
Discussion related to "Everything" 1.5 Alpha.
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Post by void »

Everything adds tabs.

To create a new tab:
  • In Everything 1.5, from the File menu, click New Tab.
  • Press Ctrl + T
  • Launch Everything with -new-tab

To open a bookmark in a new tab:
  • Right click the bookmark and click Open in New Tab.
  • Hold down Shift when opening the bookmark.

To always open a new window in a new tab:
  • In Everything 1.5, from the Tools menu, click Options.
  • Click the Advanced tab on the left.
  • To the right of Show settings containing, search for:
  • Select open_new_window_in_tab.
  • Set the value to: true
  • Click OK.

To disable tabs and open in a new window instead:
  • In Everything 1.5, from the Tools menu, click Options.
  • Click the Advanced tab on the left.
  • To the right of Show settings containing, search for:
  • Select allow_tabs.
  • Set the value to: false
  • Click OK.

Normally, the tab bar is only shown when there's two or more tabs.

To always show the tab bar, even when there's only one tab:
  • In Everything 1.5, from the Tools menu, click Options.
  • Click the Advanced tab on the left.
  • To the right of Show settings containing, search for:
  • Select tabs_always_show.
  • Set the value to: true
  • Click OK.

To cycle trough tabs:
  • In Everything 1.5, hold down Ctrl and press TAB.
    (Use Shift to reverse the direction)

drop tabs between windows.
Recently closed tabs
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Re: Tabs

Post by therube »

Can the highlight (lowlight as it is ;-)) of the selected tab be changed?
Better demarcation between tabs, & between tabs & the Menu bar (would be nice).

It appears you can drag a file from one tab to another - I have not tried it - as I'm not sure what it would do or where the files would end up?
(At least, the cursor changes to a '+'.)

Tab width set to search string width (with a maximum, of course) [or 'New Tab' in the case of no search specified].
tab-min-width, tab-max-width, tab-floating-with (within min/max)
(Not sure offhand, yet, how overflow works.)

Ctrl+Shift+T, undo last closed tab(s).

Maybe a copy tab list, such that you can open the same sets of tabs in a different window (to facilitate dragging, cut/paste, files between windows/directories).
Everything - Tabs.png
Everything - Tabs.png (32.44 KiB) Viewed 82486 times
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Re: Tabs

Post by therube »

Am I correct in thinking that a Tab acts exactly (or at least almost exactly) as a Window - except for the fact that Tabs are grouped within a particular Window?

IOW, sorts, actions... taken in 1 tab will have no effect (no more, no less effect) on any other Tab/Window, then it might (or might not) have on individual Windows?

Likewise, using a Tab vs. a Window should not affect "resources" used (by the Everything program) or have any (material) effect on efficiency?
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Re: Tabs

Post by void »

Thank you for your feedback therube,
Can the highlight (lowlight as it is ;-)) of the selected tab be changed?
I'll look into adding a color option for the selected state.
I'll also fix the default rendering when visual styles is off.

It appears you can drag a file from one tab to another - I have not tried it - as I'm not sure what it would do or where the files would end up?
(At least, the cursor changes to a '+'.)
Dragging between tabs should work.
I'll make it easier to do this with Ctrl + Tab while dragging from Everything.
I'll look into activating the tab when hovering over the title in the tab bar for a few seconds.
You'll have to drop on a folder like normal.
Dropping on the title in the tab bar will do nothing at the moment.
I'll look into dragging over the + to open a new tab..

Tab width set to search string width (with a maximum, of course) [or 'New Tab' in the case of no search specified].
tab-min-width, tab-max-width, tab-floating-with (within min/max)
(Not sure offhand, yet, how overflow works.)
The tabs will auto size to your search text.
The defaults might need adjusting to suit Everything.
Currently I'm just copying the defaults from common web browsers.

Ctrl+Shift+T, undo last closed tab(s).
I will add support for this.

Maybe a copy tab list, such that you can open the same sets of tabs in a different window (to facilitate dragging, cut/paste, files between windows/directories).
I'll consider such an option:
Right click the tab bar -> Copy tabs / Paste tabs.
This will tie in with sessions.

Am I correct in thinking that a Tab acts exactly (or at least almost exactly) as a Window - except for the fact that Tabs are grouped within a particular Window?
For the most part: yes.

Technically, each tab has it's own query handle to the Everything database.
Each tab has it's own search settings, match case, match path etc...
There are some windows features that are shared between all tabs, such as thumbnails/details view.
Columns are currently shared between tabs too, I'm undecided if each tab should have their own columns..
Lots of experimenting to do..

IOW, sorts, actions... taken in 1 tab will have no effect (no more, no less effect) on any other Tab/Window, then it might (or might not) have on individual Windows?
Each tab has it's own sort.

Likewise, using a Tab vs. a Window should not affect "resources" used (by the Everything program) or have any (material) effect on efficiency?
You shouldn't see any noticeable difference between a tab and a new window.

Thank you for the suggestions!
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Re: Tabs

Post by froggie »

The tab feature is really useful. Thank you for it.
Columns are currently shared between tabs too, I'm undecided if each tab should have their own columns..
I would vote for each tab having its own columns - maybe column layout could optionally be copied to a new tab (right click on current tab - open new tab with columns)

The current right click on tab gives a subset of the View menu that acts on the entire window, not the tab. Could it be replaced with various tab oriented options (close other tabs, open new tab, etc)
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Re: Tabs

Post by therube »

alright, alright, alright, that's weird...

Tab "title" overflow was different, on different computers.
On one, I get ... (ellipses).

On another, it did 2 things.
1. it overflowed, overtop of the 'X' (close) button
2. it overflowed the '+' (new tab) button (if the last tab was an overflow-er)
(some settings of "on another" are here, viewtopic.php?p=61143#p61143.)

"On one:"
Win7, Intel HD Graphics 4000, Windows Classic theme, virtually all in Performance Options | Visual Effects is disabled (except; show thumbnails instead of icons, drop shadows on icons on desktop & smooth screen font edges)

Code: Select all

Everything: (x86)
OS:	Windows NT 6.1 7601 (x64)
Admin:	0
Service:	1 (connected / installed and running)
Command line:	-instance 15
Binary:	C:\DEV\LOCATE\Everything.exe
Profile:	C:\DEV\LOCATE\Everything-15.ini
Database:	C:\DEV\LOCATE\Everything-15.db
Instance:	15
Config:	ignore_punctuation=1
Config:	shell_execute_short_parameters=1
Config:	show_mouseover=0
Config:	dupe_group_colors=1
Config:	group_lines=1
Config:	group_colors=1
Config:	include_selected_folder_size_in_statusbar=0
Config:	auto_include_fixed_volumes=0
Config:	input_stream_buf_size=0
Config:	output_stream_buf_size=0
Config:	open_many_files_warning_threshold=16
Config:	set_foreground_window_attach_thread_input=0
Config:	close_on_toggle=0
Config:	path_hit_text_only=0
Config:	rename_move=1
Config:	search_edit_move_caret_to_selection_end=0
Config:	bring_result_focus_into_view_on_sort=0
Config:	scale=1.150000
Config:	hscroll_div=3
Config:	hdrop_file_format=1
Config:	show_window_on_monitor_from_cursor=1
Config:	utf8_bom=1
Config:	efu_folder_append_path_separator=0
Config:	txt_folder_append_path_separator=0
Config:	csv_folder_append_path_separator=0
Config:	convert_forward_slash_to_backslash=1
Config:	size_format=1
Config:	size_number_format=4
Config:	show_detailed_listview_tooltips=0
Config:	rtl_listview_edit=1
Config:	jump_to_timeout=999999
Config:	bookmark_open_action=0
Config:	db_update_thread_priority=-1
Config:	refs_file_id_extd_directory_info_buffer_size=0
Config:	content_buf_size=0
Config:	content_multithreaded_max_memory_percent=50
Config:	find_and_select_clear_selection=0
Config:	find_and_select_select_folders=0
Config:	find_and_select_select_files=0
Config:	context_menu_parent_folder=4
Config:	custom_open_command01=$exec("c:\bin\xxhash.bat" %*)
Config:	custom_open_command02=$exec("C:\WLIB\PLAYERS\MPV.NET\mpvnet.exe" %*)
Config:	custom_open_command03=$exec("C:\BIN\i_view32.exe" %* /thumbs)
Config:	filter=EVERYTHING
Config:	filter_everything_name=Everything
Config:	filter_visible_count_max=0
Config:	filelist_explore_folder_in_everything=1
Config:	treeview_labels=0
Config:	inc_run_count_on_drag_drop=1
Config:	search_history_always_suggest=1
Config:	search_history_add_delay=3000
Config:	search_history_add_on_kill_focus=1
Config:	nav_max_selection=1024
Config:	ntfs_volumes=
Config:	folders=[{"path":"\\\\nas\\OFFICE\\BACK_up_BASIS"},{"path":"W:"}]
Config:	exclude_folders="T:\\Domains"
I'll also fix the default rendering when visual styles is off.
I'll assume "on another", I have a slight difference in settings then "on one" (leading to the above)?

1. it overflowed, overtop of the 'X' (close) button
Ah, that is displayed here, viewtopic.php?t=13993 (the "C:\Temp\Dog Pictures\" pic).
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Re: Tabs

Post by therube »

Ctrl+TAB (to switch tabs) is unusual (& awkward) [but I'm pretty sure that can be changed, so no big deal]
(Or one could get used to it).
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Re: Tabs

Post by therube »

(option to) open new tabs relative to the current tab (rather then at the end)
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Re: Tabs

Post by therube »

(for me) tab highlighting (being able to color it) is a must
- while i see various tab.*color=, haven't gotten the combination to give the results i want?
(And later I see there is a GUI to set colors ;-).)

In any case, no settings I set gave me acceptable results.

And note that I see different results on different computers, due to above (seemingly).
In particular, on my [now] other computer, I was having a very difficult time figuring out what tab i was in.
[I'm really going to have to compare settings, cause it was really bad on my "on another" computer.]

You can color the tab bar (itself), you can color the tab text elements, but you cannot (currently ;-)) color the active tab.
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Re: Tabs

Post by therube »

With coloring set on the tab bar, that is less of an issue.
But even with that, horizontal breaks between tabs would be helpful.
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Re: Tabs

Post by therube »

Ctrl+Tab looses [viewport] focus, & you must <sp> to reset (re-find) it
(don't know that it's Ctrl+Tab specific or simply changing tabs [by mouse-click] also?)

- weird
- maybe this only occurs in the 1st tab ?
no... must be more then that...
suspecting that a results list overflow plays in
but haven't caught just what the trigger is, but, it is there ;-)

perhaps related to above posts also (i.e., computer setup diffs &/or the OffByOne)?
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Re: Tabs

Post by therube »

For me (current) FF "coloring" (& much like Win10) simply does not work.
Likewise, all (current) FF "themes" (cough, cough) suck, & also did not work (for me).

So I created my own. It may be ugly, but it works - for me.

FF vs SeaMonkey vs Everything (w/Tabs):
Everything - FF vs SeaMonkey vs Everything Tabs.png
Everything - FF vs SeaMonkey vs Everything Tabs.png (74.12 KiB) Viewed 82352 times
(I note that you use square tabs [corners]. But - because [google] Chrome does it - aren't you required to use more rounded [corners] ;-) [ugh!].)
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Re: Tabs

Post by Massor »

For me, Ctrl+T doesn't work for a new tab. Is seems to be already bounded by default to "Always on top".
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Re: Tabs

Post by therube »

Does, File | New Tab, work?

What does Tools | Options -> General --> Keyboard, show: tab, show?

Might some other program be interfering (or did you reassign Ctrl+T in Everything)?
In any case, you can set a different hotkey, if needed, that should work (theoretically).

If you set Always On Top (in Everything) to Ctrl+T, maybe change that to Alt+T (with 'A'lt reminding you of 'A'lways).
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Re: Tabs

Post by Massor »

That's the catch: I never mess with the Ctrl+T shortcut. The only shortcut I set is to show Everything window (Win+F3). I just found today that is a Always on Top command in Everything. Maybe is inherited from 1.4 ?
Maxthon Snap20231006212633.png
Maxthon Snap20231006212633.png (27.55 KiB) Viewed 82329 times
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Re: Tabs

Post by therube »

Maybe is inherited from 1.4 ?

In any case, thinking now is a good time to "mess" ;-).
So re-assign Always On Top, & set New Tab to Ctrl+T, or just set a different shortcut for New Tab.
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Re: Tabs

Post by void »

Thank you for the feedback therube and froggie,

I still have a lot of work to do on tabs.

I would vote for each tab having its own columns - maybe column layout could optionally be copied to a new tab (right click on current tab - open new tab with columns)
Yes, each tab will eventually behave as a separate window.

A lot of work needs to be done here..

2. it overflowed the '+' (new tab) button (if the last tab was an overflow-er)
I'm looking into this issue.

Ctrl+TAB (to switch tabs) is unusual (& awkward)
I will consider the Visual Studio style. (tabs have a Z order and Ctrl + Tab behaves like Alt + Tab)
-like firefox's browser.ctrlTab.sortByRecentlyUsed option.

For now, I will use the standard web browser behavior.

(option to) open new tabs relative to the current tab (rather then at the end)
I'll look into opening the new tab after the current active tab.

(for me) tab highlighting (being able to color it) is a must
I'll add more color states.
Specifically an active tab color state -like the header current sort state.

But even with that, horizontal breaks between tabs would be helpful.
I will work on the look.

Ctrl+Tab looses [viewport] focus, & you must <sp> to reset (re-find) it
(don't know that it's Ctrl+Tab specific or simply changing tabs [by mouse-click] also?)
It's a bug.
Changing tabs doesn't restore the view position at the moment.

perhaps related to above posts also (i.e., computer setup diffs &/or the OffByOne)?
Sounds like the tab bar height is not being calculated in the result list height.
I'm looking into the issue.

For me, Ctrl+T doesn't work for a new tab. Is seems to be already bounded by default to "Always on top".
This is from importing old Everything 1.4 settings.

To bind Ctrl + T to a new tab:
  • In Everything 1.5, from the Tools menu, click Options.
  • Click the Keyboard tab on the left.
  • To the right of Show settings containing, search for:
  • Select File | New Tab.
  • Click Add....
  • Press Ctrl + T and click OK.
  • Click OK.
I will forcefully remove Ctrl + T to toggle on-top in the next alpha update.
(you'll be able to rebind it if you really want it)

Thank you for the suggestions!
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Re: Tabs

Post by Coldblackice »


Wow, I'm beyond excited about this feature! I wasn't even aware it was added, only while searching Everything's shortcuts for (keyboard) "Tab" did I stumble on "Tabs" commands populating below (I love the shortcut search function, too). Awesome addition!

Any chance of adding a new activation shortcut option where:
  1. If no Everything windows exist, create a new window and focus it
  2. If an Everything window(s) exists:
    • ...if unfocused, bring recent Everything window to focus
    • ...if focused, create new tab in that window
This would allow a convenient way of opening Everything to search + a quick/easy/convenient to populate subsequent new search tabs without having to use a second "New tab" shortcut.

Not a big deal though, no pressure!
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Re: Tabs

Post by void »

Thank you for your feedback Coldblackice,

Everything improves tabs:

All tab ini setting names will now use tabs_* (instead of tab_*)

Ctrl + Tab will now work inside drag-drop.

Each tab is now essentially its own window.

Fixed the text overflow issue.

Improved look.

Added selected color option under Tools -> Options -> Fonts and colors -> Tabs.

Added tabs_show ini setting.

To hide the tab bar and still have tab functionality:
  • In Everything 1.5, from the Tools menu, click Options.
  • Click the Advanced tab on the left.
  • To the right of Show settings containing, search for:
  • Select tabs_show.
  • Set the value to: false
  • Click OK.

Added open_new_window_in_tab ini setting.

To open new windows in a tab instead:
  • In Everything 1.5, from the Tools menu, click Options.
  • Click the Advanced tab on the left.
  • To the right of Show settings containing, search for:
  • Select open_new_window_in_tab.
  • Set the value to: true
  • Click OK.
A new window can be from either:
  • Pressing a Hotkey.
  • Opening a New Window from the tray icon.
  • Launching Everything.exe with allow_multiple_windows enabled.
This setting will likely be added under Tools -> Options -> UI and enabled by default at some point.

Removed the Ctrl + T binding from the View | On Top Always command.

Changing the detail/thumbnail view between tabs is currently broken.
I am working on a fix.
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Re: Tabs

Post by therube »

Tabs -> Selected -> Background color:
makes a world of difference :-).
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Re: Tabs

Post by void »

Everything improves tabs.

Fixed an issue with the header disappearing when changing tabs.
Fixed ghosting of cut items.
Improved appearance.
Added drop target support.
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Re: Tabs

Post by KoalaBear »

I accidently found out (by pressing CTRL + T) about tabs and see it must be added in 59 version, but I couldn't find any 'evidence' in the change logs.

Could you add it?
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Re: Tabs

Post by void »

Yes, I will add it to the change log soon.

It's currently experimental.
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Re: Tabs

Post by ChrisGreaves »

void wrote: Thu Oct 05, 2023 4:28 am Everything adds tabs.
Brilliant! Thanks. 8-)
Cheers, Chris
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Re: Tabs

Post by void »

Everything officially adds tabs.

Recently Closed Tabs is still under development.
Sessions are still planned.
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Re: Tabs

Post by sarcastro »

So, I've been using 1.5 for about 7 months now (and the official version for many, many years) and you've done a phenomenal job, but I'll stay on topic and comment on this elsewhere.

This feature is great and was on an unwritten wishlist in the back of my mind somewhere. I didn't realize it had been added until after I was already using it, either from muscle memory as a result of browser use (Ctrl-T) or because New Tab is now the first item in the file menu (where New Window used to be). Not sure which it was, but it came about naturally either way.

I have one small suggestion: change the shortcut for closing the active tab from Ctrl-Shift-W to Ctrl-W (if there's only one tab, close the window instead.)

Rationale: this mirrors the behaviour found in browsers and brings it further inline with earlier versions of Everything (previously, Ctrl-W would close the window but is now unassigned). This would make it feel even more natural/seamless.

Since others have commented on it, I'll just add that I like the the current Ctrl-Tab and Ctrl-Shift-Tab functionality (for next and previous tab, respectively) for the same reason (mirrors behaviour found in browsers, Total Commander, etc.)

Cheers, keep up the good work!
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Re: Tabs

Post by void »

Thank you for your feedback sarcastro,
change the shortcut for closing the active tab from Ctrl-Shift-W to Ctrl-W
This will be the default.

There was some quirks in earlier versions where these keybindings got mixed up.

To set close tab to: Ctrl + W and close window to Ctrl + Shift + W:
  • In Everything 1.5, from the Tools menu, click Options.
  • Click the Keyboard tab on the left.
  • To the right of Show settings containing, search for:
  • Select File | Close Tab.
  • Click Add....
  • Press Ctrl + W and click OK.
  • Select File | Close Window.
  • Click Add....
  • Press Ctrl + Shift + W and click OK.
  • Click OK.


To restore the default Keyboard settings:
  • In Everything 1.5, from the Tools menu, click Options.
  • Click the Keyboard tab on the left.
  • Click Restore Defaults.
  • Click OK.

I have on my TODO list to add "Ctrl+Tab cycles through tabs in recently used order" option.

I will try to keep Everything tabs similar to web browsers and other programs.
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Re: Tabs

Post by ChrisGreaves »

void wrote: Sun Dec 03, 2023 11:44 pm I will try to keep Everything tabs similar to web browsers and other programs.
My impression in Windows and in MS Office applications and Firefox browser is that Alt+Tab rotates in one direction through open tasks (I might call it "clockwise") and that adding a Shift key Shifts into reverse (gear). So, anti-clockwise.
Likewise for Ctrl+Tab and even Ctrl+F6 (Ctrl+Shift+Tab and Ctrl+Shift+F6).

Cheers, Chris
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Re: Tabs

Post by therube »

change the shortcut for closing the active tab from Ctrl-Shift-W
Oh, so that's how you do it?
if there's only one tab, close the window instead
Potentially unwanted (until there is a Session Management feature).
> Ctrl+Shift+W

Oh, so that's how you do it?
Actually, I'm thinking you may have remapped something along the line?
(At least on my end, Close Tab shows as Ctrl+F4.)
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Re: Tabs

Post by char101 »

Thank you for adding the tabs feature. It is really helpful in UX term when dealing with multiple Everything windows.

I like to open search filters in their own separate tabs. With that use case I would like to add some suggestions that would make the usage easier

1. the ability to restore open tabs on restart along with its previously selected filters and last typed search (is this the planned Sessions feature mentioned above?)
2. the ability to show the applied filter name on the tab title
3. not really important but an option to hide the close button on each tab for the benefit of (1) preventing accidental click on the close button (2) increasing tabbar space, and (3) making the UI look cleaner

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Re: Tabs

Post by void »

Thank you for your feedback char101,
1. the ability to restore open tabs on restart along with its previously selected filters and last typed search (is this the planned Sessions feature mentioned above?)
Yes, History -> Restore Previous Session will do this.
I will also consider an option to automatically do this after a restart.

2. the ability to show the applied filter name on the tab title
I'll look into showing the folder sidebar selection and active filter.

3. not really important but an option to hide the close button on each tab for the benefit of (1) preventing accidental click on the close button (2) increasing tabbar space, and (3) making the UI look cleaner
I will consider an option to hide the close button.

Thank you for the suggestions.
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Joined: Mon Dec 11, 2023 11:23 pm

Re: Tabs

Post by TimSample »

Hi there
Thanks first of all for creating Everything, I really appreciate being able to use it
I also really like the addition of the tab feature
I've just created an account to ask whether it would be possible to add the ability to scroll through tabs via arrow buttons (as is the case on FireFox for example)
I would find this useful as I tend to keep a lot of tabs open and currently the furthest right tab disappears off screen
I understand that I can use Ctrl+Tab to change through the tabs, but I would really love to be able to use a navigation button to show the tabs that are currently hidden off screen
Sorry if I haven't explained this very well or if the issue has been raised already or if I should have asked this somewhere else
Thanks again for all your effort with Everything, it's a great application
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Re: Tabs

Post by void »

Thank you for your feedback Tim,

Please try the latest version of Everything. has scroll wheel support and a drop down button on the right side to quickly navigate to a tab.

Scroll wheel will only work on tabs when mouse wheel routing is set to hover.

To set the mouse wheel routing to hover:
  • Either:
    • 1). Set the system routing to hover from Start -> Mouse Settings -> Scroll inactive windows when I hover over them.
    • In Everything 1.5, from the Tools menu, click Options.
    • Click the Advanced tab on the left.
    • To the right of Show settings containing, search for:
    • Select mouse_wheel_routing.
    • Set the value to: Hover
    • Click OK.

The drop down button is only shown when the tabs would overlap your window.
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Re: Tabs

Post by meteorquake »

I'm not sure if already suggested but if not -
* Clone Tab - either ctrl-drag a tab to a spot like you can do with Firefox tabs, or right-click a tab (or non-tab if none) and "Clone Tab" - very useful
* Rename Tab - right-click, rename; best as a formula e.g. PHOTOS %foldername% could track your folderbar navigation position - very very useful; amazing if available for window titling too
* Multi-Select tabs (so can close, colour etc in bulk) - lower priority
* Colour - as mentioned by someone. Visually my eye spots things most readily by colour - very useful

I'll probably end up doing a mixture of separate windows and tabs depending on how much I am working with other programs. In the past if I've wanted to focus uncluttered I've used Everything windows in a separate desktop which windows makes very easy to create

Cheers, David
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Re: Tabs

Post by meteorquake »

* Resize individual tabs (useful with the retitling option) - lower priority
* ability to launch Everything with different tabs in different states - every useful
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Re: Tabs

Post by meteorquake »

* Maybe a slight rounding of the tab corners (cf. Firefox tabs) as they are visually very pointy!
* "Close Other Tabs" option
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Re: Tabs

Post by meteorquake »

You can't drag a folder in the folder bar from one tab to another's folder in the folderbar that's currently highlighted (selected) or its descendents, but you can drag a results file/folder into such.
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Re: Tabs

Post by void »

Clone Tab
I have put this on my TODO list.

Rename Tab
I will consider an option to rename tabs.
The folder sidebar selection will be shown in the tab title by default in the next alpha update.

Multi-Select tabs
I have this on my TODO list for a future release of Everything.

Resize individual tabs
I will consider an option to drag the tab divider to resize tabs.

ability to launch Everything with different tabs in different states
I'm looking into ways to do this and improve this existing ways..
For now, the best way is to issue multiple Everything.exe calls with -new-tab
For example:
Everything.exe -newtab -s foo -filter audio -case
Everything.exe -newtab -s bar -filter video -ignore-punctuation

Maybe a slight rounding of the tab corners
I will consider rounded corners for tabs.

"Close Other Tabs" option
I will consider an option to close all other tabs (except the selected one)

You can't drag a folder from one tab to another into a folder on the folderbar that's currently highlighted (selected) or its descendents, but you can drag a results file into such.
I've put this on my Things to fix list.

Thank you for the suggestions.
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Re: Tabs

Post by meteorquake »

Thanks :)
I think the easiest way to perform command-line complexity is to have available a single string command option (e.g. -cmd) that's processed sequentially as a macro to the end of the command-line (or command option pointing to a file of instructions e.g. -cmdfile).
So e.g. the command-line effectively says,
"create tab, open folder bar, change divider to 30%, select folder x, expand it, select folder y, expand it, create tab, change title to photos, colour title red, select folder y......."
but this is done obviously with a suitable syntax; it could even provide simple looping and conditions and other structures.
That way, command lines can do anything the user needs.
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Re: Tabs

Post by void »

I'll look into ways to do this.
Perhaps through search commands or with a bookmark.

There's already a -command command line option.
However, this only works for simple commands.
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Re: Tabs

Post by klepp0906 »

would be great to have the ability to drag/drop a tab outside of the current window to separate it from the other tab(s) if need be for comparing/simultaneous side by side reference etc. but super huge adding tabs regardless. thank you!
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Re: Tabs

Post by void »

Dragging outside the window to move the tab to a new window is on my TODO list.

Thank you for the suggestion.
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Re: Tabs

Post by meteorquake »

I certainly use dragging tabs in and out of windows to create new or remove existing windows with firefox. It would be good for Everything. I'm actually rather liking the tab view now, I'm using it more than expected, I'm hopeful there will be a way of launching with various tabs opening, at the moment I have a .bat file that opens a sequence of Everything windows for a project, it would be good if they are tabs.
Dragging tabs in and out presupposes that even a 1-view window has a tab, which it currently lacks, or otherwise something to drag without a tab. * Perhaps you could drag the "Everything" root to drag a tabless tab?
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Re: Tabs

Post by void »

Dragging tabs outside the window to create a new window is on my TODO list.
Dragging tabs between windows is on my TODO list.

Thank you for the suggestion.

Everything improves tabs.
  • fixed an issue with highlighting toolbar buttons when clicking on a tab close button.
  • fixed an issue with an empty folder sidebar after changing tabs.
  • new tab will now use the home search. (a duplicate tab option is in development)
  • fixed an issue with setting the tab search from the command line.
  • fixed an issue with ctrl + tab when dragging from the folder sidebar.
  • fixed an issue with dragging folders from one tab to another tab.
  • added /new-tab and /new-window search commands.
  • added -search-command
  • fixed an issue with new tabs not bringing the window into the foreground.
  • fixed an issue with new tabs blocking while the db loads.
  • fixed an issue with creating a new tab when showing a hidden window.
  • You can now restore closed tabs from History -> Recently Closed tabs -However, only the search is restored at this stage.

To setup multiple tabs on startup:

Code: Select all

Everything.exe -search-command "/expand .exe"
Everything.exe -search-command "/select c:\windows\notepad.exe"
Everything.exe -search-command "/new-tab"
Everything.exe -search-command "/expand .exe"
Everything.exe -search-command "/select c:\windows\explorer.exe"
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Re: Tabs

Post by Stamimail »

I couldn't find a way to mimic my use of Firefox tabs.

Among my first steps when I install a new Firefox, I check the first option:
[v] Ctrl+Tab cycles through tabs in recently used order

To switch between tabs, to the left (further up) or to the right (further down), I use:
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Re: Tabs

Post by void »

I have on my TODO list to add "Ctrl+Tab cycles through tabs in recently used order" option.

I will add commands to select the next/prev tab (which you can then bind to Ctrl+PgUp/Ctrl+PgDn)

Thank you for the suggestions.
Posts: 30
Joined: Tue Oct 25, 2022 11:46 pm

Re: Tabs

Post by mvdeckard »

Thanks for all the improvements to TABS, I'm really using them more often now that functionality has been getting enhanced.

Is the ability to "Restore open tabs on restart" still something being evaluted and/or on the to-do list? Would enjoy the ability to mimic like how open browser tabs in Chrome/FF are handled with the "Continue where you left off" option. Thanks!
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Re: Tabs

Post by void »

Sessions are in development. (Restore previous session and reopen recently closed tabs)
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Re: Tabs

Post by meteorquake »

Currently tabs share a common Folder Bar and other Bars and preview visibility and state which doesn't work well. Mostly I'm finding the tabs need their own settings - one tab will have the Folder Bar Hidden, another it visible, another preview on.
Perhaps there are scenarios where it's useful to have them in common but I'm not encountering that, and I find it's a frequent issue that they have one state in common now that I'm using tabs heavily (I'm still using windows too as they are good for tiling several to fill the screen).
It would be good to have the facility that the tabs can have their own individualised bar and pane states, but perhaps a 'sticky' or 'in sync' toggle button that means the states are synchronised or not, and everything just remembers the syncy state across exits and reopens.
Many thanks!
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Re: Tabs

Post by meteorquake »

With -new-tab it would be handy to say if this is placed at the start or the end of the existing tabs, some of my launches using -new-tab are always wanting them at the start.
* Technically it may be ideal to give an ordinal, e.g. -new-tab 2, so 1 is at the start, 2 is pos 2, -1 is end, -2 is just before the end. I would think 1 and -1 would be the main ones to use but I wouldn't discount some other number being used if there's a block of tabs you like to keep left-most and want to place an item immediately after that block but before the end.
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