Selecting b/t Two (2) Databases

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Selecting b/t Two (2) Databases

Post by f15e »

I would like to know if it is possible to have two completely separate databases that contain indexed information for two separate search locations. Example, first database is indexed to a specific location on a server at my work and the second database is indexed to my C: drive. I realize I can't search both DBs at the same time b/c they are separate DBs (I would have to use 1 DB and set my search paths to it), but is there way to select b/t the two, say a drop down, without going into Options / Indexes / Browse to change to the DB you want to use? Don't get hung up on the drop down box comment. I was just using it as an example of a selection mechanism to allow you to choose 1 of X DBs.
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Re: Selecting b/t Two (2) Databases

Post by void »

Currently, no.
Everything is limited to one database. Mainly due to performance concerns.

Multiple databases might be a possibility in a future release.

Thanks for the suggestion.

You can specify the database filename with the -db command line option.

For example:
Everything.exe -db myEverything2.db

You could use multiple instances to have two Everything.db files open at the same time:
For example, your main unnamed instance would use the Everything.db, then you can start a new instance with the other myEverything2.db with:
Everything.exe -db myEverything2.db -instance myEverything2
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Re: Selecting b/t Two (2) Databases

Post by f15e »

Thanks for the reply void. I'm new to Everything and just wanted to see if it were possible to select 1 of X databases but only run that one at a time b/c of the performance hit as you mentioned. I'm not a DB expert by any means but just wanted to check. Thanks again void!
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