Did -install-service change?

Discussion related to "Everything" 1.5 Alpha.
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Did -install-service change?

Post by therube »

1315 x86.

Did -install-service change?

I have ALWAYS used
-install-service -instance 15
Note that that is "15" & NOT "1.5".

Yet... with 1315, if I run the above, I end up with a "1.5a" instance (& that is with an 'a', even though not specified) & not a "15"?

(As it happens, I ran a separate instance, at least I think I did, without specifying "any" instance, & when I went to "kill" it, remove the service, seeing "1.5a" which I know is default, I killed that, which then rendered updates in my "regular" profile, mute.)

(I will note, that I do have various named instances running, 5 at present, using varying versions of Everything.
Though I've not run into this before now.)
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Re: Did -install-service change?

Post by horst.epp »

To my knowledge there is only one service needed regardless of your number of instances.
The service only provides the neccesary rights for file access.
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Re: Did -install-service change?

Post by therube »

Giving existing conditions, with an instance of "15" running - which it calls "1.5a", & Everything 1314a...

C:\DEV\LOCATE\NAS-III>everything -install-service -instance nas333
- gives me a UAC prompt, then silently does... nothing

C:\DEV\LOCATE\NAS-III>everything -uninstall-service -instance nas333
- gives me a UAC prompt, then does... an uninstall of service "1.5a"
(which kills my existing "15" instance - but, at least i know how to fix it ;-))

And... once I re-enable the service - using 1315, I can no longer overwrite 1314's .exe - cause it's "in use" (via IPC to 1.5a service, I guess is the reason). (So I'll need to uninstall "15", then overwrite, then install...)

Nope, that's not it...

And, actually, my "15" process of Everything.exe (ProcessHacker) does in fact read "15",
.\everything.exe -instance 15
(Which I guess is sort of meaningless given current situation where -instance <name> where <name> does not look to be taken into account.)
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Re: Did -install-service change?

Post by therube »

To my knowledge there is only one service needed regardless of your number of instances.
If that is so, did that change somewhere along the line?
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Re: Did -install-service change?

Post by therube »

Everything 1.5 Alpha will not interfere with your Everything 1.4 installation.
Everything 1.5 Alpha will be installed to C:\Program Files\Everything 1.5a and will run in a 1.5a instance.
But in the past, you certainly were able to supply & use -instance <name>.

(And I never "install".
And I routinely - even if not needed, -uninstall-service & -install-service - with each alpha update.)

.\everything.exe -instance 15
Actually, the title bar (whatever you call it) of the Window shows "15" too.

And running another instance -instance newname, & telling it to use the service, actually kills, then restarts the service "1.5a".

So service is independent of instance, where in the past that may not have been the case, where you could have an instance along with its own service?
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Re: Did -install-service change?

Post by therube »


Seems I fundamentally missed something along the line.
(And maybe even distinction between -install-service & -instance.)

Jumping back, kind of arbitrarily, 1258a, I was able to get "named service" (if you will).
But everything recent, only gives "1.5a".

The only issue that I've come across is if you want to test older versions of Everything, you have to first close all existing "1.5a" instances of "Everything.exe" before you can. (I think that's right. Similarly, ... [I'm a little confused & have to go...])
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Re: Did -install-service change?

Post by void »

1280 removed support for named Everything Services as there's no need to ever install more than one service.

The Everything 1.5 service supports multiple clients.
The Everything 1.5 service from 1280+ should be compatible with all future Everything 1.5 alpha versions.
You'll only need to install this service once.

The Everything 1.4 service has limited support for multiple clients and requires named Everything Services.
Early versions of 1.5a had the same behavior.

For the older versions, you'll get the standard prompt to install the Everything Service or run as an administrator when running a fresh instance.

The change should also make using multiple instances much smoother, as you only need to worry about installing one Everything Service.
You don't get the horrible "install the Everything Service or run as an administrator" prompt for each new instance.
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Re: Did -install-service change?

Post by NotNull »

It looks like Everything 1.4 can not use the Everything 1.5 service
(service_pipe_name=\\.\PIPE\Everything Service (1.5) in the 1.4 ini).

Is that correct? (just curious)
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Re: Did -install-service change?

Post by void »


Everything 1.4 cannot use the Everything 1.5 service.
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Re: Did -install-service change?

Post by therube »

-install-service & -instance

so in the past, i would (typically)
-install-service -instance <name>
& that would associate (at least to me) a service to a specifically named instance

& if i wanted to test some other version of Everything, all else being equal,
i shut down the wanted Everything.exe instance
copy the newly wanted version overtop of existing Everything.exe
& run Everything.exe

- now...

now with 1.5 services (only) being "1.5a", in order to do that,
i need to Quit Everything.exe (that part remains the same)

OK, any number of ways...
- Quit Everything.exe & overwrite existing
- Name Everything.exe uniquely; Everything1315.exe, Everything1311.exe
& run each with their own -instance <name>
(&/or copy existing Profile files over to the new -instance <name> [to retain existing settings]...)

alright. so just a different way to go about it... but in the end, you can still run multiple versions
(& simultaneously, if needed)
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Re: Did -install-service change?

Post by void »

What I am doing is:
Copy Everything.exe (any version) to a separate folder called SVC
Launch Everything.exe from the SVC folder.
If prompted with access denied, choose Install Everything Service.
(otherwise install the Everything Service from Tools -> Options -> General)
Exit Everything (File -> Exit).

Now I am free to copy Everything.exe to the desktop or another location without ever having to worry about the installing the Everything Service again.
This will also prevent the overwrite Everything.exe issue when the executable is hosting the Everything Service.
Just make sure you exit Everything (File -> Exit) before replacing the Everything.exe.
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Re: Did -install-service change?

Post by NotNull »

Instead of -uninstall-service and -install-service, you could use -stop-service resp. -start-service.
The service will be updated when installing a new version.

(What stays is the Windows integration in the registry and that doesn't change in the case of Everything)
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