Force loading of a foreign but legitimate database

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Joined: Sun Jun 02, 2013 1:36 am

Force loading of a foreign but legitimate database

Post by galneon »

I have an Everything.db from another PC from just before said PC's (soft)RAID array went batshit.

I've since recovered the 8tb which became lost after the volumes were partially corrupted, but the recovery recovered a lot of deleted content that had recently been moved to other drives. The result is lots of legitimate files were recovered, and a lot of moved files that had been deleted were also 'recovered' but are dopplegangers devoid of real content (but of proper size with proper timestamps making them difficult to spot). I'd like to study the old everything.db so I can more easily see what files were truly present just before the crash. That way I can weed out the recovered fakes.

I've been experimenting with settings but so far have been unable to get Everything to accept this old DB. I wish I could convert the db to an EFU, but unlike EFUs, the db obviously isn't plain text.

David's probably the only person that can answer this and I'm not sure if he's around lately (we know it's not always Everything season :P), but perhaps someone has experience with this?
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Re: Force loading of a foreign but legitimate database

Post by void »

To open an old Everything.db file in Everything:
  • Completely Exit Everything
  • From a command prompt:
  • Navigate to your Everything location, eg:

    Code: Select all

    cd "c:\program files\Everything"
  • Run:

    Code: Select all

    Everything.exe -db <C:\Old\Everything.db> -read-only
  • Where <C:\Old\Everything.db> is the filename of the old Everything.db
To convert your Everything.db to an Everything file list (EFU) file:
Database recovery tool
Posts: 27
Joined: Sun Jun 02, 2013 1:36 am

Re: Force loading of a foreign but legitimate database

Post by galneon »

You are amazing. Thank you!
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