Directory Sort

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Joined: Thu Feb 13, 2020 7:10 pm

Directory Sort

Post by CliffyBoy »


I am a new user of Everything and intend to use it primarily for offline storage searches. Is anyone aware of an application that could take directories/files on separate external drives and index/tag them with specific terms (music, games, movies, etc), then the tagged directories/files could be referenced/arranged in a separate directory tree under the relevant categories (music, games, movies, etc) which could be virtually linked like a symbolic link. The new directory tree could then be potentially available to the internet like a FTP directory (assuming the external drive is online).

The point of this would be to skip external drive directory/file sorting individually, and simply tag relevant folders/files by category (or use file type) and have everything virtually sorted in a new directory that can be easily configured at will in a new directory structure.

Does this exist already anywhere? If not, how hard would it be to develop this?

All relevant/helpful replies would be appreciated.

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Joined: Fri Oct 16, 2009 11:31 pm

Re: Directory Sort

Post by void »

Currently, Everything only indexes filenames, size and date modified.

Everything does not follow folder junctions on NTFS volumes.

You may wish to try file lists to index your offline media / folder junctions.

Tagging files is on my TODO list.
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