Couple of suggestion

Discussion related to "Everything" 1.5 Alpha.
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Couple of suggestion

Post by NotNull »

The command behind the ES: protocol is currently "C:\Program Files\Everything 1.5a\Everything64.exe" -url "%1"

Consider adding -newtab :
"C:\Program Files\Everything 1.5a\Everything64.exe" -newtab -url "%1"

The following suggestions are questionable -- probably lots more work compared to what it brings in the end -- but I have to get them out of my system:

- A Start Everything in Safe-mode option (something like Tools => Debug => Safe Mode )
This would disable most shell extensions, what now already can be done through advanced settings.
(it feels like the amount of people with faulty shell extensions is rising; this would be a quick and easy do-it-yourself test)

- An option to lock the first n columns, just like in spreadsheets. When showing many properties, horizontal scrolling is needed. Would be nice to keep (for example) Name and Path locked in place and therefor still visible.
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Re: Couple of suggestion

Post by void »

Consider adding -newtab :
I will look into doing this:

"C:\Program Files\Everything 1.5a\Everything64.exe" -new-window -url "%1"

and add a UI option: "open in tabs instead of new windows".

- A Start Everything in Safe-mode option (something like Tools => Debug => Safe Mode )
I've been thinking about this recently.
I will look into enabling shell_max_path by default.
This doesn't need to be disabled any more now that Everything will attempt to use short paths for really long filenames.
A common issue with shell extensions is using really long filenames.

There's already a -safe-mode command line option.
Currently, this just disables plugins.
I will make this disable icon shell extensions too.

I'll look into adding a shortcut somewhere to make this easier to access.
I'll also look into monitoring crashes when I add sessions. Perhaps if Everything detects a few crashes it can prompt to run in safe mode.

I will consider a Tools -> Debug -> Safe Mode option.
But if the user is already running Everything to get to this menu, is it really needed?

- An option to lock the first n columns, just like in spreadsheets. When showing many properties, horizontal scrolling is needed. Would be nice to keep (for example) Name and Path locked in place and therefor still visible.
It's on my TODO list :)

Thank you for the suggestions.
Posts: 16428
Joined: Fri Oct 16, 2009 11:31 pm

Re: Couple of suggestion

Post by void »

Everything adds a "Show searches in new tabs" option under Tools -> Options -> UI.

When enabled, running Everything.exe with a search, URL or filelist will open a new tab.

This is similar to the "Open links in new tabs instead of new windows" option you might find in your browser.
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