Well, I found a semi-useful application: calculating the distance between two points on our planet. That way it should be possible to calculate "how far away" a picture was taken. Had a bit of fun converting an existing formula to something that can be used in Everything:
To "install":
- Create a new filter (Menu => Search => Organize Filters)
- Name = Geo Distance (km)
(can be anything you like) - Search =
Code: Select all
pic: latitude: longitude: [define:EARTHRADIUS=6371] [define:mylat=48.858093] [define:mylong=2.294694] add-column:A A-label:="Distance (km)" A:=ROUND(ACOS(SIN(RADIANS(90-[mylat:]))*SIN(RADIANS(90-$latitude:))*COS(RADIANS([mylong:]-$longitude:))+COS(RADIANS(90-[mylat:]))*COS(RADIANS(90-$latitude:)))*[EARTHRADIUS:],0)
- Change the "Home" latitude and longitude to reflect your current position.
Currently:( = Eiffel Tower in Paris)[define:mylat=48.858093] [define:mylong=2.294694]
To find your "Home": right-click a point in Google maps (or similar) and select the coordinates.
This will copy the coordinates to the clipboard
To use, type a search query in Everything that finds your geo-tagged photos and activate the Geo Distance (km) filter.
The distance to the "Home" location will be shown in the Distance (km) column.
- The formula assumes that the earth is a perfect sphere (sorry, flat-earthers
), which is roughly correct, but earth's radius varies from
6357 to 6378 km. Rounding errors in the formulas are a factor too. So all values are approximate. - The earth radius is currently in kilometers; change it to miles if that suits you better. ( )
This will show distances in miles. - Only geo-tagged images will be shown.
- It will take some time to process each image, just to find geo-tagging information.
Consider indexing longitude and latitude to make this instant (in case you need this information more often).