void wrote: Sat Jan 01, 2022 7:48 am
If you copy the full path and filename (right click -> Copy Full Path to Clipboard) and paste this in Start -> Run, does the same issue occur?
No. It opens in WinRAR, as desirable.
void wrote: Sat Jan 01, 2022 7:48 am
Could you please send some debug output:
- In Everything, type in the following search and press ENTER:
---this will show a debug console.
Open a zip file
What is shown in the debug cnosole? (right click the debug console title bar and under the Edit, click Select All. Right click the selected text to copy it to the clipboard)
Debug console starts to show several lines, non stop.
I use letter B to store my "My documents" folder. It's not usual.
I thought it's important to say.
Some snapshots:

- 1.png (48.05 KiB) Viewed 30361 times

- 2.png (85.39 KiB) Viewed 30361 times

- 3.png (100.26 KiB) Viewed 30361 times
void wrote: Sat Jan 01, 2022 7:48 am
To close the debug console:
- In Everything, type in the following search and press ENTER:
I was afraid about the operation never ended and closed it using CTRL-C.
Here is the console content opening a zip file:
Code: Select all
Version (x64)
Windows NT 6.1
Processors 8
IsAdmin 1
AppData 1
Service 1
cmdline "C:\Program Files\Everything\Everything.exe"
WM_ACTIVATE 0000000000000000 0000000000000000, lastfocus 0000000000030a74, curre
nt focus 0000000000030a74
update index B:
USN DATA_OVERWRITE 60059D769D21AB40F945A158C5CFD97C960B626C
updated B: in 0.004386 seconds
processed usn records in 0.000506 seconds
DB_WAIT: _db_ready_proc waiting...
DB_WAIT: _db_ready_proc waited 0.000428 seconds
scanning Y:\...
failed to open directory 3
scanning Y:\...
update index B:
failed to open directory 3
USN CREATE DELETE DATA_EXTEND CLOSE 3647222921wleabcEoxlt-eengsairo.sqlite-shm
USN CREATE DATA_EXTEND DATA_TRUNCATION CLOSE 3647222921wleabcEoxlt-eengsairo.sql
USN DELETE CLOSE 3647222921wleabcEoxlt-eengsairo.sqlite-wal
USN DATA_OVERWRITE CLOSE 3647222921wleabcEoxlt-eengsairo.sqlite
updated B: in 0.016380 seconds
processed usn records in 0.002689 seconds
DB_WAIT: _db_ready_proc waiting...
DB_WAIT: _db_ready_proc waited 0.000465 seconds
scanning Y:\...
failed to open directory 3
WM_ACTIVATE 0000000000000001 0000000000000000, lastfocus 0000000000030a74, curre
nt focus 0000000000000000
unable to set focus 0
scanning Y:\...
failed to open directory 3
search 'z' filter '' sort 13
term 00000000070e76b0, flags: 3140, next: 0000000000000000, notnext: 00000000000
folderop: 2, fileop: 2, term: z
found 12684 folders, size 131272, db search time taken: 0.019795 seconds
found 137748 files, size 1116280, db search time taken: 0.089866 seconds
total size 339430640032, calculated in 0.001640 seconds
set sort 13 1
finished sort, time taken 0.000452 seconds
update selection 0.000000 seconds
DB_WAIT: _db_ready_proc waiting...
DB_WAIT: _db_ready_proc waited 0.000057 seconds
new results 150432
when ready 11 000000000000002d 0000000000000000
scanning Y:\...
failed to open directory 3
search 'zi' filter '' sort 13
term 00000000070e8730, flags: 3140, next: 0000000000000000, notnext: 00000000000
folderop: 2, fileop: 2, term: zi
found 887 folders, size 65552, db search time taken: 0.006276 seconds
found 15578 files, size 131320, db search time taken: 0.069266 seconds
total size 55092576882, calculated in 0.000237 seconds
set sort 13 1
finished sort, time taken 0.000435 seconds
update selection 0.000000 seconds
DB_WAIT: _db_ready_proc waiting...
DB_WAIT: _db_ready_proc waited 0.000073 seconds
new results 16465
search 'zip' filter '' sort 13
term 00000000070e72b0, flags: 3140, next: 0000000000000000, notnext: 00000000000
folderop: 2, fileop: 2, term: zip
found 63 folders, size 65544, db search time taken: 0.015993 seconds
found 6130 files, size 65640, db search time taken: 0.075736 seconds
total size 20189308462, calculated in 0.000084 seconds
set sort 13 1
finished sort, time taken 0.000393 seconds
update selection 0.000000 seconds
DB_WAIT: _db_ready_proc waiting...
DB_WAIT: _db_ready_proc waited 0.000059 seconds
new results 6193
when ready 11 000000000000002d 0000000000000000
scanning Y:\...
failed to open directory 3
update index B:
USN CREATE 3647222921wleabcEoxlt-eengsairo.sqlite-wal
USN CREATE 3647222921wleabcEoxlt-eengsairo.sqlite-shm
USN CREATE DATA_EXTEND 3647222921wleabcEoxlt-eengsairo.sqlite-shm
updated B: in 0.009683 seconds
processed usn records in 0.002716 seconds
DB_WAIT: _db_ready_proc waiting...
DB_WAIT: _db_ready_proc waited 0.000510 seconds
scanning Y:\...
failed to open directory 3
tooltip created 30a88
scanning Y:\...
failed to open directory 3
scanning Y:\...
failed to open directory 3
scanning Y:\...
failed to open directory 3
update index B:
USN CREATE DELETE DATA_EXTEND CLOSE 3647222921wleabcEoxlt-eengsairo.sqlite-shm
USN CREATE CLOSE 3647222921wleabcEoxlt-eengsairo.sqlite-wal
USN DELETE CLOSE 3647222921wleabcEoxlt-eengsairo.sqlite-wal
updated B: in 0.019320 seconds
processed usn records in 0.001397 seconds
DB_WAIT: _db_ready_proc waiting...
DB_WAIT: _db_ready_proc waited 0.000855 seconds
scanning Y:\...
failed to open directory 3
scanning Y:\...
failed to open directory 3
selection: 1/1: F:\Meus documentos\Megasync 107\Net\Bandeja - System Tray - RBTr
exec: first expr
exec: command $exec("%1")
exec: fullfilename F:\Meus documentos\Megasync 107\Net\Bandeja - System Tray - R
exec: depth 0
exec: exec "%1")
exec: depth 1
exec: got "F:\Meus documentos\Megasync 107\Net\Bandeja - System Tray - RBTray-4_
exec: shellexecute (idlist) file:F:\Meus documentos\Megasync 107\Net\Bandeja - S
ystem Tray - RBTray-4_3.zip param:
WM_ACTIVATE 0000000000000000 0000000000020a8a, lastfocus 0000000000030a72, curre
nt focus 0000000000030a72
Enter ShellExecuteExW
F:\Meus documentos\Megasync 107\Net
Leave ShellExecuteExW
WM_ACTIVATE 0000000000000001 0000000000020a8a, lastfocus 0000000000030a72, curre
nt focus 0000000000020a8a
sub buf killed
set 1 run history in 0.000130 seconds
exec: main thread regained focus
new results 6193
update index C:
USN WM_ACTIVATE 0000000000000000 0000000000000000, lastfocus 0000000000030a72, c
urrent focus 0000000000030a72
CREATE Bandeja - System Tray - RBTray-4_3.zip.lnk
USN CREATE DATA_EXTEND Bandeja - System Tray - RBTray-4_3.zip.lnk
USN CREATE DATA_EXTEND CLOSE Bandeja - System Tray - RBTray-4_3.zip.lnk
updated C: in 0.028039 seconds
unable to update file: Bandeja - System Tray - RBTray-4_3.zip.lnk: file not foun
unable to update file: Bandeja - System Tray - RBTray-4_3.zip.lnk: file not foun
processed usn records in 0.016340 seconds
DB_WAIT: _db_ready_proc waiting...
DB_WAIT: _db_ready_proc waited 0.006601 seconds
scanning Y:\...
failed to open directory 3
update index B:
USN DATA_OVERWRITE 60059D769D21AB40F945A158C5CFD97C960B626C
updated B: in 0.004336 seconds
processed usn records in 0.000265 seconds
DB_WAIT: _db_ready_proc waiting...
DB_WAIT: _db_ready_proc waited 0.000314 seconds
update index C:
updated C: in 0.005688 seconds
processed usn records in 0.000305 seconds
DB_WAIT: _db_ready_proc waiting...
DB_WAIT: _db_ready_proc waited 0.000484 seconds
scanning Y:\...
failed to open directory 3
scanning Y:\...
failed to open directory 3
scanning Y:\...
failed to open directory 3
scanning Y:\...
failed to open directory 3
scanning Y:\...
failed to open directory 3
CreateFileW(): 3: Failed to open file X:\
os_create_file X:\ 3
update index B:
CreateFileW(): 3: Failed to open file Y:\
os_create_file Y:\ 3
USN CREATE DELETE DATA_EXTEND CLOSE 3647222921wleabcEoxlt-eengsairo.sqlite-shm
USN CREATE CLOSE 3647222921wleabcEoxlt-eengsairo.sqlite-wal
USN DELETE CLOSE 3647222921wleabcEoxlt-eengsairo.sqlite-wal
updated B: in 0.014610 seconds
processed usn records in 0.001927 seconds
DB_WAIT: _db_ready_proc waiting...
DB_WAIT: _db_ready_proc waited 0.000538 seconds
scanning Y:\...
failed to open directory 3
update index B:
USN CREATE 3647222921wleabcEoxlt-eengsairo.sqlite-wal
USN CREATE 3647222921wleabcEoxlt-eengsairo.sqlite-shm
USN CREATE DATA_EXTEND 3647222921wleabcEoxlt-eengsairo.sqlite-shm
USN CREATE DATA_EXTEND 3647222921wleabcEoxlt-eengsairo.sqlite-wal
updated B: in 0.012334 seconds
processed usn records in 0.001960 seconds
DB_WAIT: _db_ready_proc waiting...
DB_WAIT: _db_ready_proc waited 0.000454 seconds
scanning Y:\...
failed to open directory 3
scanning Y:\...
failed to open directory 3
update index B:
USN DATA_OVERWRITE 3647222921wleabcEoxlt-eengsairo.sqlite
updated B: in 0.005607 seconds
processed usn records in 0.000428 seconds
DB_WAIT: _db_ready_proc waiting...
DB_WAIT: _db_ready_proc waited 0.000487 seconds
scanning Y:\...
failed to open directory 3
update index B:
USN CREATE DATA_EXTEND DATA_TRUNCATION 3647222921wleabcEoxlt-eengsairo.sqlite-wa
updated B: in 0.007017 seconds
processed usn records in 0.000600 seconds
DB_WAIT: _db_ready_proc waiting...
DB_WAIT: _db_ready_proc waited 0.000421 seconds
void wrote: Sat Jan 01, 2022 7:48 am
Does the issue occur with
Everything 1.5a?
Everything 1.5 will invoke the default context menu item (like Windows Explorer).
No. It opens in WinRAR, as desirable.