook , may presume nothing is happening and operate with the screen again. Might be if the info that the sorting is going on , and an option to cancel if displayed more prominently even if at the centre with a progress bar would be ideal. Upto you.
2. May I add another point? In the result screen , if I click a file , the status rightly displays it so as an object selected. If I take the cursor back to the search bar and click thereby negating the selection ,the status still displays it as 1 object selected, whereas it should be the number of results. Only on keying something in the search bar (SOMETHING DIFFERENT if already something is keyed) and clearing do I get the full file count again.
Last edited by nagan on Fri Apr 19, 2013 1:56 am, edited 1 time in total.
1. Point 2 in my previous post in this thread is pertinent.The behavior needs to be changed.
2.Not everyone begins using Everything right from the start. Would it be possible to run a LOW PRIORITY INDEXING on other columns.I presume all the column indices are sorted (except for name and path which are default sorted ) at one go even if one column is opted. If a user happens to search / use Everything that (indexing) could be suspended/resumed.Or in case a user presses any column for sorting the indexing can become a NORMAL PRIORITY. If the sort is cancelled it can drop to LOW PRIORITY again. This way perhaps some time can be saved and it can be indicated in the help file that initial activity attributed to Everything is due to the OTHER indexing going on.
2. May I add another point? In the result screen , if I click a file , the status rightly displays it so as an object selected. If I take the cursor back to the search bar and click thereby negating the selection ,the status still displays it as 1 object selected, whereas it should be the number of results. Only on keying something in the search bar (SOMETHING DIFFERENT if already something is keyed) and clearing do I get the full file count again.
Everything will keep the selection if you change focus to the search edit (use Tab to check).
Are you expecting the selection to be cleared when the result list focus is lost?
Everything will keep the selection if you change focus to the search edit (use Tab to check).
Are you expecting the selection to be cleared when the result list focus is lost?
I make a search abc. Bring the focus to the result , click any file, the status bar reports 1 file selected-- fine. I go back to the search bar, remove abc , all the items in the result return , but the status still displays 1 object selected , instead of 2L objects. I have to type in something again and erase to get the object info in the status displayed.
Everything will keep the selection between searches.
For example, if you search for ABC, select all the results and then clear the search the selection will remain.
I have added the option to clear the selection after changing the search to my things to do list.
2.Not everyone begins using Everything right from the start. Would it be possible to run a LOW PRIORITY INDEXING on other columns.I presume all the column indices are sorted (except for name and path which are default sorted ) at one go even if one column is opted. If a user happens to search / use Everything that (indexing) could be suspended/resumed.Or in case a user presses any column for sorting the indexing can become a NORMAL PRIORITY. If the sort is cancelled it can drop to LOW PRIORITY again. This way perhaps some time can be saved and it can be indicated in the help file that initial activity attributed to Everything is due to the OTHER indexing going on.
Currently Everything only indexes filenames.
It caches things like file sizes and dates when they are displayed, sorted or searched.
It might be better to index file sizes and dates when indexing file names.
Maintaining such a database might not be the most efficient.
However, I would love to make an option to index file sizes and dates since RAM/CPU usage might not be a concern for some.
Maintaining such a database might not be the most efficient.
However, I would love to make an option to index file sizes and dates since RAM/CPU usage might not be a concern for some.
If not everyone will be using this sort perhaps you may consider giving this as a choice in options.And technically I was suggesting a low CPU priority sort as a supplement to what presently is being done when a column sorting is chosen that is perhaps only to the cache? and not to the db. Whatever without in anyway affecting Everything's efficacy.