I do use multiple instances, but I get "Open pipe failed 2" even if I start Everything without an instance. I feel like I need to mention that I'm using the latest 1.5 with a "NO_ALPHA_INSTANCE" file created. Btw, i see that there's an "alpha_instance=1" in my everything.ini. Do you know if setting that to 0 in Policy.ini would achieve the same effect as having the "NO_ALPHA_INSTANCE" file present?
As for settings, I have the exact same values that you've quoted, and no other settings containing "pipe".
After a quick search I see that those "pipes" are realted to the SDK and/or service. I'm not running any plugins whatsoever, I have the service disabled and I'm not monitoring ntfs(not running as admin). What would be the proper settings to disable said pipes, as it seems to me that they are not needed?
I'll suspect that then is the cause.
And Console is simply not finding the "pipe" (which is needed for IPC communication with the service) & so reports as much.