Searches passed from the command line are automatically expanded.
Searches are automatically expanded when executing an Everything query.
Character Entities
Advanced Preprocessor
"an exact phrase"
Search operators are escaped in the expanded result.
The follow syntax is also supported by the multi-file-renamer:
Expanded text from [function:arg1,arg2,arg3,...] is automatically quoted when used from the search box or command line.
[len:abc] => 3
[len:"[abc]"] => 5
[eval:1<<17] => 131072
[rand:%10][rand:%10][rand:%10] => (random 3 digits)
[pathpart:"c:\windows\system32"] => "c:\windows"
[day:now:] => (the current day: 1-31)
[formatfiletime:[edate:now:,-12],"YYYYMMDD"] => (same date as now with the previous year)
[define:list="Red,Green,Blue,Yellow"][element:list:,",",[randbetween:1,[elementcount:list:,","]]] (pick a random color name)
[define:f<x>="[if:$x:>1,[eval:$x:*[f:[eval:$x:-1]]],1]"][f:5] (factorial 5)
Registry Examples
[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\*\shell\Find Dupes in Everything\command]
"C:\Program Files\Everything\Everything64.exe" -s size:[getsize:"%1"]
Command Line Examples
Set the search to the current date as ISO8601:
Everything64.exe -s [year:now:]-[text:month:now:,00]-[text:day:now:,00]
Set the search to the basename of a full path:
Everything64.exe -s nopath:[basename:"c:\windows\notepad.exe"]
Set the search to a size search for the size of a specified file by filename:
Everything64.exe -s size:[getsize:"c:\windows\notepad.exe"]
Character Entities
&num: | # |
": | " |
<: | < |
>: | > |
&comma: | , |
&colon: | : |
The follow syntax is also supported and is expanded before any other syntax:
Double quotes (") are treated literally.
The following can be used to escape a block of text:
#[[:a literal block of text#]]:
Search operators are preserved in the expanded result.
Parsing a function terminates at a space or OR operator (|) when no []{}<>() call syntax is used.
Use double quotes (") to escape spaces and |.
[function:...] is the "termprocessors" - Search operators in the output are escaped.
#[function:...#]: is the "preprocessor" - Search operators in the output will be processed.
Preprocessor is applied first.
termprocessor is applied last.
#num: = #
#comma: = ,
#colon: = :
#<define:f<x>=#<<:#<if:#x:>1#,:#<eval:#x:*#<f:#<eval:#x:-1#>:#>:#>:#,:1#>:#>>:#>:#<f:5#>: (factorial 5)
If the search starts with /function: and ENTER is pressed, the search will be replaced with the expanded preprocessor text.
For example, typing in the search /len:abc and pressing ENTER will replace the search with 3.
Return the absolute value of expression.
Example: [abs:2-3] => 1
Return the inverse cosine of x in radians.
Return the inverse hyperbolic cosine of x.
Add a trailing path separator to the end of filename.
Does nothing if the filename already contains a trailing path separator.
The appended path separator character will depend on the filename.
Example: [add-trailing-path-separator:c:] => c:\
Example: [add-trailing-path-separator:"C:\Program Files"] => C:\Program Files\
Returns the logical AND result of all expressions.
Returns 1 if all expressions are TRUE, 0 otherwise.
Example: [and:[find:"my","my search"],[find:"search","my search"]] => 1
Example: [and:1,1,0] => 0
Return the inverse sine of x in radians.
Return the inverse hyperbolic sine of x.
Return the inverse tangent of x in radians.
Return the angle between the line segment 0,0 -> x,y in radians.
Return the inverse hyperbolic tangent of x in radians.
Returns the basename from the full path and filename.
Example: [basename:C:\Windows\explorer.exe] => explorer.exe
Example: [basename:"C:\Windows\Notepad.exe"] => Notepad.exe
Returns the bitwise result of value1 AND value2. (value1 & value2)
Example: [bitand:0xff,0x0f] => 15
Returns the result of value shift to the left by shift_value. (value << shift_value)
Example: [bitlshift:1,16] => 65536
Returns the bitwise result of value1 OR value2. (value1 | value2)
Example: [bitor:0xf0,0x0f] => 255
Returns the result of value shift to the left by shift_value. (value << shift_value)
Example: [bitrshift:65536,8] => 256
Returns the bitwise result of value1 XOR value2. (value1 ^ value2)
Example: [bitxor:0xff,0x80] => 127
Returns the byte swap value from the specified word value.
Example: [byteswap_uint16:0xff00] => 255
Returns the byte swap value from the specified dword value.
Example: [byteswap_uint32:0xff000000] => 255
Returns the byte swap value from the specified word value.
Example: [byteswap_uint64:0xff00000000000000] => 255
Round up x to the nearest integer multiple of specified significance.
Return the character for the specified unicode code point.
Example: [char:65] => A
Example: [char:97] => a
Example: [char:0x2d] => -
Returns text with non-printable characters removed.
Example: [clean:?abc?] => abc
Returns the text content from the clipboard.
Can only be used from the main search window.
The search is dynamic, copying text will update your results in real-time.
Example: clipboard:
Example: [clipboard:]
Example: dm:get-date-modified:clipboard:
Returns the character code from the specified character.
Example: [code:A] => 65
Concatenate all text.
Example: [concat:abc,123,foo,bar] => abc123foobar
Convert text from 'from-code-page' to 'to-code-page'.
Example: [convert-code-page:"Žå‚æAl‚Ì–]‚Ý‚ÌŠì‚Ñ‚æ",1252,932] => 主よ、人の望みの喜びよ
Return the cosine of x in radians.
Return the hyperbolic cosine of x.
Calculate the CRC32 hash from the specified text.
Example: [crc32:abc123] => CF02BB5C
Calculate the CRC64 hash from the specified text.
Example: [crc64:abc123] => FBE99605494BA1AF
Returns the specified date as a filetime.
Example: [date:2024,2,29] => 133485030000000000
Return the difference between two dates.
unit can be one of the following:
y = years
m = months
d = days
md = days (ignoring month and years)
ym = months (ignoring days and years)
yd = days (ignoring years)
Example: [datedif:"2023-12-12","2024-12-12","d"] => 366
Returns the local date part from the specified filetime as a filetime.
Example: [datevalue:"2023-03-02T17:39:56"] => 133221510000000000
Returns the day from date.
date can be in YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss format or a filetime.
Example: [day:now:]
Returns the hex value from the specified decimal value.
Example: [dec2hex:255] => FF
Example: [dec2hex:15,2] => 0F
Returns the decoded base64 value from text.
Example: [decode-base64:"U0VDUkVUIE1FU1NBR0U="] => SECRET MESSAGE
Defines the function or variable and returns an empty string.
If the function or variable is already defined, it is replaced with the new definition.
The definition is lost when you exit Everything.
Syntax: name=value
Syntax: name<parameter list>=function-body
Example: [define:x=123]
Example: [x:] => 123
Example: [define:mysum<x,y>="[eval:$x:+$y:]"]
See -define: command line option.
Convert x in radians to degrees.
Returns 1 if the specified filename is a directory on disk, 0 otherwise.
Can only be used from the main search window.
Example: [directory-exists:C:\Windows] => 1
Example: [directory-exists:"C:\Windows\Notepad.exe"] => 0
Returns a filetime from the specified date-or-filetime with the specified month-offset.
Example: [edate:2023-03-02,-1] => 133197318000000000
Example: [formatfiletime:[edate:2023-03-02,-1],"YYYY-MM-DD"] => "2023-02-02"
Returns the nth element (1 based) from a delimited list.
Example: [element:"Red;Green;Blue",";",[randbetween:1,3]]
Returns the number of elements in a delimited list.
Example: [elementcount:"Red;Green;Blue",";"] => 3
Returns the encoded base64 value from text.
Example: [encode-base64:"SECRET MESSAGE"] => U0VDUkVUIE1FU1NBR0U=
Evaluate a C expression and return the result.
Example: [eval:1+1] == 2
Example: [eval:3*(4+5)] == 27
Example: [eval:1<<17] == 131072
Round up x to the nearest even integer.
Returns 1 if value1 is exactly the same as value2, 0 otherwise.
Example: [exact:abc,abc] => 1
Example: [exact:abc,Abc] => 0
Return the location of your Everything.exe.
Example: [exe-location:] => C:\Program Files\Everything
Euler's number to the power of x.
Return the extension from the specified filename, including the dot.
Example: [extension:New Text Document.txt] => .txt
Example: [extension:Everything.exe] => .exe
Returns 1 if the specified filename is a file on disk, 0 otherwise.
Can only be used from the main search window.
Example: [file-exists:C:\Windows] => 0
Example: [file-exists:"C:\Windows\Notepad.exe"] => 1
Returns the date-time as a filetime.
Example: [day:[eval:[filetime:now:] + 360000000000]] => (tomorrow's day)
Returns the specified date-time as a filetime in local time.
Format a number with a specified number of decimal places.
Example: [fixed:3.141592,3] => 3.141
Example: [fixed:3141592,0,1] => 3141592
Example: [fixed:3141592,0,0] => 3,141,592
Example: [fixed:3141592,0] => 3,141,592
Round x down to the nearest integer multiple of specified significance.
Format an aspect-ratio value.
Example: [format-aspect-ratio:1.333] => 4:3
Format a 100 nanosecond duration.
format syntax is [[hh:]mm:]ss
The duration_format ini setting is used for the duration format if it is not specified.
Format a number into an alpha attribute list.
Format a 100 nanosecond filetime to local time.
format is the standard Windows Date Time format.
The date_format and time_format ini settings are used for the date/time format if it is not specified.
Example: [formatfiletime:$date-modified:,"yyyy-MM-dd\THH:mm:ss.SSS"] => 2024-01-20T15:32:49.323
Format a 100 nanosecond filetime in UTC.
format is the standard Windows Date Time format.
The date_format and time_format ini settings are used for the date/time format if it is not specified.
Format a number with digit grouping.
Example: [format-number:123456789] => 123,456,789
Format a file size.
format: 0=auto, 1=bytes, 2=KB, 3=MB.
The size_format ini setting is used for the size format if it is not specified.
Get the file attributes from the specified filename.
Example: [get-attributes:"C:\Windows\Notepad.exe"] => 32
Get the date created filetime from the specified filename.
Example: [get-date-created:"C:\Windows\Notepad.exe"]
Get the date modified filetime from the specified filename.
Example: [get-date-modified:"C:\Windows\Notepad.exe"]
Get the environment variable value from the specified name.
Can only be used from the main search window.
Example: [getenv:windir] => C:\Windows
Example: [getenv:"ProgramFiles"] => C:\Program Files
Get the long path from the specified short path.
Can only be used from the main search window.
Example: [get-long-path-name:C:\Progra~1] => C:\Program Files
Get the specified property as a raw value from the specified filename.
The value is returned from the index if available. Otherwise from disk.
Can only be used from the main search window.
Example: [get-property:"C:\Windows\Notepad.exe",size] => (size of Notepad.exe in bytes)
Example: [get-property:"C:\Windows\Notepad.exe",date-modified] => (Date Notepad.exe was last modified as a filetime)
Example: size:[get-property:"C:\Windows\Notepad.exe",size]
Example: dm:[get-property:"C:\Windows\Notepad.exe",date-modified]
Example: C:\Windows\ sha256:[get-property:"C:\Windows\Notepad.exe",sha256]
Return the current value for the specified configuration setting.
Example: [get-setting:app_data] => 1
Get the size of the file from the specified filename.
Example: [get-size:"C:\Windows\Notepad.exe"] => (size of Notepad.exe in bytes)
Returns 1 if the specified path includes a basename, 0 otherwise.
Example: [has-basename:"C:\Windows\Notepad.exe"] => 1
Example: [has-basename:""] => 0
Returns 1 if the specified filename contains an extension, 0 otherwise.
Example: [has-extension:"C:\Windows\Notepad.exe"] => 1
Example: [has-extension:"C:\Windows"] => 0
Returns 1 if the specified path contains a parent, 0 otherwise.
Example: [has-parent-path:"C:\Windows\Notepad.exe"] => 1
Example: [has-parent-path:"C:"] => 0
Returns 1 if the length of the root of path is 0, 0 otherwise.
Example: [has-relative-path:"C:\Windows\Notepad.exe"] => 1
Example: [has-relative-path:"C:"] => 0
Returns 1 if the specified path is a root, 0 otherwise.
Example: [has-root-directory:"C:\Windows"] => 1
Example: [has-root-directory:"Windows\Notepad.exe"] => 0
See [root-directory:]
Returns 1 if the specified path is a root, 0 otherwise.
Example: [has-root-name:"C:\Windows"] => 1
Example: [has-root-name:"Windows\Notepad.exe"] => 0
See [root-name:]
Returns 1 if the length of the root of path is non-zero, 0 otherwise.
Example: [has-root-path:"C:\Windows"] => 1
Example: [has-root-path:"Windows\Notepad.exe"] => 0
See [root-path]
Returns 1 if the length of the stem from path is non-zero, 0 otherwise.
Example: [has-stem:"C:\Windows"] => 1
Example: [has-stem:".exe"] => 0
See [stem:]
Returns the decimal value from the specified hex value.
Example: [hex2dec:ff] => 255
Returns the hour from date-time.
Example: [hour:now:]
Returns value1 if the expression is non-zero, value2 otherwise.
Example: [if:eval:[hour:now:]>=12,"Good afternoon","Good morning"]
Returns value1 if name is defined, value2 otherwise.
Example: [ifdef:myvar,$myvar:,""]
Returns value1 if text has one or more characters, value2 otherwise.
Example: [iflen:$album:,$album:,"unknown"]
Returns value1 if name is not defined, value2 otherwise.
Example: [ifndef:myvar,[define:myvar=123]]
Returns value1 if the expression1 is non-zero. Otherwise,
Returns value2 if the expression2 is non-zero. Otherwise,
Returns value3 if the expression3 is non-zero.
Returns the text content from the file specified by filename.
Can only be used from the main search window.
Example: include:"c:\searches\my search.txt"
Ctrl + click the include:... text to select a filename.
Returns 0 if the search is not found.
Otherwise, returns the 1 based index of search in text.
Start the search from the optional start-index (1 if omitted).
Example: [find:a,abc] => 1
Example: [find:b,abc] => 2
Example: [find:a,abc,2] => 0
Example: [find:d,abc] => 0
Returns text as an integer.
Returns 1 if filename specifies an absolute path. Otherwise,
Returns 0 if filename specifies an relative path.
Example: [is-absolute:C:\Windows\Explorer.exe] => 1
Example: [is-absolute:..\Explorer.exe] => 0
Returns 1 if Everything is currently running as administrator.
Otherwise, returns 0 if Everything is currently running as a standard user.
Example: [if:is-admin:,"[Admin]"]
Returns 1 if the specified text is empty, 0 otherwise.
Example: [is-blank:"abc"] => 0
Example: [is-blank:""] => 1
Returns 1 if Everything database is currently in read-only mode.
Otherwise, returns 0.
Example: [if:is-db-read-only:,"[Read-only]"]
Returns 1 if the specified text is an error value, 0 otherwise.
Returns 1 if the specified path is a relative path, 0 otherwise.
Example: [is-relative:C:\Windows\Explorer.exe] => 0
Example: [is-relative:..\Explorer.exe] => 1
Returns 1 if Everything is currently in safe-mode. (no plugins loaded)
Otherwise, returns 0.
Example: [if:is-safe-mode:,"[Safe-mode]"]
Returns n (default=1) characters from the left of text.
Example: [left:abc123,2] => ab
Return the length of text in UTF-16 characters.
Example: [len:abc] => 3
Example: [len:"abc"] => 3
Returns the number of lines in text.
Converts a local filetime to filetime in UTC.
Returns the logarithm of x given a base (10 by default).
Returns the logarithm of x with base 10.
Convert text to lowercase.
Example: [lower:ABC] => abc
Left pad text to count characters with the specified character.
Example: [lpad:abc,5,"*"] => **abc
Example: [lpad:abc123,5,"*"] => abc123
Remove the specified characters from the left of text.
Example: [ltrim:" abc"," "] => abc
Fixes root paths.
Example: [makepreferred:c:] => C:\
Return the max value from a list of expressions.
Example: [max:1,10,100] => 100
Calculate the MD5 hash from the specified text.
Example: [md5:abc123] => E99A18C428CB38D5F260853678922E03
Return the substring from text at start index (1 based) with the specified length.
Example: [substr:abc123,2,4] => bc12
Return the minimum value from a list of expressions.
Example: [min:1,10,100] => 1
Returns the minute from date-time.
Example: [minute:now:]
Example: [text:[minute:now:],00]
Returns the modulo of x and y.
Returns the month from date.
Example: [month:now:]
Example: [text:[month:now:],00]
Returns value if value is a number.
Otherwise, returns 0.
Return the logical NOT value of expression.
Example: [not:0] => 1
Example: [not:1] => 0
Example: [not:len:abc] => 0
Returns the current date and time as an Excel date time serial number.
The current date-time is gathered at the start of the query and does not change between calls.
Example: [text:[hour:now:],00][text:[minute:now:],00]
Returns the logical OR result of all expressions.
Returns 1 if any expression is TRUE, 0 otherwise.
Example: [or:0,0] => 0
Example: [or:0,1] => 1
Example: [or:1,0] => 1
Example: [or:1,1] => 1
Returns the number of paragraphs in text.
Normalize the specified path.
Example: [pathcanonicalize:C:\windows\..] == C:
Append path2 to path1 and return the result.
Includes a path separator if required.
Example: [path-combine:"C:\Program Files","Everything"] => C:\Program Files\Everything
Example: [path-combine:"C:\","Everything"] => C:\Everything
Returns 1 if the path is a file or folder on disk, 0 otherwise.
Can only be used from the main search window.
Example: [path-exists:C:\Windows] => 1
Example: [path-exists:C:\Windows\Explorer.exe] => 1
Returns the path part of the specified full path.
Example: [path-part:C:\Windows\Explorer.exe] => C:\Windows
Returns 3.14159265358979323846
Returns the integer power from the integer base and integer exponent.
Example: [power:10,6] => 1000000
Format text.
%d == number
%f == real number
%s == string
%c == character
%x == number as hex
%X == number as hex (with uppercase hex values)
%% == literal %
Example: [printf:"%02d",1] => 01
Example: [printf:"%d:%02d:%02d",21,4,9] => 21:04:09
Example: [printf:"%d%%",99] => 99%
Example: [printf:"%0.3f",3.141592] => 3.141
Example: [printf:"%s%d",abc,123] => abc123
Example: [printf:"0x%08x",65535] => 0x0000ffff
Example: [printf:"%c",65] => A
Return the title case for text.
Example: [proper:the LAZY fox] => The Lazy Fox
Returns quoted text for a search term.
Example: #[quote:"abc 123"#]: => "abc 123"
[quotient:numerator, denominator]
Return the integer result from the division of numerator by denominator.
Example: [quotient:10,3] => 3
Convert x in degrees to radians.
Returns a pseudo random number.
Example: [rand:%10]
Returns a random number between value1 and value2 (inclusive).
Example: [randbetween:10,99]
Read a byte from the specified file at the specified byte offset.
Example: [read-uint8:"C:\my file.txt",0x1234]
Read a word from the specified file at the specified byte offset.
Example: [read-uint16:"C:\my file.txt",0x1234]
Read a dword from the specified file at the specified byte offset.
Example: [read-uint32:"C:\my file.exe",0x3c]
Read a uint64 from the specified file at the specified byte offset.
Example: [read-uint64:"C:\my file.txt",0x1234]
Returns the number of occurences of the regex pattern in text.
Example: [regex-count:"abc123","\d"] => 3
Returns text with special regex characters escaped.
Example: regex:[regex-escape:C:\Program Files\Everything] => regex:"C:\\Program Files\\Everything"
Returns text that matches the regular expression.
Returns match 1 if captured.
Otherwise, returns match 0.
Example: [regex-extract:abc123,\d\d\d] => 123
Returns the 1 based index of the regular expression match.
The pattern is case sensitive.
Example: [regex-find:"bar","foobar"] => 4
Returns the 1-based index of the first match.
Example: [regex-instr:abc123,[a-z]\d,2] => 3
Returns 1 if text matches the specified regular expression, 0 otherwise.
Example: [regex-match:abc123,^a.*3$] => 1
Replaces all matches of the specified regular expression in text with new-text.
Example: [regex-replace:abc123,\d,x] => abcxxx
Use $0-$9 to recall capture groups.
Returns the 1 based index of the regular expression match.
The pattern is case insensitive.
Example: [regex-search:"BAR","foobar"] => 4
Return the relative path from the specified path.
Example: [relative-path:C:\Program Files\Everything] => Program Files\Everything
Remove the basename from the specified path.
Example: [remove-basename:C:\Windows\Explorer.exe] => C:\Windows
Normalize and remove diacritics from the specified text.
Example: [remove-diacritics:"Æon"] => AEon
Example: [remove-diacritics:"déjà vu] => deja vu
Remove the extension from the specified filename.
Example: [remove-extension:C:\Windows\Explorer.exe] => C:\Windows\Explorer
Example: [remove-extension:Explorer.exe] => Explorer
Example: [remove-extension:C:\Windows] => C:\Windows
Remove punctuation from text.
Example: [remove-punctuation:"Hello!"] => Hello
Remove quotes from text.
Example: #[remove-quotes:"ABC 123"#]: => ABC 123
Remove any trailing path separator from path.
Example: [remove-trailing-path-separator:C:\] => C:
Return text repeated n times.
Example: [repeat:ha,3] => hahaha
Replace the basename from path with the new-basename.
Example: [replace-basename:C:\Windows\Explorer.exe,Notepad.exe] => C:\Windows\Notepad.exe
Replace the extension in filename with the new-extension.
The new extension should include the dot.
Example: [replace-extension:C:\Windows\Explorer.exe,.jpg] => C:\Windows\Explorer.jpg
Example: [replace-extension:Notepad.exe,.png] => Notepad.png
Replace each term with new-term-format.
Use #term: to specify the current term.
Please escape #term: with #[[: #]]: in the new-term-format argument so it is not prematurely expanded.
Example: #[REPLACETERMS:Abc#,:< #[[:case:#[upper:#term:#]: | case:#[lower:#term:#]: >#]]:#]: => < case:ABC | case:abc >
Return n characters from the right of text.
Example: [right:abc123,2] => 23
Convert x to roman numerals.
Return the root name from the specified path.
Example: [root-directory:C:\Windows\Explorer.exe] => \
Return the root name from the specified path.
Example: [root-name:C:\Windows\Explorer.exe] => C:
Return the root path from the specified path.
Example: [root-path:C:\Windows\Explorer.exe] => C:\
Round x to the specified number of decimal places.
Round x down to the specified number of decimal places.
Round x up to the specified number of decimal places.
Right pad text to count characters with the specified character.
Example: [rpad:abc,5,"*"] => abc**
Example: [rpad:abc123,5,"*"] => abc123
Remove the specified characters from the right of text.
Example: [rtrim:"abc "," "] => abc
Returns the second from date-time.
Example: [second:now:]
Example: [text:[second:now:],00]
Calculate the SHA1 hash from the specified text.
Example: [sha1:abc123] => 6367C48DD193D56EA7B0BAAD25B19455E529F5EE
Calculate the SHA256 hash from the specified text.
Example: [sha256:abc123] => 6CA13D52CA70C883E0F0BB101E425A89E8624DE51DB2D2392593AF6A84118090
Calculate the SHA384 hash from the specified text.
Example: [sha384:abc123] => A31D79891919CAD24F3264479D76884F581BEE32E86778373DB3A124DE975DD86A40FC7F399B331133B281AB4B11A6CA
Calculate the SHA512 hash from the specified text.
Example: [sha512:abc123] => C70B5DD9EBFB6F51D09D4132B7170C9D20750A7852F00680F65658F0310E810056E6763C34C9A00B0E940076F54495C169FC2302CCEB312039271C43469507DC
Returns the path of a known folder.
Example: [shell:desktop]
Example: [shell:startup]
Returns -1 if x is negative, 1 if x is positive and 0 if x is 0.
Return the sine of x in radians.
Return the hyperbolic sine of x in radians.
Returns the square root of x.
Return the stem from the specified filename.
Example: [stem:C:\Windows\Explorer.exe] => Explorer
Example: [stem:Notepad.exe] => Notepad
Compare text1 with text2 and return the result.
Returns < 0 if text1 is less than text2, returns 0 if text1 and text2 are identical, returns > 0 if text1 is greater than text2.
Example: [strcmp:abc,abc] => 0
Example: [strcmp:A,B] => -1
Example: [strcmp:abc,ABC] => 32
Case insensitive compare text1 with text2 and return the result.
Returns < 0 if text1 is less than text2, returns 0 if text1 and text2 are the same, returns > 0 if text1 is greater than text2.
Example: [stricmp:abc,abc] => 0
Example: [stricmp:abc,ABC] => 0
Example: [strcmp:A,B] => -1
Returns the number of occurrences of search in text.
Example: [stringcount:"foo","o"] => 2
Insert insert-text into text at the specified start index.
The inserted text is repeated until the specified len is filled.
Example: [stuff:abc123,2,2,xx] => abxx23
Example: [stuff:Everything,1,5,No] => Nothing
Replace all occurrences of search in text with new-text.
Example: [substitute:abc123,123,xxx] => abcxxx
Return the sum of all the specified expressions.
Example: [sum:1,2,3] => 6
Return value1 if case1 matches expression.
Return value2 if case2 matches expression.
Return default-value if no case matches the expression.
Example: [switch:[weekday:now:],0,"Sunday",1,"Monday",2,"Tuesday",3,"Wednesday",4,"Thursday",5,"Friday",6,"Saturday"]
Returns value if value is text.
Otherwise, returns an empty string.
Returns the tangent of x in radians.
Returns the hyperbolic tangent of x in radians.
The current term in #[replace-terms:...#]:
See #[replace-terms:...#]:
Format text.
YY/MM/DD = Date format. Example: 21/1/13
DDDD = Day of the week. Example: Monday
H:MM AM/PM = Time in 12 hour format. Example: 1:37 PM
#,### = Use thousands separator. Example: 1,234,567
000000 = Add leading zeros (0). Example: 000123
Example: [text:2,000] => 002
Example: [text:now:,YYYY-MM-DD]
Join text with the specified delimiter and optionally ignore empty text.
Example: [textjoin:";",1,Red,Green,,,Blue] => Red;Green;Blue
Example: [textjoin:";",0,Red,Green,,,Blue] => Red;Green;;;Blue
Returns the specified time as a filetime.
Example: [time:8,30,0] => 306000000000
Returns the local time part from the specified filetime as a filetime.
Example: [timevalue:"2023-03-02T17:39:56"] => 635960000000
Returns the current date as an Excel date serial number.
Example: [filetime:today:]
Remove the specified characters from the left and right of text.
Example: [trim:" abc "," "] => abc
Undefines the function or variable with the specified name.
Example: [undef:x]
See [define:]
Return the character for the specified unicode code point.
Example: [unichar:0x1F44D] =>
Example: [unichar:128077] =>
Return the unicode code point for the specified character.
Example: [unicode:
Removes quotes from text
Return text as uppercase.
Example: [upper:abc] => ABC
Example: [upper:"foo bar"] => FOO BAR
Return text as hex data.
Example: [utf82hex:hello] => 68656C6C6F
Return the length of text in UTF-8 bytes.
Example: [utf8len:abc] => 3
Example: [utf8len:
Return the Everything version as
Example: [version:] =>
Returns the number of words in text.
Example: [word-count:"abc 123"] => 2
Returns the week day from date.
When return_type is 1 or omitted:
1 = Sunday, 2 = Monday, ... 7 = Saturday
Example: [weekday:now:]
Returns the logical XOR result of all expressions.
Returns 1 if there is an odd number of non-zero expressions, 0 otherwise.
Example: [xor:0,0] => 0
Example: [xor:0,1] => 1
Example: [xor:1,0] => 1
Example: [xor:1,1] => 0
Returns the year from date.
Example: [year:now:]
Dashes (-) in function names can be omitted.