Ability to Search Tags

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Ability to Search Tags

Post by HungerFreeze »

Hi ya folks!

Every few months, I come here to ask if there is any update on when Everything Search is going to include searching within Window tags. Does anyone know if this feature is going to come anytime soon?

I know it's a huge endevaor but I think many people would agree that this feature would revolutionize Everything Search. Tag searching is what Google searching essentially is and it's why they are worth many billions of dollars.
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Re: Ability to Search Tags

Post by void »

Searching tags is still in development.

If you would like to test this now, please try the Everything 1.5 alpha.

View, search, sort by and index the Tag property.
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Re: Ability to Search Tags

Post by HungerFreeze »

Awesome! I'll check it out!
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Re: Ability to Search Tags

Post by HungerFreeze »

Hey, Void,

I was wondering if there was a specific tagging method that needs to be used in order to search tags via Everything Search?

I tried adding NTFS tags with Directory Opus (a file explorer program) and it doesn't seem that the Everything Search engine recognizes any of the tags. I can't seem to get it to work.

I just wanted to let you know. I'll continue to try to use it and see what happens.
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Re: Ability to Search Tags

Post by void »

Directory Opus is using their own tagging system with Alternate Data Streams.

I am unsure if they have a specification for how they are storing tags? -I'll send them an email..

Please try the Alternate Data Stream Names property instead of the Tags property.
What is shown in Everything for this property?
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Re: Ability to Search Tags

Post by HungerFreeze »

Ah...I see. I'll see if I can figure out a way to get Directory Opus to use a generic method of tagging.

In the Alternate Data Stream Names property, it states OpusMetaInformation.
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Re: Ability to Search Tags

Post by void »

Thanks for the information.
I will need to get the OpusMetaInformation specification from GPSoftware.

In the meantime I will add a generic Alternate Data Streams Data property.
Hopefully it is just text/plain.

Everything uses the Windows Tags value for the Tag property:

Unfortunately, only some files support this property (for example: jpg/mp3).

To set tags for folders, please see: Folder Properties.
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Re: Ability to Search Tags

Post by void »

unofficial OpusMetaInformation specification:
If you're really determined, the [NTFS file-stream] format looks as follows:
Windows Terminal

Given a rating of "5 stars" and a tags of "touched"

afm .%H(fs-read('.default.md:\x07OpusMetaInformation'),,16)

The rating is at offset 16 => "63"


The tags => "touched" is a UNICODE string whose UInt32 (DWORD) length starts at offset 32

length 9-chars, 0x74, 0x75, 0x63, 0x68, 0x65, 0x64, 0, 0


afm .(`$:%H('touched\x00\x00') length: $:sizeof('touched\x00\x00')`)
746F75636865640000 length: 9

Windows Summary Information Stream 1
Description of that stream
afm .%H(fs-read('.default.md:\x05SummaryInformation'),,16)
Will get you access to the comments, but it is a bit more complicated to decode. Hint: The comments are at the end typically if no other fields.

You can see [xattr] file streams on an NTFS-File by typing dir /R at a console [wt.exe or cmd.exe] command-line.

I have added to my TODO list to support OpusMetaInformation tags.
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Re: Ability to Search Tags

Post by HungerFreeze »

You're awesome. Thanks.

I'm going to see if I can make it work.
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Re: Ability to Search Tags

Post by void »

I have added support for OpusMetaInformation in the latest Everything 1.5 Alpha.

To enable Everything to read tags and ratings from OpusMetaInformation:
  • In Everything, type in the following search and press ENTER:
    where 1 is enabled, 0 = disabled (default).
  • If successful, you should see opus_meta_information=1 in the status bar for a few seconds.
  • Type in the following search and press ENTER:
If you are indexing tag properties, you will need to force a rebuild to re-read these properties:
  • In Everything, from the Tools menu, click Options.
  • Click the Indexes tab on the left.
  • Click Force Rebuild.
  • Click OK.
Please let me know if it works or not, I have only tested with a few samples..
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Re: Ability to Search Tags

Post by HungerFreeze »


I tried entering "/opus_meta_information=1" into the search bar but I don't think it did anything. Is there a way to confirm that it did?
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Re: Ability to Search Tags

Post by HungerFreeze »

By the way, have you ever thought about packaging what you've created into building a new OS? I've done some research on digital organization and it's the key to building something to replace Windows.
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Re: Ability to Search Tags

Post by void »

Please try without the quotes.

Type in the following search and press ENTER:

Check the status bar (bottom of Everything)

If successful, you should see opus_meta_information=1 in the status bar for a few seconds.

-If not, please confirm you are running Everything from Help -> About.

Everything is currently very dependent on Windows.
Porting support is in the works, and Unix support is on my TODO list, so anything is possible.
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Re: Ability to Search Tags

Post by HungerFreeze »

Good call. I checked the version and for some reason, I had 5.1247 installed. I downloaded from the same link again but got 5.1249 this time. Strange.

Anway, "/opus_meta_information=1" now works. I'll test it out and let you know how it works.

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Re: Ability to Search Tags

Post by HungerFreeze »


I can't seem to get it to work. I'm not sure how to have the Everything Search 1.5a also search for Tags. I went into Options and within Properties, I added "Tags". Then, Everything Search re-indexes the database.

I tagged "Tornado" to a Microsoft Word File which is titled "Hurricane". When I search for "Hurricane", this file pops up as expected. And, under the Tags column, "Tornado" shows up. However, when I execute a search for "Tornado", this same file will not show.

Is there something I have to do to activate a search within Tags?
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Re: Ability to Search Tags

Post by void »

Everything will only search filenames by default.

To search for tags, please try the tag: search function.

For example, to search for files with the "Tornado" tag, include the following in your search:
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Re: Ability to Search Tags

Post by HungerFreeze »

Ah...I see. I didn't realize that. Is there any way to have Everything Search to automatically search through tags without prefacing the search with "tags:"? I'm not sure that it's really necessary. When you search for something, most of the time, you don't know remember what it's called. So, you'd want searches to always include tags.

For example, with the file that I named Hurricane, I had forgotten I named it Hurricane. The word, tornado was the only thing that popped in my head. So, I kept typing variations of tornado like spiral, wind, etc. I ended up just giving up. I luckily found it a few days later while manually going through a folder. When I found it, I tagged it "tornado" so I wouldn't lose it again.

My point is that you tag stuff as an alternative way to search in case you forget the filename. So, you'll always want search results to include tagged stuff, no?
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Re: Ability to Search Tags

Post by void »

Please try creating a filename or tag filter:
  • In Everything, from the Search menu, click Add to filters....
    Change Name to:
    Filename or tag
  • Change the Search to:
    <search:> | tag:<search:>
  • Change the Macro to:
  • Click OK.
Activate this filter from the Search menu, Filter bar (View -> Filters), right clicking the status bar, filter macro or filter keyboard shortcut.
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Re: Ability to Search Tags

Post by HungerFreeze »

It works! Thanks.

I'll try it out for a few days and let you know how it works.
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Re: Ability to Search Tags

Post by HungerFreeze »


I noticed something right away. I have a file named "April Schedule". I tagged it "timeline" because sometimes I use that word instead of "schedule" sometimes. When I searched for April Timeline, it didn't show up in the search results. The file will show up when searching with "April", "April Schedule", "Schedule", and "Timeline" but it won't show up with "April Timeline". I guess it won't show when one of the words is found in the filename and the other word is a tag.

Anyway to fix this?

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Re: Ability to Search Tags

Post by void »

Thank you for bringing up this issue HungerFreeze,

I will work on a solution for you.
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Re: Ability to Search Tags

Post by void »

I have added a #replaceterms: preprocessor function to Everything

Please try this preprocessor command with your Filename or Tag filter:
  • In Everything, from the Search menu, click Organize filters....
  • Select Filename or tag and click Edit....
  • Change the Search to:
  • Click OK.
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Re: Ability to Search Tags

Post by HungerFreeze »

Just tried it. After downloading the new version and updating the search filter, it doesn't seem to change the results. Nothing shows up when I input "April Timeline" although search results show up for "April", "Timeline", and "April Schedule".
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Re: Ability to Search Tags

Post by HungerFreeze »


I had mentioned whether you had aspirations on building an operating system that could compete against Windows is because the heart of Windows is simply a graphic file explorer. However, it's apparent that this is antiquated but nobody has done anything that builds upon this idea. The key is to design a file explorer that does a much better job.

If you read current research on digital organization, you can get a sense of what needs to be done. The ability to quickly rearrange folders by cross-referencing multiple tags. Customized interfaces for special files like a media organizer for movies or pictures. Advanced file search capabilities. These are just a few things that people will jump to buy to replace a bloated Windows.

Is this something you would be interested in?
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Re: Ability to Search Tags

Post by void »

Please make sure the macro is set for your Filename or Tag filter:
  • In Everything, from the Search menu, click Organize filters....
  • Select Filename or tag and click Edit....
  • Change the Macro to:
  • Click OK.
Please make sure this Filename or Tag filter is active.
Filters can be activated from the Search menu, Filter bar (View -> Filters), right clicking the status bar, filter macro or filter keyboard shortcut.

Does the issue persist?
Could you please confirm a normal tag search is still working, eg: tag:timeline
building an operating system that could compete against Windows
I'm interested. However, this would be a massive undertaking.
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Re: Ability to Search Tags

Post by HungerFreeze »

Cool. It works. I have no idea why because I didn't change anything. Weird. I'll test it out for the next week and let you know how it goes.
I'm interested. However, this would be a massive undertaking.
Isn't most things a massive undertaking? I'd imagine this search engine is pretty massive in itself? It's not like Windows began from a massive corporation, no?

I think the key is to develop a concept that's strikingly different than Windows and the concept would lead to major productivity increases over Windows so people will comfortably abandon it. And, I think both Windows and Google are pretty antiquated but nobody has the initiative to do anything.

If you need any ideas, let me know...
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Re: Ability to Search Tags

Post by HungerFreeze »


What if a document's tags also includes the folders it resides in?

When you organize your documents within a file system, the folders necessarily pertains to the document and it will make it easier to search for that document. For example, suppose a document named "April" resides in folders that are structured like this: "Burger King" 🡆 "Expense Reports" 🡆 "2008" 🡆 "April". You want to search for "April expense reports" but nothing will show up. And, if you search for only "April", a ton of other results will appear. I guess you can manually tag the "April" document with the terms, "Burger King", "Expense Reports", and "2008", but this would be very tedious for tens of thousands of documents.
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Re: Ability to Search Tags

Post by void »

Isn't most things a massive undertaking?
My hands are full with Everything.
I'd imagine this search engine is pretty massive in itself?
Everything 1.5 is 500,000+ lines of code.
For example, suppose a document named "April" resides in folders that are structured like this: "Burger King" 🡆 "Expense Reports" 🡆 "2008" 🡆 "April". You want to search for "April expense reports" but nothing will show up.
Are the tags on the files or the folders?
Please try enabling Match Path from the Search menu, this will cause Everything to match your search terms in the full path and filename (instead of just the basename).

A parenttag: might be useful here if you are tagging folders... added to my TODO list.
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Re: Ability to Search Tags

Post by NotNull »

void wrote: Thu Apr 01, 2021 3:12 am Everything 1.5 is 500,000+ lines of code.

They say a good developer writes 100 lines of code a day.
At least tell me that your 500K includes comments and empty lines ...

I'm at 4 lines a day ...
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Re: Ability to Search Tags

Post by void »

502K to be exact (Everything 1.4 is 260K)

Yes, a lot of that is comments and new lines.
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Re: Ability to Search Tags

Post by HungerFreeze »

My hands are full with Everything.
Recruit people to help you. This is harder and easier than you expect.

It's harder in that it's pretty difficult to convince people to try something new. It's a psychological tendency to 1. fear innovation and 2. dislike initiating action.

It's easier in that logistically, it's simple to integrate people into your organization and compensate them in other ways than money.

If you are truly interested, I can tell you a good source of programmers. The difficult part is to convince them. But, once you do, you will have a good source for labor. In almost any venture, delegating work is the major means of growing.
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Re: Ability to Search Tags

Post by HungerFreeze »


I have a minor problem I was wondering if you had a solution to.

Many of my program folders are filled with program support files that I don't need to index. Usually, the only file that I need to index is the exe file. Is there a easy way to exclude everything except for the exe file or just the folder itself? (If Everything Search shows the folder within the search results, I can open the folder and execute the program that way.)

Is there an easy way to get everything excluded except one or two files? For example, the above happens for a lot of folders. For example, there are program folders. There are movie folders that contain the movie but also have things like the poster art, fan art, meta data, etc.

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Re: Ability to Search Tags

Post by void »

If you are truly interested, I can tell you a good source of programmers. The difficult part is to convince them. But, once you do, you will have a good source for labor. In almost any venture, delegating work is the major means of growing.
Thank you for your offer.
I am committed to an Everything 1.5 release.
I will consider joining a project like this after Everything 1.5 is released.

Please try a negative look ahead regex file exclude filter:
  • In Everything, from the Tools menu, click Options.
  • Click the Exclude tab on the left.
  • Change Exclude files to:

    Code: Select all

    regex:^c:\\program files\\(?!.*\.exe$);regex:^c:\\program files (x86)\\(?!.*\.exe$)
    -this basically means, exclude all files in C:\Program files and C:\Program files (x86), except exe files.
  • Click OK.
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Re: Ability to Search Tags

Post by xuxinliang »

What a good update!
Mang People add ntfs stream using total commander with ntfs_diz.wdx
first,i will define tag's class name,like auther , star, type.
then ,input the file's tag.
How can everything search them?
Last edited by xuxinliang on Thu Apr 29, 2021 9:25 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Ability to Search Tags

Post by xuxinliang »

How to index the tag that is defined by Total Commander and NTFS_Diz.wdx plugin.
First, select the Tag's Classname, like Score, Tags, Type.
20210420002418.png (14.75 KiB) Viewed 133922 times
Second, input the tag's content. like
Tags:material, net, app,
20210420003534.png (14.89 KiB) Viewed 133922 times
the image shows inputing the content in the Total Commander

the tag's classname is defined in the "ntfsdiz.wdx" plugin 's setting file "ntfsdiz.ini".

The NTFS_Diz.wds 's homepage

The attachment contains a file for testing
(1.2 KiB) Downloaded 2111 times
Last edited by xuxinliang on Thu Apr 29, 2021 9:31 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Ability to Search Tags

Post by HungerFreeze »

Hey, Void,

I've been busy so I have only just looked at your post below.

I was hoping for something in the Windows File Explorer context menu, which would make it much easier to implement this feature. For example, I have a lot of folders which have an .exe file with support files that are not located in the Programs folder. If I could just right click the .exe file and then choose a context menu option that would exclude everything except the file that I clicked, it would be so convenient.

Don't get me wrong. The method you suggested below would work but that would be tedious to do with each folders that I want to do this.

Furthermore, If there was a button among Windows File Explorer's buttons at the top of the window so I can easily pick and choose which files to include and exclude, this would be even more useful. Of course, this is outside the scope of your Everything Search program but this is an example why I think the Windows OS is so crappy. It's a dinosaur. It does such an antiquated job in organizing files and folders. You would expect that Microsoft Windows would able to immediately reorganize your entire filing system based upon different tags. For example, I should be able to graphically re-categorize folders by months and then by academic subjects with a click of a button. Later, if I want, I should be able to easily re-categorize my filing system based upon academic subjects and then by months with another click of a button. It would making searching for and organizing files so much easier.

void wrote: Wed Apr 07, 2021 11:05 am
If you are truly interested, I can tell you a good source of programmers. The difficult part is to convince them. But, once you do, you will have a good source for labor. In almost any venture, delegating work is the major means of growing.
Thank you for your offer.
I am committed to an Everything 1.5 release.
I will consider joining a project like this after Everything 1.5 is released.

Please try a negative look ahead regex file exclude filter:
  • In Everything, from the Tools menu, click Options.
  • Click the Exclude tab on the left.
  • Change Exclude files to:

    Code: Select all

    regex:^c:\\program files\\(?!.*\.exe$);regex:^c:\\program files (x86)\\(?!.*\.exe$)
    -this basically means, exclude all files in C:\Program files and C:\Program files (x86), except exe files.
  • Click OK.
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Re: Ability to Search Tags

Post by starshows »

Can Everything index tag's type and tag's content in NTFS Stream?
Most like xuxinliang says。
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Re: Ability to Search Tags

Post by void »

Everything adds support for NTFS_Diz.

To setup NTFS_Diz tags in Everything:
  • In Everything, type in the following search and press ENTER:
    ---this will open your Everything.ini in Notepad---
  • Change the following line:
    ---where Tags=Tags;Type=Comment is a semicolon delimited list of <NTFS_Diz-property-name>=<Everything property canonical names> values.
  • Save changes and exit Notepad.
  • Accept the prompt in Everything to reload your config.
For a list of Everything property canonical names, right click the result list column header and click Add Columns...
You will need to map each NTFS_Diz-property-name to an Everything property canonical name.

I have done limited testing, so please let me know if it works.
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Re: Ability to Search Tags

Post by tuska »

NTFS_Diz my Property-fields:

Code: Select all

With "Alternate Data Stream Names" I only get the headings as a result, e.g.:

Code: Select all

void wrote: Mon Jun 07, 2021 6:51 am ... For a list of Everything property canonical names, right click the result list column header and click Add Columns...
You will need to map each NTFS_Diz-property-name to an Everything property canonical name. ...
With the changed entry in Everything.ini, I cannot select anything for my headings (Comment;Comment1;...).

Code: Select all

There is probably an error in my definition.
Please help.
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Re: Ability to Search Tags

Post by void »

I will add some user properties to help with this.

Please try the following for now:

In Everything, type in the following search and press ENTER:

Add the following columns in Everything:
Comment, Title, Subtitle, Tags and Copyright.

Are these being populated with the NTFS_Diz values for Comment, Comment1, Comment2, Comment3 and Comment4?
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Re: Ability to Search Tags

Post by tuska »

Hard to say :)
2021-06-09_NTFS_Diz.png (41.5 KiB) Viewed 119811 times
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Re: Ability to Search Tags

Post by void »

Thanks for the screenshot.

Looks like NTFS_diz stores the text as ANSI, I will work on a fix..

態汲ㅟ is Karl_1 (treating ANSI as wchar).
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Re: Ability to Search Tags

Post by tuska »

On the occasion of this topic I would like to suggest the following (such a function already exists in Total Commander):
2021-06-09_[SUGGESTION) Display field contents for file properties in Everything.png
2021-06-09_[SUGGESTION) Display field contents for file properties in Everything.png (18.41 KiB) Viewed 119790 times
  • Position the cursor on a file in the Everything search result
  • Right-click on the column heading and then click on "Add Columns..."
  • If you then click on a name in the "Everything Properties" as well as in the "Windows Property System",
    the following should happen:
    1. The field content - if available - should be displayed.
      Example - Music file - Cursor on music file in search result:
      - click on Author, the name of the author should be displayed
      - click on Album, then the album title should be displayed
    2. If there is no field content, e.g. if you click on "Copyright" for a music file, then nothing should be displayed
    1. In some/many cases there are field contents that one would not expect to find there because of the name.
      Example: For "tags" the word "Markierungen" [English: 'Markings'] is used in the German language.
      You first have to come up with this idea...
    2. In my opinion it would be very helpful when setting up columns, because one would immediately see,
      whether a field content exists at all.
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Re: Ability to Search Tags

Post by void »

Viewing the value for each property for a selected file is on my TODO list.

Thank you for the suggestion.
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Re: Ability to Search Tags

Post by void »

Thanks for helping with testing tuksa,

Turns out ntfs_diz stores values as ANSI..

Everything adds support for custom_property_0 - custom_property_9.

These custom Everything properties can be renamed to anything you like.
ntfs_diz streams can be loaded to these Everything properties.

Everything adds property_alternate_data_stream_ansi for ntfs_diz support.

For example:


Code: Select all


0=My Comment
1=Comment 1
2=Comment 2
3=Comment 3
4=Comment 4
5=Comment 5
Set your property_alternate_data_stream_ansi to map an Everything property to an alternate data stream name:

property_alternate_data_stream_ansi=Custom Property 0=My Comment;Custom Property 1=Comment 1;Custom Property 2=Comment 2;Custom Property 3=Comment 3;Custom Property 4=Comment 4;Custom Property 5=Comment 5

Set the custom property names:
custom_property_0=My Comment
custom_property_1=Comment 1
custom_property_2=Comment 2
custom_property_3=Comment 3
custom_property_4=Comment 4
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Re: Ability to Search Tags

Post by starshows »

Thank you .It works very well.
2021-06-18_233325.png (9.18 KiB) Viewed 115409 times
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Re: Ability to Search Tags

Post by tuska »

NTFS_Diz comments in Everything and Total Commander under using Plugin "NTFS Descriptions" for Total Commander.


Code: Select all


5=Comment 5

Code: Select all

property_alternate_data_stream_ansi=custom property 0=MyComment;custom property 1=Comment1;custom property 2=Comment2;custom property 3=Comment3;custom property 4=Comment4;custom property 5=Comment 5;custom property 6=Comment6;custom property 7=Comment7;custom property 8=Comment8;custom property 9=Comment9
custom_property_5=Comment 5
Total Commander | Plugin "NTFS Descriptions"
viewtopic.php?f=12&t=9994&p=36619#prope ... tream_ansi property_alternate_data_stream_ansi

2021-06-18_Everything properties for NTFS_Diz comments_English.png
2021-06-18_Everything properties for NTFS_Diz comments_English.png (293.34 KiB) Viewed 115382 times
Thank you for the implementation! :)

'Everything' (x64) | Total Commander 10.00
Windows 10 Pro (x64) Version 21H1 (OS build 19043.1055)
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Re: Ability to Search Tags

Post by starshows »

Thanks, void.
The Tag Search works well.
To be more perfect, When search by custom_property.
In context menu, it display "Search for Tags" or "Search for Type"
but in Search Edit, it shows the origin name:"custom-property-0 ", "custom-property-1:"

it is a little difficult to remember the tags's custom-property's num.
Search Tags
Search Tags
2021-06-19_120851.png (4.96 KiB) Viewed 115154 times
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Re: Ability to Search Tags

Post by void »

tuska and I ran into this too..

I will consider allowing searches with your custom property name. However, there will likely be conflicts with other search functions and even worse, with paths.

For now, please define a macro:
  • In Everything, type in the following search and press ENTER:
    /define mytag=custom-property-2:
    If successful, you should see mytag=custom-property-2: in the status bar for a few seconds.
    Searching for mytag: is now replaced with custom-property-2:

Consider mapping your ntfs_diz stream to the Everything tag property:
property_alternate_data_stream_ansi=tag=<ntfs_diz tag name>
where <ntfs_diz tag name> is your NTFS_diz tag name.
For example:

This way you can search with tag:
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Re: Ability to Search Tags

Post by tuska »

Document properties (right-click on file, then on tab "Details") - Example:

(Right-click on column header in Everything, e.g. "Tags", then on "Search for Tags"
or simply type in -> tags: in the searchbox of Everything)

Code: Select all

|  Language  |   Column headings in Everything - Spaltenüberschriften in Everything   |
|  ENGLISH   |   Title  |  Subject  |  Tags                        |  Comment         |
|  GERMAN    |   Titel  |  Betreff  |  Markierungen (Stichwörter)  |  Kommentare      |
Core System Properties | [See also: More Properties | Set folder properties]
2021-06-18_Everything properties.png
2021-06-18_Everything properties.png (219.91 KiB) Viewed 115025 times
Last edited by tuska on Mon Jun 21, 2021 9:01 am, edited 3 times in total.
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