Property Name Aliases

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Property Name Aliases

Post by void »

The following property name aliases can be used when referencing a property by name:

attrib == attributes
basename == name
da == date accessed
dc == date created
dm == date modified
ext == extension
len == file name length
pathlen == full path length
regexmatch0 == regular expression match 0
regexmatch1 == regular expression match 1
regexmatch2 == regular expression match 2
regexmatch3 == regular expression match 3
regexmatch4 == regular expression match 4
regexmatch5 == regular expression match 5
regexmatch6 == regular expression match 6
regexmatch7 == regular expression match 7
regexmatch8 == regular expression match 8
regexmatch9 == regular expression match 9
regexmatches == regular expression matches 1-9
regmatch0 == regular expression match 0
regmatch1 == regular expression match 1
regmatch2 == regular expression match 2
regmatch3 == regular expression match 3
regmatch4 == regular expression match 4
regmatch5 == regular expression match 5
regmatch6 == regular expression match 6
regmatch7 == regular expression match 7
regmatch8 == regular expression match 8
regmatch9 == regular expression match 9
regmatches == regular expression matches 1-9

For example:
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