Help to restore CHK files that only Everything can see

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Help to restore CHK files that only Everything can see

Post by YaSo »

I have Windows 7 home 64bit PC with a 480tb SSD, a 2tb SATA internal drive, and a 3tb USB3 drive.

Both the 2tb and 3tb drives have many video and music files and were getting filled up. I was doing some Autumn Cleaning and was moving files around, deleting copies and renaming folders. When I renamed a folder with 500gb of movies on the USB3 drive I ran into an error (probably due to long file / folder names). Windows 'lost' the files. It had been years since I had a drive error and looked for Windows tools to diagnose the error, an a chkdsk, and Windows converted the folder/files into chk files. Everything sees the files in the chk files but Explorer doesn't even see the chk files themselves.

I tried a few tools from Sourceforge and other places, but nothing seems to see the chk files. Windows Explorer properties on the drive shows that the drive is a 3tb drive (2.7tb) and only shows 2.2tb of space. Other files on the drive are accessible, it is only those that were converted to chk that went missing. I tried dragging and dropping

Does anyone know how I should proceed now? I have a new blank 4tb USB3 drive, and unplugged the 3tb USB3 drive until I could find a solution. Thanks!
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Re: Help to restore CHK files that only Everything can see

Post by therube »

Might you need to run Everything or the other tools you're using "as Administrator"?
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Re: Help to restore CHK files that only Everything can see

Post by YaSo »

I have Everything set up to bypass UAC at system startup, since the UAC prompt was driving me nuts. I must have tried 5 different tools, though I couldn't tell you which ones (the problem happened 2 months ago, only just now did I get the new USB drive) but I do recall them asking for a UAC check at installation. I'd have to go back and try them agaib, but if I am running Windows as an administrator with hidden and system files set to be shown, I can't imagine why Explorer and the CHK tools can't see the files while Everything can see them.
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Re: Help to restore CHK files that only Everything can see

Post by therube »

Where are they located?
What are their permissions?
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