Cmd : "New Sibling Folder"

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Cmd : "New Sibling Folder"

Post by meteorquake »

Currently there's a "New Folder" command that creates a child folder.

* It would be very useful to have a "New Sibling Folder" command that creates a folder at the same level as the one you are in.

The idea is that one could then easily create a shortcut to it as a variation on the existing "New Folder" shortcut. I didn't spot one already existing.

Probably useful on some menu somewhere too.

Thanks! David
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Re: Cmd : "New Sibling Folder"

Post by NotNull »

In my opinion this is quite niche and belongs in a filemanager more than in a search tool, but a very simple way to get this working in Everything (and in file managers too):

To install: Run the following command in a Command Prompt (CMD.exe):

Code: Select all

reg.exe ADD "HKCU\SOFTWARE\Classes\Directory\shell\SiblingFolder\command" /ve /d "cmd.exe /V:ON /C   set /p sibling=Folder name? & md \"%V\..\!sibling!\"" /F
After installation:
- Right-click a folder
- Select SiblingFolder
- Enter a name for the folder
- Press ENTER
- Done.

To uninstall, run:

Code: Select all

reg.exe delete "HKCU\SOFTWARE\Classes\Directory\shell\SiblingFolder" /F 
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Re: Cmd : "New Sibling Folder"

Post by meteorquake »

Well I could do a special script, but I have to carry out the task so often I thought it would be worthwhile being there... I usually Shift-Tab to the Folder Bar, hit the arrow left, then do Ctrl-Shift-N. Searching and re-filing are very much connected tasks.

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Re: Cmd : "New Sibling Folder"

Post by NotNull »

Did you try it?
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Re: Cmd : "New Sibling Folder"

Post by meteorquake »

I'm thinking for any script I would probably extend it so that it pops up the whole path to type at the end of, allowing editing the path at the same time if needed.

My main thought is to feedback an action that may be useful to make generally available.

Everything is a search tool, but searching has no use unless you then act on the result of the search. Opening files isn't the only action to take on such search results, but refiling is also a common task - finding files and dragging them into new places - of which splitting a folder into sibling folders or sequentially creating sibling folders to do that task is going to be a common refiling need, much as the existing ability to create subfolders helps with refiling...
Obviously it helps that Everything would be able to focus on the new folder whilst maintaining the existing search results.

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