[Suggestion] Combine /rescan and /reindex

Discussion related to "Everything" 1.5 Alpha.
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[Suggestion] Combine /rescan and /reindex

Post by NotNull »

/rescan [path] is used for re-scanning non-NTFS, non-REFs volumes/folders

To rescan an NTFS volume, one would need to use /reindex [path]

Do both basically the same? Intuitively I would say /rescan re-reads basic file information (name, size, date,..) and leaves indexed content and properties as-is, whereas /reindex re-reads basic file information and content and properties ("start from scratch").

But if they indeed have the same scope: consider converging the 2 search commands (4 including aliases) into one.
Each time I need this (about once a month) I need to check the documentation which one to use for NTFS volumes.
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Re: [Suggestion] Combine /rescan and /reindex

Post by void »


Does a background rescan.
The completed rescan is merged with the Everything index. (adds new files, removes deleted files and updates any modified files)
Keeps indexed properties.


Performs a fresh reindex of the volume.
A quick reindex is performed.
You cannot search during the quick reindex.
The quick reindex should only take a few seconds for NTFS volumes.
Indexed properties are regathered.

If you specify a volume for /rescan, the entire volume is rescanned.
You can specify a subfolder to speed up rescanning.
For example /rescan c:\subfolderA\subfolderB
(only c:\subfolderA\subfolderB and subfolders are rescanned)

Intuitively I would say /rescan re-reads basic file information (name, size, date,..) and leaves indexed content and properties as-is, whereas /reindex re-reads basic file information and content and properties ("start from scratch").
Yes, correct.

You can now forget about /rescan and /reindex and use the simpler methods:

Tools -> Options -> Folders -> Select folder -> Rescan Now.
Tools -> Options -> NTFS -> Right click volume -> Reindex.
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