void wrote: Mon Jul 03, 2023 6:17 am
Please consider creating a right click/context menu item for all items:
- From the Start menu, search for:
regedit- Click Registry Editor.
- In the Registry Editor, navigate to:
HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\*- Create a new Key called:
shell- navigate to:
HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\*\shell- Create a new Key called:
Find in Everything...- In this key, create a new String Value, set the name to:
Icon- Set the value to:
C:\Program Files\Everything\Everything.exe,0- Create a new Key called:
command- In this key, set the (Default) value to:
"C:\Program Files\Everything\Everything.exe" -parentpath "%1" -select "%1"- Now you can right click your file and click Find in Everything...
I have a context menu for Everything and it works fine.
But I can't display an icon image to it. Nothing appears:
No matters I did, that icon nevers appears where it supposes to do.
I create "Icon" string key, "Icon" expanded string key, "IconPath" string key, "IconPath" expanded string key, but none of these works.
I have no icon before "Search Everything 1.5a..."
My keys are stored at:
Code: Select all
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
@="\"F:\\Programas\\Everything 1.5 Alpha\\Everything64.exe\" \"%1\""
How to solve that?
Hah! Windows 7 SP1 here.