Autosize Columns suggested improvement

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Autosize Columns suggested improvement

Post by meteorquake »

Currently there's the autosize columns to fit the results viewable width command
It doesn't do a great job because it can't read your mind which column you are most interested in prioritising space for. It particularly gets it wrong when there are long path names and you are wanting to focus on e.g. the Name (or for music lovers, the Album) etc.
* Can I suggest there be a command which you can assign a keyboard shortcut to that resizes the columns with priority for whatever column your cursor is over. So when you want to see the names mostly you just hover over the name column and do the shortcut, and so on.
* When you currently shift-right click a column heading it just has the generic "Size All Columns To Fit Window" but perhaps could say (instead or as well) "Size All Columns To Fit Window Prioritising <current column name>"
Cheers, David
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Re: Autosize Columns suggested improvement

Post by void »

I will consider an option to prioritized a column when auto sizing.

Thank you for the suggestion.

For now, please consider auto sizing all columns to fit the window:
Ctrl + Shift + Numpad+
Shift + right click the result list column header and click Size all columns to fit window.

Then double click the divider on the right side of the prioritized column.
Adjust other columns as needed.
-The issue here is choosing the columns which you can shrink. (My guess would be the path column, but this might be wrong so it will be hard to have Everything automatically do this)

There's also Alt + 1, Alt + 2, Alt + 3 and Alt + 4
I have on my TODO list to add a command to save window and column positions and restore them with Alt + 0..9
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