

The Everything_Query function executes an Everything IPC query with the current search state.


BOOL Everything_Query(
BOOL bWait



Should the function wait for the results or return immediately.

Set this to FALSE to post the IPC Query and return immediately.

Set this to TRUE to send the IPC Query and wait for the results.

Return Value

If the function succeeds, the return value is TRUE.

If the function fails, the return value is FALSE. To get extended error information, call Everything_GetLastError

Error codeDescription
EVERYTHING_ERROR_CREATETHREADFailed to create the search query thread.
EVERYTHING_ERROR_REGISTERCLASSEXFailed to register the search query window class.
EVERYTHING_ERROR_CREATEWINDOWFailed to create the search query window.
EVERYTHING_ERROR_IPCIPC is not available. Make sure Everything is running.
EVERYTHING_ERROR_MEMORYFailed to allocate memory for the search query.
EVERYTHING_ERROR_INVALIDCALLCall Everything_SetReplyWindow before calling Everything_Query with bWait set to FALSE.


If bWait is FALSE you must call Everything_SetReplyWindow before calling Everything_Query. Use the Everything_IsQueryReply function to check for query replies.

Optionally call the following functions to set the search state before calling Everything_Query:

You can mix ANSI / Unicode version of Everything_SetSearch and Everything_Query.

The ANSI / Unicode version of Everything_Query MUST match the ANSI / Unicode version of Everything_GetResultName and Everything_GetResultPath.

The search state is not modified from a call to Everything_Query.

The default state is as follows:

See Everything_Reset for the default search state.


// set the search text to abc AND 123
Everything_SetSearch("abc 123");

// enable case sensitive searching.

// execute the query

See Also

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