You're funny...

General discussion related to "Everything".
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You're funny...

Post by Jmiles »

About your "Donation" page. You write:
"I develop "Everything" without salary or sponsorship in my own time.
Your donation is appreciated and will ensure future development of "Everything".
Donations will help towards hardware, software, hosting and other costs."

Yeah sure, I guess that's why we've seen no work being done on this program for a very long time. :)
Help towards hardware, software, hosting and other costs? Well, since you're still hosting, you're obviously not having a problem with hosting fees. Face it... even a simple $5 shared host can host this tiny site.

Hardware costs? Really? I've been a programmer myself and trust me, hardware costs are minor, even an 8 year old $25 second hand core2duo PC from a thrift store is more than plenty.

Software costs? Again....really? hehe. The development tool that you used for this program is more than enough, it doesn't need to the latest greatest version so that you can continue to update your program. Yeah, maybe in 20 years...

You develop "Everything" without salary or sponsorship in your own time? Poor you, join the club of millions on the internet who run a web site and who are not getting any financial compensation.

Heck, there are tons of people who write mods for games and never beg for a single dime. Don't come up with the lame excuses like "hardware, software, hosting and other costs"...
If you want to see financial compensation,then work on advertising or other sources of income like I do my my web site, but don't beg for a lame donation with lame excuses like "hardware, software, hosting and other costs"...
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Re: You're funny...

Post by adamiks »

nonsense , in void place i wouldn't respond to that, first post and something like this, looks like hoax on purpose
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Re: You're funny...

Post by horst.epp »

What a useless garbige post from a frustrated poeple not having any fun in its life.
Best is to ignore him or even better delete his account.
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Re: You're funny...

Post by galneon »

First, David will be back (despite people like you). He takes breaks pretty much every year and he always comes back, and he'll continue developing the program that has saved me more time than any in my decades of computing. It's free, it's always improving between intermittent vacations, and it's one of the greatest productivity and organization tools available on any platform.

Second, how old are you? You should know better than to read "why donate" messages. They're more often than not boilerplate tripe and they're rarely amended when conditions change. I doubt David has thought about it twice since creating the site.

If you donate, you are showing your support for David and his software. He doesn't offer shareware, nagware, ransomware, and he wasn't looking to milk more money from anyone with his generic donation statement. Use his entirely free, full-featured software, and donate if you want to donate, because it's entirely your choice. There's no good reason to state you are or are not donating, and it's even less appropriate to excoriate him as you make known your rage.
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Re: You're funny...

Post by faroe2k9 »

I register this forum just to say that i just donated to Davids search program.

It is total awesome, and I use it everyday in my professional work.

I have no clue how he has programmed it to be that fast. I have tried a lot of search programs in the last 10 years - and this little program beats them all.

Simple, fast (amazing fast!!) - search my entire 10 terabyte and work so fast, that first I was thinking "hmm. is it allready finish? Can't be."...

But it was!!

Donate to this program - regardless what the money goes to. The program is worth a donation!!

with regards
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Re: You're funny...

Post by RufusVS »

What kind of dick joins a website to enter a single post of crap like that?

Who cares what your donation goes to? It's a donation of appreciation to the author
of an excellent product and fine hosting and support website. So what if it
even ends up being beer money ("other costs"). He deserves it.

You don't have to donate. If you donate, it doesn't have to be a large amount.

(Just typing this, I've shamed myself into donating, which I haven't yet, and I use
the product nearly every day, several times a day.)

You can do it too:

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Re: You're funny...

Post by tjain »

JMiles.. what piece of crap !! You have some serious issues in life.

Everything search is one of the finest pieces of software I have seen. Frankly I wonder why doesn't Microsoft buy Everything and give Void a few million dollars for all his work and the countless hours this product has saved its users.

Before complaining about Void maybe you need to list all the software you have created let alone being used and appreciated.

I have donated once and reading your stupid comments I am going ahead and donating again today just to encourage Void and show my support.
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Re: You're funny...

Post by irish »

I'd like to add my vote.
It's called "showing your appreciation"
I hope to do so myself at some stage.
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Re: You're funny...

Post by nikkho »

Welcome to the forum. Maybe you should inform yourself better. There are lots of works done in Everything in the interins betas. Just a matter of having enough interest to do a forum search.
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