What do I have?
- Using v1.5.0.1373a, I have a list of folders in my Result Omissions. Mostly Backup-, Windows- and Temp-Directories. With that I can concentrate on my productive data files.
- Additionally I have assigned "Ctrl-O" to "Index | Enable Result Omissions (Global)". With that shortcut I can quickly switch between results and omitted results.
- And I have the URL protocol checked to use "es:searchtext" as new URL
What do I want to achieve?
I want to build URL's where I can overwrite the current state of OMIT (lower right corner). BTW, regardless of what the state actually is.
Example: with this URL
es:c:\windows\ccmcache sort:path !result-omissions:
I want to show the current size of the Windows ccmcache. ccmcache is in my list of result omissions. Sure I can toggle the display using Ctrl-O as configured above. But this is an additional keystroke.
Is it possible to build a URL where I can overwrite OMIT, because I want to see the ccmcache.
I am quite aware of
- temp-result-omissions:
- result-omissions:
- omit-results:
- /enable-temp-omit-results
- /disable-temp-omit-results
- /toggle-temp-omit-results
Any help?